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Trump threatens Venezuela with unspecified 'military option'


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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

huh….please be specific and stop mumbling.

For a stater advocating torture, collective punishment, vilifying minorities, expressing support for dictators, removing financial oversight of credit policy that original created the first waves of the Global Financial Crisis etc etc etc 

Edited by simple1
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17 hours ago, otherstuff1957 said:

Venezuela doesn't have nukes, but does have oil.


It would be much less likely to spin out of control than N. Korea and would provide a nice distraction from health care, Russia, N. Korea, tax breaks for the wealthy, raising the debt limit, etc... etc...


but even easy targets have a way of spinning out of control, Vietnam,Irag etc. One would have thought that they would have learned from the past.

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I am pretty much sure this is just rhetoric.   It's a civil conflict with virtually no impact on the US.   Until there is an impact, such as large number of refugees fleeing to the US in boats, ala Africa to Europe, the impact will be minimal.   


I am not even sure if there is a side in the conflict worth supporting.   As far as the oil is concerned, it will be there and it will be sold on the international market, so no need to grab territory or make an attempt to gain some kind of control.   It won't work.   

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20 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

In the past, the US has waded in when human rights are threatened in latin america.


No one called those presidents crazy…..but now its open season for the all kinds of unhinged people to take a shot at him. Losing makes people twisted.




Get real, the US and human rights? Guantanamo, ever heard what is happening there for years already

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1 minute ago, FritsSikkink said:

Get real, the US and human rights? Guantanamo, ever heard what is happening there for years already


Since the JFK administration USA is the undisputed and foremost warmongering country on this planet!

It is USA who create seemingly unstable situations in many countries. USA then 'justify' to the world that invading and killing is their 'policing' right citing "humanity" and "democracy"; Their infestation is nothing but to satisfy their insatiable thirst for oil and continued strive for world dominance.

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The deflector in chief does seem to be itching for a war. Perhaps he feels it will help his sagging poll approval numbers. Let's see. Where should we invade first? North Korea? Iran? Syria? Venezuela? No doubt the last would be the easiest. Perhaps he is trying to pick a patsy nation in the same way Tiny George II picked Iraq? That sure worked out well, didn't it? 


His ignorance knows no bounds. His ambitions rival those of Bush Jr. and several others I can name, that went down into the dustbin of history. One can only hope that Kelly will put his foot up his butt.

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In the past, the US has waded in when human rights are threatened in latin america.
No one called those presidents crazy…..but now its open season for the all kinds of unhinged people to take a shot at him. Losing makes people twisted.

He's an idiot and everyone damn well knows it. You can't defend the indefensible!
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22 hours ago, Jingthing said:

trump appears to be bucking for some kind of war because the Russian investigation is quickly closing in on him. Classic tactic of corrupt authoritarians with very low approval. This situation is not funny.

Not funny at all:sad:

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2 hours ago, SouthernDelight said:


Since the JFK administration USA is the undisputed and foremost warmongering country on this planet!

It is USA who create seemingly unstable situations in many countries. USA then 'justify' to the world that invading and killing is their 'policing' right citing "humanity" and "democracy"; Their infestation is nothing but to satisfy their insatiable thirst for oil and continued strive for world dominance.

People in Venezuela are suffering and dying.  How is the warmonger U.S. responsible for that?


BTW:  You're right about the "world dominance"...Google, Apple, Amazon, etc.  :cheesy:

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On 8/12/2017 at 1:18 PM, ilostmypassword said:

I believe the last time the US openly intervened militarily in Latin American was the invasion of the Dominican Republic in the middle 60's. A lot has changed since then. But it's especially bizarre to be threatening it while you're threatening another country on the other side of the world at the same time. It's doubtful anyone takes it seriously but it does give the government of Venezuela a good excuse to continue its repression.

You forget about Nicaragua, Guatemala, Grenada, Panama and others

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Smart move!!...Trump will further crash the value of the US$....and US exports will boom!!...as one would doubt that such politics are about anything else but money!!


The small arms lobby also must be lining up in Venezuala to sell their light and medium category toys through their different channels!!....


Time to bring back Col. Oliver North to business!!! :clap2:

Edited by observer90210
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11 hours ago, simple1 said:

Off topic, but what remit did Bush have to destroy Afghanistan in taking on Al Qaeda. You do know hundreds of Al Qaeda members were not stopped by US forces from seeking sanctuary in Pakistan (Rumsfeld policy - “Don’t over-elevate the importance of al Qaida,” )

Quite right .. Whatever D J T decides to do in Venezuela will be a U S policy decision only .. Or Unilateral as they say .. Though it should'nt be overlooked why he's using the rhetoric he his .. Civil unrest brought about by the present incumbent Prez' Maduro's fiddling about with their constitution to ensure it favours his own Marxist orientated gov' is but a couple of stops away from full on civil insurrection .. Especially if the people don't want it which from what i've seen they don't .. So what do you expect when all this is happenening in the U S's backyard ..  D J T will not be consulting with any one whatever he decides .. Bush2's bombing of Afghanistan and subsequent invasion was covered by U N Security Council mandate 1386 which was invoked ( unanimously ) Dec 2001 following the 9/11 events .. Observations of the resolution included  " to eradicate terrorism within Afghanistan " Bush believed Bin Laden was responsible for 9/11 which was a terrorist act of mass murder and that Osama was hanging out in Afghanistan so he went after him .. That a lot of Al Qaeda people fled the borders to Pakistan I would not dispute after all that's where the U S eventually found Bin Laden .. Best not quote D Rumsfeld though he's quite discredited nowadays .. As for whether Trump actually uses force instead of talking about it is debateable .. This is just Donald being Donald .. :smile:

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Doesn't take much for the US to decide on a bit of military tourism in their own back yard. And look at the benefits, a bit of soft experience for the troops and a great way to test out the new toys. There's even an educational benefit, millions of americans get to learn of a new country.

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2 minutes ago, halloween said:

Doesn't take much for the US to decide on a bit of military tourism in their own back yard. And look at the benefits, a bit of soft experience for the troops and a great way to test out the new toys. There's even an educational benefit, millions of americans get to learn of a new country.

Sure thing in a few decades time Venezuluan arepas will become as American as Vietnamese Pho. 

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4 minutes ago, halloween said:

Doesn't take much for the US to decide on a bit of military tourism in their own back yard. And look at the benefits, a bit of soft experience for the troops and a great way to test out the new toys. There's even an educational benefit, millions of americans get to learn of a new country.

Smug, content-free nonsense.

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4 minutes ago, rijb said:

Smug, content-free nonsense.

El Salvador, Nicaragua, Grenada, Honduras, Haiti, Panama, Columbia, Haiti again, all in the last 50 years. Central Americans are probably quite happy you've decided to throw your weight around elsewhere for a while.

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2 minutes ago, halloween said:

El Salvador, Nicaragua, Grenada, Honduras, Haiti, Panama, Columbia, Haiti again, all in the last 50 years. Central Americans are probably quite happy you've decided to throw your weight around elsewhere for a while.

If you believe history was that black and white, I was wrong.  You're not smug.  You're ignorant.

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13 hours ago, simple1 said:

For a stater advocating torture, collective punishment, vilifying minorities, expressing support for dictators, removing financial oversight of credit policy that original created the first waves of the Global Financial Crisis etc etc etc 

nothing some of his predecessors haven't done…altho they're quite sneaky the way they cover it up.

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3 minutes ago, rijb said:

If you believe history was that black and white, I was wrong.  You're not smug.  You're ignorant.

As my original post says, it doesn't take much for the US to decide on a bit of military tourism. But hey, you have god and democracy on your side, so the objections of the locals don't count for much.

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Just now, halloween said:

As my original post says, it doesn't take much for the US to decide on a bit of military tourism. But hey, you have god and democracy on your side, so the objections of the locals don't count for much.

And your country has promised to back them up.

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4 minutes ago, rijb said:

And your country has promised to back them up.

I'll have to quote you from another thread, same subject - "Prove it."   I have no recollection of Oz support for any of your many central american "interventions'.

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1 minute ago, halloween said:

I'll have to quote you from another thread, same subject - "Prove it."   I have no recollection of Oz support for any of your many central american "interventions'.

They'll do it out of devotion to Trump.  :cheesy:

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

Still nostalgic for the cold war, are we?

Not really though I understand the Russians would prefer a return to the " good ole' days " hence comrade Putin's popularity amongst his people .. Better to understand how things played out at the end of WW2 to express a balanced view of why the U S were needed as the counterbalance to the creep of Marxism .. What is happenening with the U S and Venezuela at the moment is the latest chapter of that long running act .. 

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