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After criticism, White House says Trump condemns KKK, neo-Nazis


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6 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

The lesson that must be learned here, is if a crowd of antifa decide to attack a car with baseball bats (as per the many videos online), don't choose a mopar. After mowing down his attackers, reversing over more attackers and generally abusing his Dodge Charger, the airbags didn't even inflate. Just try doing that in an import box. Best ad for Detroit steel in a good few decades.

Can you post a link to one of these videos?  The only footage I have seen shows the car ploughing into the crowd and then those left standing attacking the car.


It's interesting that the alt-right terrorists are aping the tactics of the muslim terrorists they profess to abhor. 

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56 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

 The important thing is not to tar a whole group because of one mentally unstable individual. In the same way that it is not politically correct to blame all muslims when one of them mows down a crowd with a truck, it is not polite to blame all patriots because one has a bad day behind the wheel. 


Couldn't resist the opportunity to slide in your "muslims" take could ya?


A bad day behind the wheel you say?



Lest we forget the others who died because of these clowns.


"Both troopers onboard, Lieutenant H. Jay Cullen, 48, and Berke M.M. Bates, one day shy of his 41st birthday, were killed."

"Police said the helicopter had been deployed to the violent protests in the city, which has been caught in the middle of the nation's culture wars since it decided earlier this year to remove a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, enshrined in bronze on horseback in the city's Emancipation Park."




No reports that James Alex Fields Jr., who has been charged with second-degree murder and other counts, is "one mentally unstable individual"

Unless you apply that to the company he keeps.

Seen here (center) in a photo hours before he decided to plow his 3,834 lb vehicle into innocent bystanders.



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iReason, you claim the violence was premeditated. That is your right to have this opinion.


 Can you clarify why so many of the crowd that got run over were carrying baseball bats? Is carrying baseball bats a show of peaceful intent during a protest? Any half decent lawyer will get this kid off a self defense claim.


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7 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

iReason, you claim the violence was premeditated. That is your right to have this opinion.


 Can you clarify why so many of the crowd that got run over were carrying baseball bats? Is carrying baseball bats a show of peaceful intent during a protest? Any half decent lawyer will get this kid off a self defense claim.


Do you make this stuff up yourself or get it from the "alt-right" / neo-Nazi media? 

Edited by Jingthing
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The Nazi violence was premeditated. The following piece for Caroline O, offers proof from the pre rally tweets by the rally organizers:




Rally attendees are also planning for counter-protesters and many seem to be looking for confrontation. Michael Hill, head of the neo-Confederate League of the South, is telling people to gear-up for confrontations with counter-protesters, while Timothy “Treadstone” Gionet, aka “Baked Alaska,” is hoping for a confrontation with anti-fascist protesters. Based on their Twitter posts, other rally attendees also appear to be planning for violence and confrontation Saturday.

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Do you make this stuff yourself or get it from the "alt-right" / neo-Nazi media? 

neo-nazi...alt-right...pigeon holing...painting all with a thick brush.....


click on this link, scroll down to view the 2nd image. If you can't palate the source it is a group of antifa violently attacking the Dodge Charger with baseball bats, within 2 seconds of the crash. Did these baseball bats materialize out of thin air??



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5 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

neo-nazi...alt-right...pigeon holing...painting all with a thick brush.....


click on this link, scroll down to view the 2nd image. If you can't palate the source it is a group of antifa violently attacking the Dodge Charger with baseball bats, within 2 seconds of the crash. Did these baseball bats materialize out of thin air??



Dude, stop the disingenuous games. You suggested the car was attacked before the Nazi terrorist in the car ran over the people. Very weak. 

Of course, vigilante actions after the Nazi terrorist acted can't be defended. Understandable though. 

Also the Nazi terrorist BACKED UP the car into the crowd. If you're BS was correct and he was really in mortal danger in the car, he already PASSED the crowd, so no need to run over them in self defense.

He has no good defense.

He will be convicted and possibly executed. 

If not executed, sadly, he will find many fellow Nazis to hang out with in prison. 

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5 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

neo-nazi...alt-right...pigeon holing...painting all with a thick brush.....


click on this link, scroll down to view the 2nd image. If you can't palate the source it is a group of antifa violently attacking the Dodge Charger with baseball bats, within 2 seconds of the crash. Did these baseball bats materialize out of thin air??




Dont see any baseball bats in that link, are you sure you're not just making stuff up and seeing what you want to see?

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33 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

iReason, you claim the violence was premeditated. That is your right to have this opinion.

Can you clarify why so many of the crowd that got run over were carrying baseball bats? Is carrying baseball bats a show of peaceful intent during a protest? Any half decent lawyer will get this kid off a self defense claim.

"iReason, you claim the violence was premeditated. That is your right to have this opinion."


You are awfully confused. Right out of the gate.

And your perception is certainly suspect. i.e:

"Charlottesville police chief says violence was "premeditated," suspect is in custody"


"Can you clarify why so many of the crowd that got run over were carrying baseball bats?"


No. Can you?

Let's see you produce a photo of your claim:  "so many of the crowd...were carrying baseball bats"

You cannot.


I see no one in the crowd beating the car before.


I see a pledged member of the the racist faction;

Vanguard America, deliberately plow his 3,834 lb vehicle into innocent bystanders.

Then attempt to flee the crime scene.


I see several in the crowd beating the implement of destruction with handles from their signs.


I see you shamefully attempting to deflect from a murder.



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1 hour ago, FreddieRoyle said:

 The important thing is not to tar a whole group because of one mentally unstable individual. In the same way that it is not politically correct to blame all muslims when one of them mows down a crowd with a truck, it is not polite to blame all patriots because one has a bad day behind the wheel. 

All rednecks are not as bad as the murderer in the car.  But I've known a lot of rednecks, and they're a gnarly bunch - often quick to anger, revenge, recrimination, inflicting harm.  Here are some redneck stories which happened among people I know.....


>>> A small boy goes roaming off from his house to his neighbor's house. The redneck neighbor takes the boy back to the boy's house and chastises the father. Half hour later, the father comes over to the other man's house.  The other man is waiting with a rifle and shoots his neighbor dead.


>>> A man is lounging in his underpants in his back yard. His redneck neighbor, who happens to have a 14 yr old daughter, sees the sunbathing man next door.  Shoots through the fence and kills him.


>>>  A hippie has a weird habit of pooping on his compost pile in a region where each house is on 5 acres. His redneck neighbor doesn't like it, so takes his rifle and shoots the hippie dead.


>>>  a redneck woman is depressed.  Her pharma drugs aren't working as planned.  She shoots and kills her 3 kids.


That's just a modicum of true stories. The US is infected by many hard-core rednecks.  Trump is blowing wind into their sails.  They feel empowered.  When Trump gets tossed out before his term is up, ...that's when we'll really see Redneck + guns mayhem in the US.

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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Dude, stop the disingenuous games. You suggested the car was attacked before the Nazi terrorist in the car ran over the people. Very weak. 

Of course, vigilante actions after the Nazi terrorist acted can't be defended. Understandable though. 

Also the Nazi terrorist BACKED UP the car into the crowd. If you're BS was correct and he was really in mortal danger in the car, he already PASSED the crowd, so no need to run over them in self defense.

He has no good defense.

He will be convicted and possibly executed. 

If not executed, sadly, he will find many fellow Nazis to hang out with in prison. 

Doubt he'll be executed.  He's up on 2nd degree murder charge.  


You're right about prison.  It's very stratified in there, with blacks, Latinos and Nazis.  If you're an dark-skinned Asian who grew up in Bogota, which group do you join?

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6 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Doubt he'll be executed.  He's up on 2nd degree murder charge.  


You're right about prison.  It's very stratified in there, with blacks, Latinos and Nazis.  If you're an dark-skinned Asian who grew up in Bogota, which group do you join?

It may be elevated to a terrorism case. That's not determined yet. 


Anyway, just for ironies sake, I hope the Nazi's defense lawyer is a liberal Jew from the ACLU.  :post-4641-1156694572:

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38 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Can someone explain.... what's the symbol and the meaning of the symbol shown on these guys' signs???




I don't recall ever having seen this symbol before... I guess I've been far away from the U.S. alt-right loonies fringe for too long...

They are the dim bulbs called Vanguard America.



I believe a prerequisite to join is a compulsory residency in their parent's basement.


In the case of James Fields, his mommie's basement.



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43 minutes ago, iReason said:

They are the dim bulbs called Vanguard America.



Well, to my surprise, I find that I wholeheartedly agree with at least one notion in their manifesto:



Democracy has failed in this once great nation. Brought to its knees by decadence, America now faces the greatest threat in its history.

But, hopefully, Trump's election and presidency will be short-lived, and he'll be relegated to the dust-bin of political history where he belongs. And then, democracy will have some chance to re-emerge in the U.S.


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The snivelling coward (that's Trump if anyone had any doubt) get's Pence the make the statement condemning the white supremacists.  Wonder what Bannon thinks of the neo Nazi scum in Charlottesville?  No doubt high fiving them good ol' boys and sending them Trump's fondest wishes. 

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2 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

iReason, you claim the violence was premeditated. That is your right to have this opinion.


 Can you clarify why so many of the crowd that got run over were carrying baseball bats? Is carrying baseball bats a show of peaceful intent during a protest? Any half decent lawyer will get this kid off a self defense claim.


Premeditated self defense. The driver knew that he was going to be attacked after he rammed into the crowd so he had no choice but to do it.

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 The important thing is not to tar a whole group because of one mentally unstable individual. In the same way that it is not politically correct to blame all muslims when one of them mows down a crowd with a truck, it is not polite to blame all patriots because one has a bad day behind the wheel. 

Is there a way that trolls who keep coming back as new members can be identified? IP address?

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5 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

 The important thing is not to tar a whole group because of one mentally unstable individual. In the same way that it is not politically correct to blame all muslims when one of them mows down a crowd with a truck, it is not polite to blame all patriots because one has a bad day behind the wheel. 

Correct me if I am wrong but I have never seen anybody denounce ALL of Christianity because of the actions of the moronic , bigoted few.

However it is commonplace to see all Muslims treated in this manner. I fail to see how such ignorant hypocrisy can be dismissed and exused by blaming 'political correctness '.

Incidently a patriot is one who is proud of ones country , not a fascist who would destroy it in the name of some warped ideaology.

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5 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

 I realize that it is popular in modern times to label any white person that is not consumed by self loathing and guilt for acts that were committed 7 or 8 decades before they were born as a Nazi. But that is a bit silly, isn't it?


 I would class as a Patriot anybody that is proud to be an American, and an anti-Patriot or traitor as anyone that is trying to rewrite history such as those that try to scrub Gen Lee's name from the history books. Not a complicated stance.

I actually agree that tearing down historical statues are on the most part simple political posturing. However that is just a red herring and you well know it. If you think white supremacy is a fine and noble cause then say so , dont be a coward and hide behind flimsy excuses and nonsensical interpretations of patriotism and citizenship. For that matter also dont hide behind a duplicate user name , what are you trying to hide ?

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7 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

 The important thing is not to tar a whole group because of one mentally unstable individual. In the same way that it is not politically correct to blame all muslims when one of them mows down a crowd with a truck, it is not polite to blame all patriots because one has a bad day behind the wheel. 

Patriot?  These people are not patriots, they are ignorant thugs and America should be ashamed of them.  Actually the vast majority are which is why the White House have been forced to condemn them.

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Statement from senator Kamela Harris:


“Many sides” suggests that there is no right side or wrong side, that all are morally equal. But I reject that. It’s not hard to spot the wrong side here. They’re the ones with the torches and the swastikas.





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14 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

iReason, you claim the violence was premeditated. That is your right to have this opinion.


 Can you clarify why so many of the crowd that got run over were carrying baseball bats? Is carrying baseball bats a show of peaceful intent during a protest? Any half decent lawyer will get this kid off a self defense claim.


I think iReasons photo below shows quite clearly that violence was 'premeditated'!  Arriving in hard hats and carrying shields and metal pipes (later the shields were used for fighting, (if they were for decoration why were they not made of cardboard), and the metal 'flag poles' were turned into weapons. Now you question that the violence was premeditated :shock1:



Any half decent lawyer will get this kid off a self defense claim.

Any half decent lawyer will put lots of these white supremacist thugs behind bars for a LONG time.



15 hours ago, iReason said:



^^^^ FreddieRoyle thinks this is not premeditated intent on violence!



14 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

neo-nazi...alt-right...pigeon holing...painting all with a thick brush.....


I don't know where FreddieRoyle has popped up from but I do believe Thai Visa now has it's own 'Unite the Right' White Supremacist.

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Freddie Royle is probably Tawan Dok Krateng Daeng, or Alan Deer, or perhaps another of his many guises??  One's banned, another surfaces.


as for apologies, Trump condemned ALL violence at the outset, but apparently that's not enough for the left??   I would have thought that condemning ALL sides for their parts would have been sufficient, but once again the left have hijacked the agenda, and there are no surprises there.


Incidentally, photoshop can produce wonders.

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