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Merck CEO resigns from Trump council over Charlottesville


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3 hours ago, iReason said:


Charlottesville, Virginia.


As mentioned in the second line of the article:

"... a white-nationalist rally turned deadly in Virginia."


An uninformed Trumpeteer?

Whatta surprise...


Uninformed about what !!  Oh, did I make the ultimate blunder in PC Land?   I'm sorry the exact language I used wasn't to your liking;  or maybe it is you who are uninformed.....when you can't correlate  "a bunch of white idiots" with "a white-nationalist rally"   Doesn't seem to be much of a stretch does it?

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4 hours ago, TGIR said:

Uninformed about what !!  Oh, did I make the ultimate blunder in PC Land?   I'm sorry the exact language I used wasn't to your liking;  or maybe it is you who are uninformed.....when you can't correlate  "a bunch of white idiots" with "a white-nationalist rally"   Doesn't seem to be much of a stretch does it?




What are you jabbering about?


8 hours ago,  TGIR said: 

Not cow-towing to CNN and the rest of the liberal press by getting their permission to say "exactly" the right thing

about the bunch of white idiots in North Carolina fighting with each other.  



Charlottesville, Virginia.

Clear enough for you this time?


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The delicious irony.


Trump has to condemn Nazis because there is a segment who didn't like him stating that "many sides were to blame".  And yet the standard narrative is that the West (i.e. white people) are oppressing Muslims and that causes them to be radicalized.  Of course this can't happen to white people because...yeah I don't know.


So either Muslims aren't radicalized by exterior pressures (because the Nazis weren't emboldened/radicalized by exterior pressures) or a serious study needs to be undertaken to prove that all of the hate in the Nazi group is caused by internal pressures.


Otherwise you are saying the poor brown/black people are slightly above beasts and only react to the white people who actually have sentience and can form their own beliefs and biases...and that sounds really racist to me.

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16 minutes ago, dave_boo said:

The delicious irony.


Trump has to condemn Nazis because there is a segment who didn't like him stating that "many sides were to blame".  And yet the standard narrative is that the West (i.e. white people) are oppressing Muslims and that causes them to be radicalized.  Of course this can't happen to white people because...yeah I don't know.


So either Muslims aren't radicalized by exterior pressures (because the Nazis weren't emboldened/radicalized by exterior pressures) or a serious study needs to be undertaken to prove that all of the hate in the Nazi group is caused by internal pressures.


Otherwise you are saying the poor brown/black people are slightly above beasts and only react to the white people who actually have sentience and can form their own beliefs and biases...and that sounds really racist to me.

Is it the standard narrative that the West is oppressing Muslims? Really. There is certainly a narrative that the West has made things worse in the Muslim world. Maybe you're benighted enough to believe that the 2nd Iraq War was a blessing to the Middle East. Or the many other Western interventions. But few cite these as the only reasons for problems in the Muslim world. And what is that can't exactly happen to white people? Do you mean being oppressed?


And why does radical or extremist behavior only have to have one kind of cause? Only to one-dimensional thinkers like yourself is that a reasonable or sensible proposition. If, in fact, that is what you're saying. It's not easy to sort out sense from the word salad you've created here. Anyway, you badly need an editor to give some kind of coherence and clarity to your writing.



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1 hour ago, iReason said:




What are you jabbering about?


8 hours ago,  TGIR said: 

Not cow-towing to CNN and the rest of the liberal press by getting their permission to say "exactly" the right thing

about the bunch of white idiots in North Carolina fighting with each other.  



Charlottesville, Virginia.

Clear enough for you this time?


Details, details. Liberals are so hung up on facts 'n sh!t.

Look, Trump good, liberals bad. Media, polls, celebrities, etc : bad (except when they say good things about Trump). Is that so hard for your liberal brain to understand? Get an edumacation already, sheesh.

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19 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Details, details. Liberals are so hung up on facts 'n sh!t.

Look, Trump good, liberals bad. Media, polls, celebrities, etc : bad (except when they say good things about Trump). Is that so hard for your liberal brain to understand? Get an edumacation already, sheesh.

Careful. The orange blossoms will be claiming you as one of their own.

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So it seems two more CEO's have resigned. Intel and Under Armour CEO's both resigned over Charlottesville.



(Reuters) - The chief executives of Intel Corp, Merck & Co Inc and Under Armour Inc resigned from U.S. President Donald Trump's American Manufacturing Council on Monday, following Trump's initially tepid response to weekend violence at a rally of white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia. 

"I resigned from the council to call attention to the serious harm our divided political climate is causing to critical issues...," Intel Chief Executive Brian Krzanich said in a blog post. intel.ly/2fFOjAd


The CEO of Under Armour, Kevin Plank, announced his resignation from the council in a Twitter posting. "We remain resolute in our potential and ability to improve American manufacturing," said Plank. "However, Under Armour engages in innovation and sports, not politics."

Seems they are abandoning the Trumptanic !




Oh and here's some that already abandoned Trump that we didn't hear much about.



Six resign from presidential HIV/AIDS council because Trump 'doesn't care'



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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:

Trump went off on those executives (2 or 3 more resigned overnight; I'd expect a lot more today after the president's performance today) who've resigned, calling them "grand-standers". Classy as ever.





"People puzzle over Trump. Really? Two things to remember. 1. This is a replay of his refusing to disavow the support of the KKK during the election. 2. The president is a narcissist. There is no one else in his mind. His thoughts involve only himself. He likes the Nazis because they like him. That's all there is. If they were ever to criticize him he would flip on them in an instant.#

When the journos talk about Trump "appealing to his base" they are being too generous. He is a narcissist. There is no base. Just people who like him and those who hate him. If you like him you're cool (like the Nazis and KKK). If you criticize him, he's being treated unfairly.#"


The CEOs are his friends as long as they behave like acolytes. As soon as they oppose him, they are grandstanders, etc.


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9 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

So it seems two more CEO's have resigned. Intel and Under Armour CEO's both resigned over Charlottesville.


Seems they are abandoning the Trumptanic !




Oh and here's some that already abandoned Trump that we didn't hear much about.




In a reversal of the usual story, the rats are staying with the sinking ship while crew members with any ethics are leaving in swarms.


Image result for rats deserting a sinking ship meme

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Another one bites the dust ! Trump does leadership - the best leadership, like nobody has ever seen before!  :coffee1:




Fifth businessman resigns from Donald Trump's advisory council in protest at his handling of Charlottesville


Donald Trump’s business advisory council was hit on Tuesday by its fifth resignation in three days, the wake of his ill-advised handling of the Charlottesville riots.  Only eight people now remain on the board.  Mr Trump held an astonishing press conference at Trump Tower, in which he essentially backtracked on his scripted statement, delivered on Monday, condemning white supremacists. On Tuesday afternoon he reverted to saying that both sides were to blame, seeming to dismiss the revulsion most Americans feel for the neo-Nazi demonstrators.


After the press conference Richard Trumka, president of the largest federation of labour unions in the US, the AFL-CIO, announced he was resigning from the manufacturing council. His deputy, Thea Lee, also resigned.

"We cannot sit on a council for a president who tolerates bigotry and domestic terrorism," they said in a statement.

"President Trump's remarks today repudiate his forced remarks yesterday about the KKK and neo-Nazis. We must resign on behalf of America's working people, who reject all notions of legitimacy of these bigoted groups."



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19 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Another one bites the dust ! Trump does leadership - the best leadership, like nobody has ever seen before!  :coffee1:





 It is now officially a race to NOT be the last one still remaining on the council.

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7 hours ago, Thakkar said:

 It is now officially a race to NOT be the last one still remaining on the council.

The race didn't last long !



Trump’s business advisory councils disband as CEOs abandon president over Charlottesville views


President Trump’s relationship with the American business community suffered a major setback on Wednesday as the president was forced to shut down his major business advisory councils after corporate leaders repudiated his comments on the violence in Charlottesville this weekend.

Trump announced the disbanding of the two councils — the Strategy & Policy Forum and the Manufacturing Council, which hosted many of the top corporate leaders in America 


..........But those groups had already decided to dissolve on their own earlier in the day, a person familiar with the process said. JP Morgan Chase chief executive Jamie Dimon, a member of the "Strategy & Policy Forum," told employees in a note on Wednesday that his group decided to disband following Trump's bizarre press conference on Tuesday, in which he appeared to show sympathy for some of the people who marched alongside the neo-Nazis and white supremacists in Charlottesville




Oh dear oh dear! So Trump loses all the REAL business leaders. The Apprentice is getting more ridiculous by the day. How humiliating! Trump will be beside himself tonight! LMAO.

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3 minutes ago, tonray said:

He still has Omarosa. And little Princess Ivanka. It's all about Trump's businesses anyway, why even pretend ?

At the press conference he:

1. Defended Nazis

2. Promoted his winery, lied about its size

3. Left the scene.

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On ‎15‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 10:13 AM, Srikcir said:

Industry leaders abandoning Trump's advisory council's within his first six months as President is very telling as to the fitness of Trump to be POTUS.

"“The collapse of the CEO councils is not due to an outbreak of conscience,” said Robert Weissman, president of Public Citizen. “Instead, it is public pressure — pressure for the CEOs to evidence a measure of decency — that is driving them off the councils. That’s not exactly the most inspiring example of moral leadership. No profiles in courage here.”




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Aug 15: for any that leave, I have many to take their place.
Aug 17: *sob* I'm taking my ball and going home! (After everyone else has already left)


Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
Rather than putting pressure on the businesspeople of the Manufacturing Council & Strategy & Policy Forum, I am ending both. Thank you all!
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
For every CEO that drops out of the Manufacturing Council, I have many to take their place. Grandstanders should not have gone on. JOBS!


That is some mindfck kinda game he's playing!

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Trump needs no advice, Trump is infallible

Trump just likes to surround himself of comparses, billionaires, top US generals, that's what the position grants him.  

Edited by Opl
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12 minutes ago, Opl said:

"“The collapse of the CEO councils is not due to an outbreak of conscience,” said Robert Weissman, president of Public Citizen. “Instead, it is public pressure — pressure for the CEOs to evidence a measure of decency — that is driving them off the councils. That’s not exactly the most inspiring example of moral leadership. No profiles in courage here.”




Courage is never a requirement of a CEO job at a public company. A CEO has a fiduciary responsibility to maximize shareholder value within the constraints that the board of directors has set for him. If their resignations come from public pressure because they believe that continued participation would damage said shareholders, then they are doing the right thing. As a CEO you are not acting out your personal views, you are working for the board, which works for the shareholders.

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