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Trump dumps controversial chief strategist Bannon in latest upheaval


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3 hours ago, Gary A said:

Where do you find an elected politician who looks out for the little guy? They talk a good story, actually lie and promote populist policies that are expensive and most will never become law. They look after themselves and no one else. The object is to get reelected and to keep their cushy lucrative jobs. 

Warren, Sanders, and several other, all from Green or Dem party.


                               I just watched a video about a right-wing conservative. He gained notariety by raising tens of millions of dollars for veterans.  He's got photos of himself standing next to GW Bush Jr, and McCain and other prominent Republican leaders.  They're all smiling.   His name was Bobby Thompson, Commodore in the US Navy. 


                       Just a few problems.  The whole time he was being cheered and feted by Republican establishment, and donating millions to their causes, he was cheating his donors.  He put 99% of donations in his pocket.  When the FBI caught up with him, they took many months trying to figure out his real name.  He was never a Navy man, and had a dozen fake ID's. 


                       The whole point I'm writing all this is to prove, once again, how easily Republicans and Right Wingers are duped.  They embrace conspiracy theories wholeheartedly.  They nominated the biggest shyster (bigger than Maddoff) to be their candidate.  They applauded lustily when Trump addressed Congress in January.  In a nutshell, Republicans are doing all they can to debilitate the good ol' USA.  Despicable bunch of butt plugs, every one of them.

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Bannon considered himself a Leninist.  Ah, if only.  The greatest revolutionary ever, who invented the simplest possible question to determine how a society is organized: Who Whom?


In other words, ask the question "who is screwing whom?" or "who controls whom?" or "who profits from whom?" (you get the idea), and you will instantly discover what needs to be done to change a corrupt society.

I look forward to hearing Bannon's attacks on the swamp in Breitbart henceforth.  The latter had gotten a bit tame recently.



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4 minutes ago, blazes said:

Bannon considered himself a Leninist.  Ah, if only.  The greatest revolutionary ever, who invented the simplest possible question to determine how a society is organized: Who Whom?


In other words, ask the question "who is screwing whom?" or "who controls whom?" or "who profits from whom?" (you get the idea), and you will instantly discover what needs to be done to change a corrupt society.

I look forward to hearing Bannon's attacks on the swamp in Breitbart henceforth.  The latter had gotten a bit tame recently.



May there be a time that Trump declares Breibart as Fake News!

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May there be a time that Trump declares Breibart as Fake News!

Doubt that will happen anytime soon.

"Ousted White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon returned to the conservative Breitbart News website on Friday and said he’ll be “going to war” for President Donald Trump, vowing to intensify the fight he has waged against opponents of his brand of populist conservatism.

“If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up: I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents -- on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America,” Bannon told Bloomberg News Friday in his first public comments after his departure was announced."



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All Trump has 'achieved' is the  unraveling of the things that  Obama put in place, the next president will spend 4 years repairing all the damage. He is a complete an utter buffoon who has all our lives, American or otherwise, in his unstable hands. I live in hope that he will be impeached and removed from office sooner rather than later.

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2 hours ago, Gary A said:

That nearly made me vomit on my keyboard. You MUST be joking.

This is a reaction you share with hedge fund managers, bankers, mortgage brokers, and big Pharma, to name a few. In other words, you're a fake populist. With people like you it's all about anger and nothing about programs. Basically, your cynicsm about politicians is just a convenient way justify your anger and be ignorant of the salient facts. But prove me wrong. Tell me what issues do you disagree with Elizabeth Warren and why.

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Nothing racist about Bannon nor Trump for that matter.  Simply more painted lies from the media and the haters and those in society who cannot tolerate anyone who challenges their personal agendas.

Who are the real racists?  Look at the Huffington Post headline they later retracted.  I think a lot can be learned from this.  Toleration is needed from both sides particularly the sanctimonius finger pointers.


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20 minutes ago, losworld said:

Nothing racist about Bannon nor Trump for that matter.  Simply more painted lies from the media and the haters and those in society who cannot tolerate anyone who challenges their personal agendas.

Who are the real racists?  Look at the Huffington Post headline they later retracted.  I think a lot can be learned from this.  Toleration is needed from both sides particularly the sanctimonius finger pointers.


At least they took immediate action when complaints posted and apologised for any offence taken. How many from the alt right / far right apologise to those taking offence?



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Anyone still think that Trump will last for two terms?  More and more isolated and clearly mentally unstable.  It really is time to call a stop to this madness before the USA slips further into the abyss. 


I know that Pence is a nightmare as well but one step at a time.  

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13 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Anyone still think that Trump will last for two terms?  More and more isolated and clearly mentally unstable.  It really is time to call a stop to this madness before the USA slips further into the abyss. 


I know that Pence is a nightmare as well but one step at a time.  

I think Trump has probably finished his chances of reelection particularly since firing Bannon thus proving how difficult it is to fight the deep state and the corruption in Washington and this goes for Republican members as well as Democrats.  People need to wakeup and forget about this two party limited choice con job.  Trump received a lot of support because he was outside this circle.  If he proves to clean up the swamp he has a chance but it looks like he may be knee deep in the slime:)

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1 hour ago, losworld said:

Who are the real racists?  Look at the Huffington Post headline they later retracted.


You are confused, the Jews are not a race.

Not surprised a Trumpeteer doesn't even know the definition of race.


Fox Views squawks it. The Trumpeteers parrot it.

Ya got nothin'





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11 minutes ago, iReason said:


You are confused, the Jews are not a race.

Not surprised a Trumpeteer doesn't even know the definition of race.


Fox Views squawks it. The Trumpeteers parrot it.

Ya got nothin'





I think you need to change your handle you are demonstrating very little reason.  It is important to recognize racism or intolerance or ethnic slurs regardless of who speaks them or their political persuasion.  It appears you are unwilling or unable to do this. 

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6 hours ago, Gary A said:

If Trump has accomplished nothing else, he has proven that the swamp cannot be drained. He is surrounded by swamp creatures and he is vastly outnumbered. The only way the government can recover is by imposing term limits. This will NEVER happen because the elected politicians will never vote themselves out of their lucrative jobs. The establishment simply cannot be changed. Until the country goes totally bust, it will be business as usual. The question now is whether the frustration will force Trump to quit or whether he will continue to fight and get crazier than he already is. 

Birds of a feather flock together.

Trump himself is a swamp creature, so why would he not surround himself with his own kind? To understand Trump you must understand where he comes from. His Father was a very wealthy real estate developer, and reputed KKK member who once was arrested at a KKK rally.

He grew up in the real Estate development , when he went to school he had no interest, and seen no need to educate himself in anything other than the  industry he was interested in and would work in all his life in. 

He is an idiot savant, in that, he is very good at real estate development, and nothing else.

I have worked in that industry most of my life my self, first as a union concrete form carpenter  NYC, eventually advancing to a management   position , currently member of local 212 concrete carpenters, local 282 teamster, NYC concrete League member.

I know these people well . I deal with them on a daily bases, 

No bad guys, very knowledgeable of their industry, but none of them I would describe as intellectual.  

They deal with unions,zoning laws, NYC DOB, NYC chapter 33, federal reg. financing, ech etc.

If all Laws and rules were strictly adhered too. no building would ever go up, or if it did it would be at astronomical costs.

 You cant do this job without getting your hands a little dirty.

That's who Trump is , He is used to getting his hands dirty, I am sure plenty of skeletons in his closet. There was a joke about his parties, "if not indicted, you are not invited"

Used of getting his way, and because of that he thinks he is smart,

He does not know what he does not know. 

 Do you know why he thinks he is smart?  BECAUSE HE IS STUPID!!!

Only stupid people think they are smart, smart people know their strengths and use them , are aware of their weaknesses and compensate for them.

That's Trump, and Idiot Savant in the oval office. If you want him to develop real estate for you, He is your man, Run  the country ?

Not so much.  

It would had being smart for him to enjoy his sunset years with his family and wealth. but in the end his hubris got the best of him, now as president  he is under the microscope , his name is Mud, and could even end up in jail.


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The reason Trump let Bannon go was that Bannon actually took Trump seriously. And Trump doesn't really want to be taken seriously. Because that would mean he would have to behave responsibly. Here's a quote from Chris Hayes:

" I think he [Trump] wants to sit on his couch and yell at his TV screen and tweet things, but he's almost happy to be able to kind of get it out of his system and not have anyone listen to him. I think his optimal equilibrium is hectoring Jeff Sessions but Jeff Sessions not quitting, or tweeting out the thing about transgender service members and the military ignoring him, or tweeting out threats to North Korea and not actually changing American posture.

I think that that we have arrived at a new equilibrium in which both the interior members of his staff, the actual federal bureaucracy, the US Congress, the US public, the global public, and global leaders all basically understand the president is fundamentally a bullshit artist and you just shouldn't listen to what he says."


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Bannon has always regarded Trump as his stooge.


He told the Weekly Standard, a conservative opinion magazine: "The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over.


"We still have a huge movement, and we will make something of this Trump presidency. But that presidency is over. It’ll be something else. And there’ll be all kinds of fights, and there’ll be good days and bad days, but that presidency is over."






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7 hours ago, Gary A said:

Where do you find an elected politician who looks out for the little guy? They talk a good story, actually lie and promote populist policies that are expensive and most will never become law. They look after themselves and no one else. The object is to get reelected and to keep their cushy lucrative jobs. 


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                   I honestly don't know what Bannon stands for. Nothing he says is clear.  It's all cloaked in layers of conspiracy theories and paranoia.  What has he ever done which is good for Americans?  A crossing guard at an elementary school in Tampa has done more good for America than Bannon. 


                           If he's a man of ideas, then he should first figure out what he believes, and then find a way to use the English language to convey those ideas.  Maybe he skipped 6th grade English class when the teacher was teaching about how to write a coherent sentence.  Until then, he looks, talks and acts like Trump's ass-licker, and that's not a pretty position to be in.

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5 hours ago, losworld said:

I think Trump has probably finished his chances of reelection particularly since firing Bannon thus proving how difficult it is to fight the deep state and the corruption in Washington and this goes for Republican members as well as Democrats.  People need to wakeup and forget about this two party limited choice con job.  Trump received a lot of support because he was outside this circle.  If he proves to clean up the swamp he has a chance but it looks like he may be knee deep in the slime:)

He is a proven liar , a bully and as self centred as it is possible to be. Why do you think he ever intended to ' clean up the swamp , because he said so ?

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Former Editor at Brietbart, Sabastion Gorka is next.


One of Steve Bannon's Closest Allies Could Be Next to Leave the White House

"Sebastian Gorka, an ally of ousted White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon, also faces possible removal from his post as a counterterrorism aide to President Donald Trump, two people with knowledge of the situation said Friday."


"Gorka, who previously worked with Bannon at Breitbart News, has appeared regularly on Fox News to speak on the Trump administration’s behalf."


"Earlier in the year, he drew sharp criticism from Democratic lawmakers after reports he had links to a far-right group in Hungary alleged to be antisemitic.




A little recent history on the White-Nationalist and admirer of the anti-semitic Vitezi Rend:


Sebastian Gorka, Trump Adviser Linked to Hungarian Right-Wing Group, Abruptly Leaves ‘Fake News’ Panel

"Top Trump Administration counterterrorism adviser Sebastian Gorka abruptly left a panel on fake news at Georgetown University on Monday after he was questioned about his work at Breitbart and links to a far right Hungarian group with Nazi ties, three people who were there told NBC News."


"After five questions, Tazmal said, Gorka stood up and said the rest of the panel should have a chance to speak. Then he left."


“We’re wondering how a bunch of 20-year-olds with signs and facts scared away the president’s counterterrorism advisor,” Meshnick said.




Sebastian Gorka Made Nazi-Linked Vitezi Rend ‘Proud’ by Wearing Its Medal

"A group with alleged historical links to Nazi Germany has told NBC News it was "proud" when President Donald Trump's deputy assistant wore its medal."


"Controversy has swirled around Sebastian Gorka, one of Trump's top counterterrorism advisers, ever since he attended the president's Jan. 20 Inaugural Ball wearing the honorary medal of Hungarian nationalist organization Vitezi Rend."


"During the war, the State Department listed Vitezi Rend among a group of

"organizations under the direction of the Nazi government of Germany."



Nazi affiliations?  Top advisors to the occupant of the White House?

Sheesh.  How did these guys get in there?  Birds of a feather?


Gorka proudly sporting his nationalist medal at the inaugural ball.

(Medal on left)



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Man, this second season of "Celebrity President" reality series is going to suck. There were so many great characters in the first season and most of them have left.If Gorka and Miller go then there will be only Conway left for crazy comic relief. The episode with Scaramucci was really intense and extremely enjoyable but way too short. Here is to hoping that some more wild characters get some screen time. I thought the General Kelly character would bring some more depth to the whole story line but he doesn't seem to get much exposure. We haven't seen much of the sexy power couple (Ivanka and Jared) lately, I wonder if the writers have forgotten about them? Well, at least the main character, Donny John, is providing enough material to still make the whole show interesting. Still, I wonder if this show has high enough ratings to make it for next few years. There are still have a number of good story arcs in progress with the Russian controversy, the North Korea standoff and the whole white supremacy issues going strong to make things interesting. I guess I will still continue to watch.


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10 hours ago, iReason said:

Former Editor at Brietbart, Sabastion Gorka is next.


One of Steve Bannon's Closest Allies Could Be Next to Leave the White House

"Sebastian Gorka, an ally of ousted White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon, also faces possible removal from his post as a counterterrorism aide to President Donald Trump, two people with knowledge of the situation said Friday."


"Gorka, who previously worked with Bannon at Breitbart News, has appeared regularly on Fox News to speak on the Trump administration’s behalf."


"Earlier in the year, he drew sharp criticism from Democratic lawmakers after reports he had links to a far-right group in Hungary alleged to be antisemitic.




A little recent history on the White-Nationalist and admirer of the anti-semitic Vitezi Rend:


Sebastian Gorka, Trump Adviser Linked to Hungarian Right-Wing Group, Abruptly Leaves ‘Fake News’ Panel

"Top Trump Administration counterterrorism adviser Sebastian Gorka abruptly left a panel on fake news at Georgetown University on Monday after he was questioned about his work at Breitbart and links to a far right Hungarian group with Nazi ties, three people who were there told NBC News."


"After five questions, Tazmal said, Gorka stood up and said the rest of the panel should have a chance to speak. Then he left."


“We’re wondering how a bunch of 20-year-olds with signs and facts scared away the president’s counterterrorism advisor,” Meshnick said.




Sebastian Gorka Made Nazi-Linked Vitezi Rend ‘Proud’ by Wearing Its Medal

"A group with alleged historical links to Nazi Germany has told NBC News it was "proud" when President Donald Trump's deputy assistant wore its medal."


"Controversy has swirled around Sebastian Gorka, one of Trump's top counterterrorism advisers, ever since he attended the president's Jan. 20 Inaugural Ball wearing the honorary medal of Hungarian nationalist organization Vitezi Rend."


"During the war, the State Department listed Vitezi Rend among a group of

"organizations under the direction of the Nazi government of Germany."



Nazi affiliations?  Top advisors to the occupant of the White House?

Sheesh.  How did these guys get in there?  Birds of a feather?


Gorka proudly sporting his nationalist medal at the inaugural ball.

(Medal on left)



Trump adviser Sebastian Gorka expected to leave White House, official says



A senior administration official says Sebastian Gorka, a former counterterrorism analyst for Fox News who joined the administration as a counterterrorism adviser, will be leaving the White House in the coming days. 


The official says that Gorka had initially been hired to play a key role on the Strategic Initiatives Group, an advisory panel created by Trump's chief strategist Steve Bannon to run parallel to the National Security Council. 



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6 hours ago, Silurian said:

Man, this second season of "Celebrity President" reality series is going to suck. There were so many great characters in the first season and most of them have left.If Gorka and Miller go then there will be only Conway left for crazy comic relief. The episode with Scaramucci was really intense and extremely enjoyable but way too short. Here is to hoping that some more wild characters get some screen time. I thought the General Kelly character would bring some more depth to the whole story line but he doesn't seem to get much exposure. We haven't seen much of the sexy power couple (Ivanka and Jared) lately, I wonder if the writers have forgotten about them? Well, at least the main character, Donny John, is providing enough material to still make the whole show interesting. Still, I wonder if this show has high enough ratings to make it for next few years. There are still have a number of good story arcs in progress with the Russian controversy, the North Korea standoff and the whole white supremacy issues going strong to make things interesting. I guess I will still continue to watch.


I love it,  :clap2:

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