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Conflicting theories about Yingluck escape after video of police pickup


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26 minutes ago, scorecard said:


Yes there probably were several vehicles well known to be used for her transport. Now enter a vehicle never seen before in her compound which appears to be delivering bottles of water or whatever and with space to cover her and be unnoticed and with dark tint windows, and with number plates that can be electronically flipped to another number, slip her out to a dark corner of a secluded car park never used before in her transport arrangements and into another car / van with very dark windows and across the border in an isolated place with no immigration office and quickly into the waiting pvt jet which landed 5 minutes earlier and takes off immediately she's on board, ignoring the air movement regulations etc., until it reaches the controlled air space of another country, then fulfill all the air traffic requirements. And already mentioned she has several passports if she needs to change to a regular commercial flight. 


Little doubt something like this is well possible and with clever planning could be executed.

Especially if nobody wanted to stop her !

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1 hour ago, silent said:

Sounds like more than one vehicle to follow exhausted and confused the tails :post-4641-1156694572:

Or carry the most important couple of maids.   There must have been about 30  to 50 suitcases (or some big packing cases of stuff), moved somewhere from one of her houses in the relatively short term before.  Has anyone checked Thai Airways freight department?   If not there, one of the other freight forwarders commonly used by Thaksin?

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How could they know she would switch cars?   1MB bail was surely enough guarantee.  


Clearly this was the best outcome for everyone.  Imagine if she was found guilty... Where would you prison her?  There would be protests all the time.  Then the only other option would be suspended sentence and freedom in interests of reconciliation.  That too would prove more problematic.  


Her fleeing justice suits the narrative nicely.  GUILTY!  GONE! 


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Thaksin-controlled RTP was involved?  Say it ain't so Joe.  You might want to take a look at the immigration officers who let her flee across the Cambodian border without any record.  Maybe you should take a look at how many RTP became unusually wealthy in the last few months?  Either the investigators are clueless, or they are waiting for their share of the brown envelope payouts.

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In the photo she looks like she must be pregnant. I'm sure this would explain the whole Houdini effect.  She has  Herr Leader's love child ...... ; Replace her with the evil twin, She never really was in Thailand, cause Khun Puu isn't pregnant. Nazi Heil salute, 8 mo. pregnant, all makes sense ...

Edited by chubby
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1 hour ago, elgenon said:

Better to try to do something after the fact than deny her human rights by watching her closely. Still I think the best case scenario for the generalissimo. When he leaves office and YL's sister is PM maybe she will let him leave.

that makes sense

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1 hour ago, elgenon said:

Better to try to do something after the fact than deny her human rights by watching her closely. Still I think the best case scenario for the generalissimo. When he leaves office and YL's sister is PM maybe she will let him leave.

Are you aware of Thailand's government at the moment? Also, I think I heard the boss state this the other day.

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5 hours ago, z42 said:

Trust the RTP to be so brazen sending a marked van there for such a job as this. Absolute muppets ??

If indeed she did slip away in a police pickup (personally I have doubts on all of this), I see it as absolute brilliance.


I mean nothing quite beats the stiff two-fingered salute, especially when it's delivered with such in-your-face subtlety.

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6 hours ago, Raymonddiaz said:

Secret can't be kept long in Thailand. We are going to know what happened very rapidly. Thai people can't keep their mouths shut.

As Sir Humphrey Appleby once said.

"He that would keep a secret must keep it a secret that he hath a secret to keep". 

The last part of that quotation will be the hardest.

Your right; being Thailand one that day will soon come when the truth will out. It will either volunteered as in, "I know something you don't know", or it will be paid for or beaten out of someone. 


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She usually rode in a van. So taking taking another car out fooled them. Brilliant idea. Left the thia police scratching their heads. How did she leave. ????? Here is another thought. Maybe she is still in the house. Did they look?? 55555

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7 hours ago, NCC1701A said:


Bloody brilliant! You guys are going to have an absolute field day, after this news feast. I've got a bag of work to do so I'll just keep popping in to watch the tar creeping higher and higher around Prat's neck. Let's hope, for his better half's sake, that he's not being too much of a bully at home.:angry:

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