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Chuwit Demands Govt Take Action To Stamp Out Prostitution In Thailand


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Isn't this the mother of all ironies! One of the biggest sex peddler calling for a crackdown on prostitution. This is like Bill Gates asking everyone to stop using Microsoft because it is bad for society.


Isn't this the mother of all ironies! One of the biggest sex peddler calling for a crackdown on prostitution. This is like Bill Gates asking everyone to stop using Microsoft because it is bad for society.


Well at least somebody is.

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Blah blah blah .... once again for this guy we see nice rhetoric....

Not supportive of prostitution but if it was stamped out then tell me the plan to employ the thousands of workers currently in the trade.. tell me the plan to support the thousands of families and children that have money sent to them each month.

Tell me the plan to maintain tourist numbers.

Again Im not advocating prostitution is good or right just saying it is so ingrained in Thailand that you just cant wipe it out without expectation that their will be extreme follow on effects.

A moral dilemma question.... girl with elderly mother,sickly father and two young children in North East.. she works in BKK. Sends money home each month such that children are fed clothed and educated, father has medicine and mother has enough money to put meals on the table and make a home.

Girl doesn't particularly like the job but knows she has no alternatives up home and rationalises that doing what she does is the best thing for her family.

Job does have one bright side in that she feels she might be able to meet a nice guy of suitable means whereas back home she has no chance.

So is it wrong waht she is doing ? Lesser of evils???

It reads a bit fairytale and rose colored glasses i know but actually have met some girls who are there for better life for their family and children. Yes there are the hardcore ones and the druggies and the game players but my point is that without some alternative plan for these people who do exist as written what do they do ??

One part of the answer to your earlier points would be for the current pt government (and all future governments) to build and implement some policies whereby a much bigger percentage of all Thai people have the knowledge, skills and capabilities to find better employment, plus the government build and implement policies whereby there is a better geographic spread of work opportunites, therefore making a scenario whereby a much bigger percentage of the population can have a much better quality of life through their own productivity. It could be done, if the government wants it to happen.

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If nobody wants to sell sex, it is a crime to force anyone to do so. But when men or women do want to sell their bodies, they should have that full right without encountering punishment or discrimination. If the client behaves decently, the relationship between the sex buyer and the sex seller must be considered a purely private transaction.

No problem with that. Prostitution is worldwide where there are legal brothels visited by the desparate and lonely. In Thailand it is out in the open, move it into brothels and behind closed doors away from public view. The sex tourist can enter the brothel, dump his load and move on. The girls won't be druugging the victim inside a brothel where he will pass out for hours as they need the bed for the next punter. The punter won't be fleeced of all the valuables unless he is stupid enough to take them all to the brothel. A brothel would be more controlled

You don't seem to realise that ?most men don't come to Thailand to go to a brothel. They come for a "temporary girlfriend" where the girl stays with him and accompanies him even while travelling. Completely different things. Obviously I can't quote statistics, but that's my observation from living long time in Pattaya.

Besides, how would any man get to know a brothel girl well enough to marry her, which is also what many men come to LOS for?

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On St Valentine's Day this year, 19 couples will register their marriages at the Giant Royal Flora Wheel and receive gold marriage certificates. Uppatham Nisitsukjarern, who heads the Project Management Office of the International Horticultural Exposition Ratchaphruek 2011, said the couples, chosen from a campaign about love, would not have to pay any fee.

Is this supposed to be the "feel good" part of the article?

"See, we do have normal love in Thailand. Not just crazy-old-ugly-beer-belly-warts-and-all-farang-marrying-a-girl-1/3-his-age-with-no-English-skills-or-even-a-junior-high-school-education-and-not-of-legal-drinking-age type love! Truely, this is Amazing Thailand!"

Smiles everybody... you're on Fantasy Thailand!!!

Sadly mia noi PM clone will not be registering her marriage on Valentine's Day, so no gold marriage certificate for her. Maybe she will be spending Valentine's Day in the hotel she was spotted at recently.

Edited by z12
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Blah blah blah .... once again for this guy we see nice rhetoric....

Not supportive of prostitution but if it was stamped out then tell me the plan to employ the thousands of workers currently in the trade.. tell me the plan to support the thousands of families and children that have money sent to them each month.

Tell me the plan to maintain tourist numbers.

Again Im not advocating prostitution is good or right just saying it is so ingrained in Thailand that you just cant wipe it out without expectation that their will be extreme follow on effects.

A moral dilemma question.... girl with elderly mother,sickly father and two young children in North East.. she works in BKK. Sends money home each month such that children are fed clothed and educated, father has medicine and mother has enough money to put meals on the table and make a home.

Girl doesn't particularly like the job but knows she has no alternatives up home and rationalises that doing what she does is the best thing for her family.

Job does have one bright side in that she feels she might be able to meet a nice guy of suitable means whereas back home she has no chance.

So is it wrong waht she is doing ? Lesser of evils???

It reads a bit fairytale and rose colored glasses i know but actually have met some girls who are there for better life for their family and children. Yes there are the hardcore ones and the druggies and the game players but my point is that without some alternative plan for these people who do exist as written what do they do ??

Here's an alternative scenario - girl with elderly mother,sickly father and two young children in North East meets a guy who says he owns a restaurant in Bangkok and will take her there where she will earn enough money for her whole family - when she arrives in BKK, after quiting her textile factory pittance of pay job in Isaan, she finds she is a prostitute - her choices, walk home (no accomodation) and let her family fend for themself, or become a prostitute and have to pay off her coach ticket, accomodation and bar stall rent - the rest she sends home - now caught in a world she can't escape from until eventually her tips and what she managed to squirrel away (or if she is lucky some guy farang/Thai/Asian takes her as a mia noi or maybe even GF) gives her the ability to escape. Now she is probably in her late 20's of above and what does she have to build a new life from?

Are you assuming that the picture in your last few lines happens with the vast majority of prostitutes?

I very much doubt that to be true, and especially in the brothels (which are by the far the majority) which cater to a Thai audience.

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Blah blah blah .... once again for this guy we see nice rhetoric....

Not supportive of prostitution but if it was stamped out then tell me the plan to employ the thousands of workers currently in the trade.. tell me the plan to support the thousands of families and children that have money sent to them each month.

Tell me the plan to maintain tourist numbers.

Again Im not advocating prostitution is good or right just saying it is so ingrained in Thailand that you just cant wipe it out without expectation that their will be extreme follow on effects.

A moral dilemma question.... girl with elderly mother,sickly father and two young children in North East.. she works in BKK. Sends money home each month such that children are fed clothed and educated, father has medicine and mother has enough money to put meals on the table and make a home.

Girl doesn't particularly like the job but knows she has no alternatives up home and rationalises that doing what she does is the best thing for her family.

Job does have one bright side in that she feels she might be able to meet a nice guy of suitable means whereas back home she has no chance.

So is it wrong waht she is doing ? Lesser of evils???

It reads a bit fairytale and rose colored glasses i know but actually have met some girls who are there for better life for their family and children. Yes there are the hardcore ones and the druggies and the game players but my point is that without some alternative plan for these people who do exist as written what do they do ??

One part of the answer to your earlier points would be for the current pt government (and all future governments) to build and implement some policies whereby a much bigger percentage of all Thai people have the knowledge, skills and capabilities to find better employment, plus the government build and implement policies whereby there is a better geographic spread of work opportunites, therefore making a scenario whereby a much bigger percentage of the population can have a much better quality of life through their own productivity. It could be done, if the government wants it to happen.

Sadly, (for these poor Thais) we all know what group of fairer skinned "Thais" control these things in this country, and we also know they are much less than enthusiastic to give up their stranglehold on the country and its economics. I wouldn't either, if I was one of them. Thailand is pure magic for the dominant class. They wouldn't fair better anywhere else on Earth.

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Its time to finish a public function. Go do something else.

The smile says it all. It doesn't say "Oh, I am so concerned about you ladies" It says:"This evening I come back and I don't care how much it costs!"

Edited by whitejaguar
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"the colourful politician said he would go to the US Embassy today to provide information on human trafficking."

Why go to the U.S Embassy what has it got to do with the U.S, They aren't the worlds police or have authority in Thailand.

The guys intentions are probably good but I get the feeling that he may have signed his own death warrant. I lot of powerful and currupt people in Thailand will not like what he plans to do.

The streets do need to be cleaned up a lot with prostitution in your face 24/7 and the image doesn't really fit that of a family holiday destination.

Wake up Thailand is the worlds biggest whorehouse, whether you like it or not thats ALL its known for if you ask the "man/woman on the street"

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I think a lot of good meaning posts on this thread, but some not very realistic, prostitution will never be stopped in any country, some have been trying since the dawn of mankind, the countries that have legal prostitution have less problems than the one that have prostitution illegal, without the sex industry Thailands tourist industry would be a fraction of what it is now, Thailand should make prostitution legal but never will, the politicians, police, and others would lose money, so it will never happen, I find it very hard to belive that any Farang in Thailand has not given money to a Thai lady after having sex at some time or situation or other, it does not matter if the lady in a full time prostitute, street cleaner, nurse, shop assistant or what ever, if they have sex and get money that is prostitution. underage people being forced into the sex trade is bad and everthing should done to stop it but I am afraid it will not happen, for many Thai ladies and their familys prostitution is very necessary and anyone that does not think that is not living in the real world.

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I think a lot of good meaning posts on this thread, but some not very realistic, prostitution will never be stopped in any country, some have been trying since the dawn of mankind, the countries that have legal prostitution have less problems than the one that have prostitution illegal, without the sex industry Thailands tourist industry would be a fraction of what it is now, Thailand should make prostitution legal but never will, the politicians, police, and others would lose money, so it will never happen, I find it very hard to belive that any Farang in Thailand has not given money to a Thai lady after having sex at some time or situation or other, it does not matter if the lady in a full time prostitute, street cleaner, nurse, shop assistant or what ever, if they have sex and get money that is prostitution. underage people being forced into the sex trade is bad and everthing should done to stop it but I am afraid it will not happen, for many Thai ladies and their familys prostitution is very necessary and anyone that does not think that is not living in the real world.

Agree. Just want to add that you want to add other non-white foreigners, and, mostly importantly, Thais. It's not only us. In fact, you might find that the Thais and other Asians (particularly East Asians) are heavier 'users' than we are.

Edited by ThailandMan
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What are we going to do about the prostitute bill Mr. Chuwit?

Pay it for goodness sake!!!

Mr Chewit, wonder of he does, poor girl!!!

Edited by metisdead
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Obviously he is well qualified to talk on this topic, since he made his own substantial fortune from prostitution and there were credible allegations that his massage parlours recruited under age girls to be sold to wealthy customers as a "premium product". Unless he sets a good example by turning himself in for prosecution and confessing to all his crimes, this is all just hot air.

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"the colourful politician said he would go to the US Embassy today to provide information on human trafficking."

Why go to the U.S Embassy what has it got to do with the U.S, They aren't the worlds police or have authority in Thailand.

The guys intentions are probably good but I get the feeling that he may have signed his own death warrant. I lot of powerful and currupt people in Thailand will not like what he plans to do.

The streets do need to be cleaned up a lot with prostitution in your face 24/7 and the image doesn't really fit that of a family holiday destination.

Wake up Thailand is the worlds biggest whorehouse, whether you like it or not thats ALL its known for if you ask the "man/woman on the street"

I don't think anyone would call Thailand a family holiday destination, you only have to see the people coming off the planes at the airport, men, men, and more men, young, old, lots of old blokes, young blokes and their G/F, some women with G/F, but very few familys, mum & dad and the kids,, very few and far between.

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Blah blah blah .... once again for this guy we see nice rhetoric....

Not supportive of prostitution but if it was stamped out then tell me the plan to employ the thousands of workers currently in the trade.. tell me the plan to support the thousands of families and children that have money sent to them each month.

Tell me the plan to maintain tourist numbers.

Again Im not advocating prostitution is good or right just saying it is so ingrained in Thailand that you just cant wipe it out without expectation that their will be extreme follow on effects.

A moral dilemma question.... girl with elderly mother,sickly father and two young children in North East.. she works in BKK. Sends money home each month such that children are fed clothed and educated, father has medicine and mother has enough money to put meals on the table and make a home.

Girl doesn't particularly like the job but knows she has no alternatives up home and rationalises that doing what she does is the best thing for her family.

Job does have one bright side in that she feels she might be able to meet a nice guy of suitable means whereas back home she has no chance.

So is it wrong waht she is doing ? Lesser of evils???

It reads a bit fairytale and rose colored glasses i know but actually have met some girls who are there for better life for their family and children. Yes there are the hardcore ones and the druggies and the game players but my point is that without some alternative plan for these people who do exist as written what do they do ??

Here's an alternative scenario - girl with elderly mother,sickly father and two young children in North East meets a guy who says he owns a restaurant in Bangkok and will take her there where she will earn enough money for her whole family - when she arrives in BKK, after quiting her textile factory pittance of pay job in Isaan, she finds she is a prostitute - her choices, walk home (no accomodation) and let her family fend for themself, or become a prostitute and have to pay off her coach ticket, accomodation and bar stall rent - the rest she sends home - now caught in a world she can't escape from until eventually her tips and what she managed to squirrel away (or if she is lucky some guy farang/Thai/Asian takes her as a mia noi or maybe even GF) gives her the ability to escape. Now she is probably in her late 20's of above and what does she have to build a new life from?

Are you assuming that the picture in your last few lines happens with the vast majority of prostitutes?

I very much doubt that to be true, and especially in the brothels (which are by the far the majority) which cater to a Thai audience.

No, I make no assumption at all - merely put an alternative slant on the quoted posters "prostitution as a way out of poverty" scenario. I am not involved enough in the prostitution world to know how they recruit wholesale, but I do know this happens - I met a farang in CM once that was a Pattaya bar owner and he was telling us how a group of Thai men do this "trade" - i.e. getting girls from Isaan to come for legitimate jobs that end up sitting on bar stalls. The guys run the girls and just pay a barfine to the bar. He seemed to suggest it was a common practise, but again it is only heresay and may not even be true (although I have heard this before from other sources too).

I would suggest it is more likely to be true for Thai only brothels than in Pattaya bars - it is easier to lock them in with accomodation and other "fees" and keep them away from relationships - would also make it easier with Thais dealing with Thais.

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Oh dear, we are naive aren't we.

The US has more power here than you think and could bring Thailand to a standstill if it wanted to. Thailand is virtually the 51st State of America and has been kissing America's ass for years. And yes, they are the world's police, must as I dislike that - it's a fact.

"the colourful politician said he would go to the US Embassy today to provide information on human trafficking."

Why go to the U.S Embassy what has it got to do with the U.S, They aren't the worlds police or have authority in Thailand.

The guys intentions are probably good but I get the feeling that he may have signed his own death warrant. I lot of powerful and currupt people in Thailand will not like what he plans to do.

The streets do need to be cleaned up a lot with prostitution in your face 24/7 and the image doesn't really fit that of a family holiday destination.

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To stamp out prostitution requires stamping our erections. Most of us usually wake up with one, or achieve at least one during waking hours. All those in favour of stamping out erections, please raise your ......hmm, eh, perhaps I should have started out with different words....

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"the colourful politician said he would go to the US Embassy today to provide information on human trafficking."

Why go to the U.S Embassy what has it got to do with the U.S, They aren't the worlds police or have authority in Thailand.

The guys intentions are probably good but I get the feeling that he may have signed his own death warrant. I lot of powerful and currupt people in Thailand will not like what he plans to do.

The streets do need to be cleaned up a lot with prostitution in your face 24/7 and the image doesn't really fit that of a family holiday destination.

Wake up Thailand is the worlds biggest whorehouse, whether you like it or not thats ALL its known for if you ask the "man/woman on the street"

Man on the street, where? Again, he is Thai talking to a Thai audience - he only cares about what the Thai on the street thinks the man on the street abroad thinks.

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The gentleman is right to highlight the problem but as the figures show there is too much money in it to stop it. I believe education is important especially for the young girls/boys who become involved in the sex trade. Educating younger people about the dangers of this trade on their health well being and future relationships.

If the main reasons for involvement are poverty and unemployment, which can increase vulnerability, the authorities should create more opportunities for young girls/boys in employment in order to deter them from getting involved.

Poverty, what about India and other poor countrires?. Prostititution is negligable compared with the size of the population.

In Thailand it is money and greed that motivates the trade.

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To stamp out prostitution requires stamping our erections. Most of us usually wake up with one, or achieve at least one during waking hours. All those in favour of stamping out erections, please raise your ......hmm, eh, perhaps I should have started out with different words....

"Most of us usually wake up with one" - a prostitute or a hard-on???

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Now many people will not like to hear this, but I am going to say it anyway. For the most part, these girls do have choices. The bottom line is that they can have jobs in restaurants and hotels earning a decent living and enough to get by. The salary for your average unskilled worker is anywhere from $100-300USD per month. Now when you compare that to a western salary it may sound like very little. The reality is that many people in Thailand live happily on these low salaries, and some of them even send half of that salary to help their family. The average bar girl can make more in 1 day than most people do in 1 month, so it is not surprising that some find it tempting. Another thing to consider is that in rural Thai society, this is not looked at in the same way you might view it. A girl going back to her village telling stories of sleeping with middle aged men for large sums of money, does not get ostracized and ridiculed. In contrast she might be treated like a hero, a pioneer.

Edited by nicky1982
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Now many people will not like to hear this, but I am going to say it anyway. For the most part, these girls do have choices. The bottom line is that they can have jobs in restaurants and hotels earning a decent living and enough to get by. The salary for your average unskilled worker is anywhere from $100-300USD per month. Now when you compare that to a western salary it may sound like very little. The reality is that many people in Thailand live happily on these low salaries, and some of them even send half of that salary to help their family. The average bar girl can make more in 1 day than most people do in 1 month, so it is not surprising that some find it tempting. Another thing to consider is that in rural Thai society, this is not looked at in the same way you might view it. A girl going back to her village telling stories of sleeping with middle aged men for large sums of money, does not get ostracized and ridiculed. In contrast she might be treated like a hero, a pioneer.

... she might be treated like a hero, a pioneer.

I'm logging off! This is the funniest sh!t I've seen in some time. LOL

-- Heres to the heros and the pioneers clap2.gif

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Blah blah blah .... once again for this guy we see nice rhetoric....

Not supportive of prostitution but if it was stamped out then tell me the plan to employ the thousands of workers currently in the trade.. tell me the plan to support the thousands of families and children that have money sent to them each month.

Tell me the plan to maintain tourist numbers.

Again Im not advocating prostitution is good or right just saying it is so ingrained in Thailand that you just cant wipe it out without expectation that their will be extreme follow on effects.

A moral dilemma question.... girl with elderly mother,sickly father and two young children in North East.. she works in BKK. Sends money home each month such that children are fed clothed and educated, father has medicine and mother has enough money to put meals on the table and make a home.

Girl doesn't particularly like the job but knows she has no alternatives up home and rationalises that doing what she does is the best thing for her family.

Job does have one bright side in that she feels she might be able to meet a nice guy of suitable means whereas back home she has no chance.

So is it wrong waht she is doing ? Lesser of evils???

It reads a bit fairytale and rose colored glasses i know but actually have met some girls who are there for better life for their family and children. Yes there are the hardcore ones and the druggies and the game players but my point is that without some alternative plan for these people who do exist as written what do they do ??

Here's an alternative scenario - girl with elderly mother,sickly father and two young children in North East meets a guy who says he owns a restaurant in Bangkok and will take her there where she will earn enough money for her whole family - when she arrives in BKK, after quiting her textile factory pittance of pay job in Isaan, she finds she is a prostitute - her choices, walk home (no accomodation) and let her family fend for themself, or become a prostitute and have to pay off her coach ticket, accomodation and bar stall rent - the rest she sends home - now caught in a world she can't escape from until eventually her tips and what she managed to squirrel away (or if she is lucky some guy farang/Thai/Asian takes her as a mia noi or maybe even GF) gives her the ability to escape. Now she is probably in her late 20's of above and what does she have to build a new life from?

Are you assuming that the picture in your last few lines happens with the vast majority of prostitutes?

I very much doubt that to be true, and especially in the brothels (which are by the far the majority) which cater to a Thai audience.

No, I make no assumption at all - merely put an alternative slant on the quoted posters "prostitution as a way out of poverty" scenario. I am not involved enough in the prostitution world to know how they recruit wholesale, but I do know this happens - I met a farang in CM once that was a Pattaya bar owner and he was telling us how a group of Thai men do this "trade" - i.e. getting girls from Isaan to come for legitimate jobs that end up sitting on bar stalls. The guys run the girls and just pay a barfine to the bar. He seemed to suggest it was a common practise, but again it is only heresay and may not even be true (although I have heard this before from other sources too).

I would suggest it is more likely to be true for Thai only brothels than in Pattaya bars - it is easier to lock them in with accomodation and other "fees" and keep them away from relationships - would also make it easier with Thais dealing with Thais.

You are correct.

The trafficking of Thai women into Japan for sex services is well organized under the control of Japanese and Thai agents, linked to the criminal world of both countries. The agents in Thailand will organize everything, including passport, visa, air tickets and basic Japanese language training. The agents in Thailand earn income by selling women to agents in Japan, and the agents in Japan make a profit by imposing a debt on women.

Recruiting women and girls for prostitution was fiercely competitive. In the rural regions, agents are usually local people or relatives and friends of local people who recruit directly from the villages.


and from another poster on thaivisa

It is almost a monthly occurence up in Chiang Mai that kids are abducted. It used to be a lot more frequent a few years ago, (In my village many parents wouldn't even let there kids out on the street - They were terrified of those minibuses with the blacked out windows, as there was so much fear of them stealing kids) and it is well known that a lot of these kids end up maimed and put out to beg! (and admittedly - some were even sold by their own parents!) By the way, I have a ten year old for sale at the moment - he is a PITA, and eats me out of house and home plus the electric bills for his computer and PS3 are busting the bank - going cheap! Any offers?

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This has to be a hoax post. Chuwit is the biggest player or was anyway , in Bangkok's massage business. no prostitution in that ???

End prostitution and the Japs,Koreans and Chinese will take their factories somewhere else....golf isnt enough.

Farangs are nothing here but it would wipe out Pattaya overnight. There goes isan....bang.

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You can tell from my Signature where I stand on Chuwit. Sure he had a bad past, but because he faced several death threats from the police I seem to recall, he has decided to front it out. He is the only politician who is not a hypocrite here because he is not hiding his past. All of the other men in power have contracts closed in these places; it is ingrained in the culture. He is not pretending the problems do not exist though; or faking big surprise. So I say good for him. I would also guess that the information he has on all the properly powerful people in this country with evidence as well, means he is fairly safe. After all, why kill him if the whole system will collapse straight after wards? I do have a feeling though that the casino's, dodgy contracts, sex trade, drugs et al is all run by all the big old school families and if they were all exposed, there would be a collective shrug of their shoulders saying "yeah, we did it all, and will keep doing it. So what can you do about it? Call the cops? the army? they're in it with us so go tell someone who cares". This is the most sad part of it all. In the mean time, Chuwit is the best person in Thai politics.

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