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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. That's why I mentioned he just received his salary. I don't know exactly how much he made, but for sure several hundred thousand THB per month. He gave the money to the guy who just paid his salary, and he expected to get in back within a week. In hindsight he should have done it. This was just an example about what could (did) happen with a HiSo. My friend didn't expect something like that from a guy from a super-rich family.
  2. You don't have to believe it. I know everybody involved. It happened, here in Thailand.
  3. I don't have any personal bad experience with HiSos, but I remember a friend who was manager of a company which was owned by a HiSo family. Officially the HiSo son run the company, not that he cared much. And because he was the son, and not the head of the family, he had lots of things and could ask his super rich HiSo father for lots of things, but not everything. So one day the HiSo son ask my friend, who just got his salary, if he could borrow 500k THB over the weekend. Like: You know I am super rich, just cash flow, no problem, you will get your money back on Monday. My friend gave him the money and he expected to get it back on Monday. And then? He didn't get it back on Monday or anytime soon. Because what could my friend do? Go to the police and complain about the HiSo? Or go to the HiSo father who was head of the family and complain about his son? No good options. With HiSos there are possible other problems compared to Somchai. The problem is that those are powerful people.
  4. I don't use the internal relay at all. For people who replace an existing switch it makes sense to use that relay. In my case the power connection is only for the internal processor and WLAN (< 1.2W). I use the information which I receive per WLAN in Home Assistant. The power connection to the LED lights is independent from this one.
  5. Thanks! I don't see any information about that in the "manual". My question is also more general for any device which needs little power, not just the Shelly. I see on the box is written: Power consumption < 1.2W and other details but nothing about the connection wires.
  6. There is no current for the light at that location. There is only the "background power of the Wi-Fi switch". The cable for the light is somewhere else. I can also hike over to the switch to operate it or better still get my missus to do it. That is one option, because the Shelly is behind the "normal" switch. And additionally, Home Assistant allows me to do it automatically (depending on the time or if a person is in that area, etc.) or I can do it on my phone or tablet, etc.
  7. Who need Shelly? People who want something like Home Assistant which works 100% local without internet. If you want to invite Google or Amazon in your home, then feel free to do that. I won't! Another advantage of Home Assistant is that everything can be integrated. It is not necessary to have different apps from different suppliers. But that is another discussion which has nothing to do with this thread.
  8. Dear Bob find Thailand on this map. See how small it is? Then try if any other location is better for you. Personally, I think best for you is the large blue area. There are not too many people which could annoy you.
  9. Thanks for your replies so far. A little info about the Shelly device, there any a couple of them. They are mostly used to put behind existing electrical switches to allow home automation. When installed instead of an existing switch then the switch can be used like before, or the Shelly can be switched per WLAN for home automation. In my case I don't replace an existing switch. I only use the Shelly devices behind new switches to get the signal over WLAN if something should be on or off. And with that information in Home Assistant I switch LED lights, etc. Here is some more information about them. https://www.shelly.com/en/products/shop
  10. I fixed it for you - sorry, you have to fix your spelling yourself. I know that thais only give me the time of day if I pay. They couldnt care less about me [...]. After reading a couple of your posts I am not surprised at all.
  11. Got a GF/BF because that makes sure I don't be part of the following categories at any time: - Unhappily married - Divorced - Separated - Widowed
  12. Same same. That home country passport makes it easy to travel and do business all around the world. For me that is about the only connection to "home".
  13. Maybe there is another reason why he returned to Thailand. Maybe he knows that he is so sick that he will only live for a few weeks more. And if he does that in a Thai jail then he will be celebrated as martyr by some people. He always wanted to be the center of everything. That would bring him a little more fame for a few weeks.
  14. Is every inmate who feels sick airlifted to a hospital in the middle of the night with priority service? If not, why does it happen with the criminal who didn't show up for years?
  15. If he is dead, then he is dead. That means he won't finance all those red-shirt fan protests anymore. There won't be chaos because nobody would finance chaos.
  16. I am working on the electrical installation in my condominium. I use 2.5sqmm cable to the power outlets and 16A breakers. I know the rule that the cable must be big enough to withstand the current so that the breaker does its work before the cable fails. With 2.5sqmm cable and 16A breakers that should be fine. But what if I add small Shelly device, which uses just a few mA, in between? Can I use i.e. 1sqmm wire to the Shelly device? These 1sqmm wires would be within an electrical box in the wall. The Shelly devices will be connected to an electrical switch. But there is no load (in my case). The Shelly devices have a WLAN receiver and that's what I use. If there would be a shortcut in the Shelly, then maybe the little i.e. 1sqmm wires would fail before the breaker switches off. But then again, I am pretty sure there are even smaller wires within the Shelly, so if there would be an internal shortcut, then they would fail internally. My question is, is it ok to do the following. Use 2.5sqmm wires to the power outlet, cut them and add small wires to the Shelly? This is a sample picture of what I want to do. The Shelly devices are not mission critical. For me it doesn't matter if they would be off if the power to the power outlet would be off for an hour or two for whatever reason. I don't use the relay in the Shelly. I know that technically this will work. My question is, if a good electrician would do that. Or would he use 2.5sqmm wires to connect the little Shelly devices?
  17. Imagine there would be a miss competition which would only allow natural beauties. But then again, I guess the main reason for those competitions is to sell "beauty" operations. Sad.
  18. I would buy a 12V car refrigerator. It's easy to run from a 12V battery, and it's easy to charge the 12V battery on mains. And because these things are common they are not expensive.
  19. And I thought all these feminists are strong and independent and they don't need any men. ????
  20. It's sad for the child to have such an irresponsible mother. I hope the mother gets fined and her driver license revoked.
  21. No fb, instagram, no picture, no problems. And when the girls ask me for my name, I always tell them to call me "sexy man". They can't find me online because I am not online - at least not with any picture or real name.
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