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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I always use sqmm - not perfect, but it does the job (in any application with any keyboard).
  2. Obviously, there are traditions in every country. Often first visits and quotes are for free. But traditions change, and people change. Let's look at another sector, HiFi shops. They almost don't exist anymore anywhere in this world. Long time ago people visited those shops, listened to music and advice, maybe they visited a second shop to do the same, and then they bought in one of those local shops. And then the "smart" guys figured out that they can take the advice from those shops, look at and touch the products, and then buy cheaper online. Result: The real shops basically don't exist anymore. Coming back to here: It seems many people want everything cheap. And many don't care about the time and income of others. The result is obviously that after a while those others (handymen, etc.) don't play that game anymore. Nobody should be surprised by this development.
  3. I agree that that is likely. If the company earns less money, or even lose money, then the last they would want to do is pay lots of severance pay to people who don't bring any money to the company anymore. Maybe look for other, better, options. It's definitely better that you have a new job lined up compared to looking for a job when you get fired (maybe because the company is bankrupt).
  4. I clicked to follow this thread about 2h ago. It could have been interesting. Now I read the posts from the last two hours and 90% is garbage. It would be nice if some members here would look in which section a thread is posted. If it is not in the pub, then people expect useful answers...
  5. I had that meeting with Thai and farang lawyers together. As far as I know the farang lawyer is not authorized to work as lawyer in Thailand. But he is allowed to work in a Thai law firm and having meetings with clients.
  6. I think it depends on the job. It is a high price, but is it too high? Obviously, it could be that the business model of that company is to just collect money from surveys. But is also could be that they are busy with real work and think: If we spend time on estimates then we can't do other paid work at that time. So, pay us for it. In general, I expect from any professional to charge for their valuable time. Recently I visited a recommended lawyer. He charged for an initial consultation 6,000 THB. I paid it, and I think I received good advice. Could I have gotten the same advice for free from another lawyer? Maybe. But all in all, it was important enough for me to pay. And I would also pay for a handyman - why not?
  7. You want that an expert spends time to visit you and analyzes your problem and likely you want to know from him how he suggests fixing it and how much that will cost. And then? Lots of people take then the expert advice and tell others: there is problem xyz, and this and that has to be done to fix it. How much do you charge? And then they hire the cheapest. So why would an expert give you advice for free? What you described wouldn't happen if not too many people would misuse the initial visit. You could suggest to him that he should refund the service fee if you hire him. And if you don't hire him then you pay for his advice. I think that is fair.
  8. Yes. But expect to get a better price if you pay cash.
  9. Just a general answer. I am currently going through this procedure. It seems every embassy has different documents which they require and different procedures, online, offline, appointment, etc. Looking at different websites from Thai embassies in nearby countries they all have different requirements and procedures. The person who prepares my documents told me she prepares all the documents which different embassies want (on their websites), just in case they write they want a, b, and c but they also want d. Be prepared that the embassy might tell you that you also need other documents.
  10. It's interesting that the question is: How much monthly salary should you pay for rescuing a bar girl? And not: How much monthly salary should I pay for rescuing a bar girl? It depends on whoever "you" is and the situation.
  11. What are your intentions? Do you want to help her temporarily, so that maybe she can go to school or university to learn to be able to get in the future a well-paid job? Do you want that she stays with you for a limited time or possibly forever? IMHO if you know already that you will look for another girl in a few months or years then make sure she gets paid for whatever services she gives you. And make sure that after the services for you she will be able to work again. If she is the love of your life, then it's enough that you take care of her including all her expenses. The same way couples did that 50 years ago. It's up to you if you want to marry her or keep in mind that you are fair if you ever separate.
  12. Can you delete it from your audiobook app? It is possible that the file has not the original filename anymore. So maybe you don't see it because it has a different name.
  13. That doesn't necessary mean that the file(s) still exist. If you delete a file in that Audiobook app then the entry in the app will be deleted and (maybe, possibly) also the actual file will be deleted. If you delete the file in Explorer or any other app then maybe the Audiobook app still shows the entry even if the file is deleted. Similar with picture apps. A long time ago I had a little incident with "deleted files". A friend wanted to give his old notebook to his new girlfriend. He asked me to delete all old files, especially pictures from his ex. I deleted all the files. The pictures didn't exist anymore. But when he had another look at the computer, and he opened his picture app, he still saw for a moment all those old thumbnails from the pictures which were already deleted. Be aware of the difference...
  14. I am working on the electrical installation in my new condominium. I use VAF-G cable, mostly 1.5 and 2.5 sqmm. Until now I bought cable from BBC and YAZAKI. Are there any substantial differences between brands? Which are the best and which should be avoided? And it seems all the available VAF-G cables are "flat". From long time ago I am used to round cables. Are there any disadvantages to flat cables?
  15. Thanks for confirming the point of this thread. Here is your big manly woman from Australia
  16. IMHO many humans are fast to think that every [insert group] are like [insert whatever]. I.e. Americans are stupid, Nigerians are scammers, Chinese are loud, Africans (everybody in the whole continent) are underdeveloped, Muslims are radicals, the list goes on and on. And in that way farangs don't want ice - because if a Thai saw 3 farangs who behave like X that means all farangs behave like X. They don't like spicy food, they have too much money, they all love dark and small girls, etc. I think behavior like that is normal all over the word. Some of us, including Thais, keep an open enough mind to know that not everyone is the same.
  17. There are also lots of others who are not drunk and also don't make any sense.
  18. To be able to answer the question: "What % of farangs in Thailand are worth talking to?" we need to know enough farangs. And/or we need to know accurate statistics. How many farangs in Thailand do I "know"? I don't know, but maybe 100, probably more if I count people who I see sitting in restaurants, etc. With how many of them did I communicate enough to be able to answer if they are worth talking to? I don't even know 0.1% of farangs in Thailand. And almost all of the farangs who I know live in central Bangkok. How should I, or anybody else in a similar situation, be able to answer above question with any accuracy?
  19. Did you pay the lawyer to keep that document for you? If you just hired the lawyer to prepare it, then I guess it's not his job to "keep it". I don't imagine a file on a computer system is good enough. So basically, if you didn't hire the lawyer to keep it, then I guess you can assume he doesn't have your will.
  20. Let the people in each country decides which laws they want to have. And anybody who visits other countries should avoid being offensive - whatever that might be in the location which you visit.
  21. And obviously this doesn't leave the police any time to solve burglaries and such minor crimes... What a crazy world.
  22. You can find almost anything here: https://www.onestockhome.com/en And then there are of course lots of other places like: THAI WATSADU | ไทวัสดุ ครบเรื่องบ้าน ถูกและดี etc.
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