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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. It is possible to live cheap in Thailand. But it is also possible to get great food, great coffee and lots of other expensive things. All that adds together. I could live spending less, but I love the good life...
  2. Yes, it's possible. But don't you think it would have been better if you knew the language (better)?
  3. Don't assume everything is just like home. Thais have very different values and a different culture. You don't have to become like a Thai person, but you should understand what many of them think about family, religion, etc. If people come to Thailand when they are already old and are not used to Thailand, then the big question is if they are able to adapt at all. Do you want to live only in the expat world where Thais are only the service people around you? And how do you learn about Thailand, Thai people, living in Thailand, laws, etc.? Years ago, it was not easy because you didn't know who to talk to who you can trust. Now that is the same, and then there is the internet with lots of people and articles and videos from uninformed people. Take it easy. Try to learn a lot. Accept that Thailand is different. And most importantly, accept the possibility that maybe Thailand is not the right place for you. Be able to move back or somewhere else without losing "everything".
  4. Long term, I think everybody should learn the language, anywhere in Thailand, including the cities. It's not easy and of course it's a question of how good we know the language. I think we should know it at least good enough to function in real life with (only Thai speaking) Thai people. Tell the taxi driver where to go, how much it cost, etc. Ask for food, order food, etc. Go to a fresh market and be able to communicate. Use public transport and ask for directions. And in hospitals, where doctors normally speak English, but nurses don't, be ready to communicate with the nurses. In many cases it will be possible to exist without that knowledge, but it helps a lot to be able to know what the locals talk about (at least the general idea) without any translation. If we don't speak Thai, then we have to trust someone who speaks Thai. And how do you know you can trust that person if you don't understand at least part of their "translation". Many guys lost a fortune because they trusted a Thai person and didn't understand the language.
  5. And what will he do now? Did he ever learn anything? Did he ever have a proper job? Maybe he should try to be a used card salesman. He might be qualified for that.
  6. It seems many people think like that, not only in politics. I.e. in sport, I want that the best team and players win. I don't have a favorite team or player. And in politics, I want someone competent, honest, knowledgeable, etc. In a way I think the DEMs and Biden deserve to lose this election. They could have been honest and realistic in the last couple of years and they could have supported younger politicians similar to Obama. They didn't do that, as far as I see because inner-party preferences which are about the party, and not about what is good for the country. The problem in the USA is of course that the alternative is even worse. A serial liar who still pretends he won the last election and who wants to be above the law. And a party full of politicians without any spine. We can all look up what many of those GOP politicians said about Trump in the 2016 primaries. They were right at that time that he is not qualified. And now he is not more qualified. But now those spineless politicians support that MAGA maniac. Bad news, bad news, and bad news. And then the USA pretend to be the sample democracy of this world. What a bad joke.
  7. I am sure it helps to be an actor in that job. I read/viewed (I don't remember) once an interview with Clint Eastwood. He won election as the nonpartisan mayor of Carmel-by-the-Sea, California, in April 1986. (Wikipedia) In that interview he explained how extreme difficult it was for him to get things done. The fact that he was "the local boss" wasn't good enough. I am sure intelligent people can learn what to do. But I would prefer someone who has many years of experience in politics and knows already how the system works. And personally, I think we can and should expect an experienced honest professional for the top job in the world.
  8. And does he have any experience in politics? I think the top job in politics should be filled with someone who has a lot of experience in politics. Because even if a person is intelligent, has good ideas, is honest, and has other good intentions, he need to know how the system works. Beucause otherwise he doesn't get anything done. The president of the USA has lots of "little" power in lots of places. He has no absolute power like a king - at least until now.
  9. In my current apartment I don't have any. But I had them in other apartments, also in high floors. I don't mind them.
  10. I guess if you have such a device new the balcony then it might work. I have no mosquitos, ever. I live in a high floor condominium, and it seems mosquitos don't fly so high. 🙂
  11. I bought something similar a few days ago because of a few flies in my bedroom. Unfortunately, the flies didn't decide to fly into that thing. Then my gf used one of those tennis rack zappers and solved the problem.
  12. And then god will pick it up and think let's party? Or what is the idea about such check?
  13. I hope you are right. But I guess his relative silence has more to do with his fear about his survival as a free man in Thailand. There are lots of people who don't like him. And if he talks too much and shows everybody that he is above the law then I am sure some of his enemies will work harder to make his life miserable. He wants to be free in Thailand, that is what motivates whatever he does - at least IMHO.
  14. This guy and his family are only good for a poster to show what is wrong with Thailand. He should go home, get some ear-infection medicine, and stay quiet.
  15. Is it still called lying if someone can't remember what he was supposed to say?
  16. Did he mention all their work for Thaksin? They must have spent a lot of time to convince everybody involved to have the criminal finally run around free in Thailand and talking too much about politics. And let's not forget about the untransparent 10k scam. Somehow, they promise it will happen, but not exactly when and how and where the money comes from and many other details. Where are the details? Where will the money come from and who will receive all those administrative costs which I am sure will happen?
  17. For many years I used Wondershare Video Converter Pro (paid version) to download YouTube videos, now that does not work anymore. I didn't try it too many times, but any video which I tried recently, including harmless DIY videos, won't download anymore. Until now I didn't spend any time to try to solve this issue. I have YouTube Premium to avoid the ads, they have a download button. But the files are not locally available in any usable format. At least that is what I found out until now.
  18. In part it's a low season thing. What time did you go? Because the bars close later, the business starts later these days. Now many girls in Nana arrive just before 10pm. Don't expect much before that time. And the business is more concentrated in a few bars. I guess part of that is the information exchange on the internet. A few years ago you asked an insider where to go. Now, I guess many people look for that information on the web and then many end up in the same few bars. The high prices for the (lady) drinks certainly don't help. And we, they guy who used to go a lot to the bars are getting older. We don't go as often anymore. And it seems the younger guys look primary online for contacts.
  19. Bangkok's bar nightlife is definitely quieter than it was years ago. I didn't go to Patpong for many years, day or night. Maybe I should have a look on day to see what is going on there now. The few people in Foodland Soi 5 are still surprising to me. I go there almost every day and I am pretty sure on most days there are more employees than shoppers in that place. I hope they won't close it, because I can't imagine they make enough business there anymore.
  20. You mentioned Buddhism. So maybe you like to explain to us what it means.
  21. About 50 dead per day. Since many many years. Good luck that Thais know about the problem and found solutions.
  22. This is a well-known organized crime business, since decades. And part of the organization is that authorities are part of the criminal enterprise. Otherwise, it wouldn't exist. And all this is no secret. TiT
  23. Personally, I think the part between being born and dying is the interesting part. How should I take anything with me when I die? I am dead. It doesn't hurt and I won't miss anything because I am dead.
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