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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Who organized the red mob? Who financed the red mob? Who controlled the red mob? Here is a hint: It wasn't Abhisit or Suthep or Prayut.
  2. I also think about those people who died in 2010 who did their duty. People who had no chance to just walk away. People who had to fight terrorists. It's sad that so many soldiers were killed by the mob of the criminal fugitive. I remember them.
  3. Maybe you missed it: He was at one of his parties while the Queen was mourning alone. And maybe you also missed that the Queen was not the only person who was alone. Probably millions of people in the UK were mourning for dead friends and relatives while the guy who made the rules ignored them. And he still doesn't see a problem with his behavior. I am sure psychologists have a name for that condition.
  4. Did it occur to you that partygate is just typical for Boris? He is incompetent and he doesn't care. He wanted to be PM but he doesn't want to do the work. What a pathetic creature! And it seem you think you can trust him with handling Putin. Yeah, sure, dream on!
  5. Is anybody surprised? Will he resign? Or will he just do what he always did? Rules are for the others, he can do whatever he wants. Nobody should be surprised by the behavior of him. Why was he elected to be PM? Vote for a clown and hope things work out?
  6. Lots of owners have no money. So they spend only money when they (will) receive money. I.e. I asked for a new air-conditioner before I move in. The owner told me: yes, after you pay the deposit. I paid it and the new air-con was installed. And I have no idea if that is "normal".
  7. And do you think it's a good idea to do such things on a motorway? Why not compete on a racetrack without endangering innocent people? And for the record: I also like to drive a little faster from time to time. But there is a difference between fast and insane.
  8. It seems someone thinks about those poor Thai police officers. Imagine if bars would be allowed to open, possibly even with dancing girls on stage. Who would pay the police?
  9. I agree, but I think it starts even with standard cars from the manufacturer. A long time ago in a country far away I had a BMW 323i with about 140 HP. My friend, who worked as a car mechanic at that time called it a rocket. Max speed was about 200km/h and the acceleration was pretty good. Now, I wonder if BMW sells any cars with less power. I know they sell cars with 3 times that power and more. For what? And if people really use that power, i.e. to go racing or drive on the Autobahn, fine. But what's the point of a fast and powerful car in Thailand?
  10. One big problem seem to be the laws in this country. It seems every hairdresser and laundry shop and security guard can demand 3% commission from the seller. Knowledge: zero, Opportunities: a lot. Maybe that is the reason that nobody wants to do a proper job. Because if a real real estate agent who puts in the work has to fight with the hairdresser who mentioned that the apartment is available about the whole commission then the system is just broken.
  11. Thanks for your answers. Let me clarify this a little more: I live in Bangkok. I saw on the COTTO website this "design service" for, it seems, 1000B บริการออกแบบห้องน้ำ : Design service (cottolife.com) IKEA offers this, I think they charge and if the customer buys the kitchen then the design is free: https://family.ikea.co.th/en/kitchen-appointment I sent them already an email asking for details. Like I wrote above, I don't expect a free service. I am willing to pay for their time. I.e. with my new kitchen the width of the room is basically fixed. But I will "move" anyhow one wall and I think about how long the room of the new kitchen should be. So I could tell one of those kitchen designers: Please show me how you would fit the appliances and shelves and whatever in a room with 3m length and how what would you do if you have 4m length? And in the moment what I want is a rough design (no idea what the real name for that is). In the moment I am not interested in selecting the handles or things like that now. I can decide this when I buy. And coming back to my original post my concern is if these designers, who work in the shops, have an incentive to sell more expensive items from that shop. I.e. maybe they suggest product A for price X but "forget" to mention product B for half the price. If a company would be only willing to do anything if I show them 250k up front then I would question their attitude. If they are good and have reasonable prices then they shouldn't be scared that the customer compares them with others. And if they think they customer will take their design and he will find another company who can do it for half the price then maybe they should get more competitive prices.
  12. I think we should bundle those opportunities. If there are i.e. 40% female bricklayers then there should be up to 40% female CEOs. It's only fair. ????
  13. So it seems you think they are all the same energy efficient, quality built, etc., correct? Really? Obviously the installation has to be correct. But that is certainly not all there is.
  14. Obviously that is a simple solution. But is it a good solution? There are lots of differences. Here are some of them: https://www.choice.com.au/home-and-living/cooling/air-conditioners/review-and-compare/large-air-conditioners This is an Australian website and some of the products are not available in Thailand and some aircons from Thailand are not in that list. The important part, at least for me, is that there are significant differences.
  15. Define "any good". Inverter technology is obviously a good choice. The question is what do you want? The cheapest price? Lots of features (i.e. control by mobile phone)? Best energy rating? Longest warranty?
  16. Some companies, maybe many, offer design services. I.e. Ikea has a service to design a kitchen and other rooms. Cotto has a service for bathrooms and other rooms, mostly with tiles. Did you ever try a service like that? What did you like and what not so much? Is this, in your experience, really a service for people to find the design which they want? Or is it more something for companies to sell the most expensive things? I am renovating a condominium from scratch. I have an idea what I want but not much in detail. Maybe I will hire a designer and/or interior architect. And I think about sitting down with i.e. a kitchen specialist for an hour or two and a bathroom specialist for another hour or two is probably a good start. Obviously they want to get paid by me i.e. per hour or room and I think that is fair enough. I wouldn't like if they get also commissions from their shops if they sell more expensive products. What is your experience?
  17. I see lots of women who are happy with the world. If they are qualified they are able to get good jobs in all fields at all levels. And then there is the soft power of women. Many know exactly how to get what they want with just a smile. What some feminists like to forget is the simple fact that men and women are different. It's nice if everybody has the same opportunities, but in real life there will always be more male bricklayers and more female nurses. And we shouldn't see this as a problem. And, like mentioned above and criticized above, I think women should make up their mind what they want. Should everything be the same? Same opportunities and same responsibilities and same treatment? In this forum is currently another article about female victims of male scams when women dream about marrying a rich handsome guy. Are only women victims of such scams? Personally I am for equality of opportunities. But women and men are different and they always will be different in many ways. Don't try to make them equal in all the ways which are naturally different.
  18. I bought Home Designer Pro 2022 for about 500USD. Not cheap, but very good. And at least for my renovation the cost of the software are minimal compared to the whole project. For that reason I thought I buy something good.
  19. If he is actually paying the hotel then that is obviously a good sign. Just make sure they pay it and you don't end up paying the hotel by yourself. Good luck!
  20. I am sure the problem with most of those people is they can move to anywhere and they will still complain. They will find something, anything, to complain. Because that is their "character". Maybe at least some of them realize (maybe conscious, maybe not) that moving to another place won't change their situation. And some of them will have enough people who listen to them and they can complain together. I guess this is kind of their version of happiness. ????
  21. 1 and 2 should be a non-issue. You can't change it. There is no point in thinking about or worrying about or somehow trying to change it. Accept it! And when you accept it then it won't affect your mental health.
  22. I don't know the answer but I suggest you should be careful. Recently I transferred money from a bank outside of Thailand to a bank inside of Thailand to buy a condominium. Before I did this I asked my Thai bank about the requirements. They told me is should be clear on the transfer description that the money is for the purchase of a condominium. And the money must arrive in Thailand in the foreign currency, not in THB. Fine, I did this, the description was on the transfer and they issued a document with that information. I thought: Fine, all done. No When I planned to go to the land office to buy the condominium an experienced person helped me with that. And she told me I need another document from the bank. I asked my bank and they told me there is only the one document. Then my expert found a sample of what I need and we showed this to my bank. Oh, that is what you want. Ok we can do this for you. An hour later I had that additional document and all was fine. So if you think you get the right document make sure it is really the document which you need... And sorry, I don't have the sample because another person handled that for me.
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  24. Here are some 100mA RCCB - but not from ABB or Siemens RCCBs | RS Components (rs-online.com) I just looked at the ABB supplier from my link above. They have many many devices, all 30mA...
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