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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. You forgot <deleted>. As in "hits the fan".
  2. I was watching some of his videos on YouTube recently. A very funny comedian. RIP.
  3. Snails also leave a slimy trail behind them. I'm surprised they don't have CCTV in the building for security.
  4. But it is the Government (in fact most governments) that want to create a cashless society, as (a) it gives far more control over it's citizens, and (b) it can see where all the money goes, and tax it, confiscate it, or take away your right to spend it how you please.
  5. Imagine how he might feel in a few years time when it's worth increases by many multiples of what he paid for it. It's value will probably outstrip inflation.
  6. As much as I don't think she should be Prime Minister, you cannot know how she feels. The death of those young children in the manner in which they died is a very sad, and obviously upsetting occurrence for anyone that reads about it. She won't be the only one shedding tears.
  7. Will it be a 51% - 49% split in favour of Thailand? How do these things work at such a large scale with multinational corporations?
  8. What a horrible accident. Being young children under the care of others only makes it worse. Normally these type of buses have little hammer like window breakers situated around the bus to aid escape. I wonder if this one had them, and if it did, whether the teachers knew what they were for and how to use them, because the youngsters were probably too young to know. Even then, it seems a long drop from those windows to the road.
  9. The article mentions that visibility was reduced, so maybe the pilot was doing a manual landing, which might explain why the aircraft veered off.
  10. The question is, will second hand car dealers really bite the bullet and drop their prices as the market dictates? Second hand cars have always seemed ridiculously over priced here.
  11. Along with the guy that fell into the canal the other day, we can pretty much see what all these THB10,000s is going to be spent on. Ah well. It's not as if we didn't see it coming.
  12. Too many people fell for the "electric cars are greener" mumbo jumbo. They are not. They have just moved the polluting point from the engine to the battery. As a result of the rapid growth of electric cars, there is now a time bomb on the horizon of what to do with old battery packs. Only a small percentage are currently recycled, and many of these are from car accidents where the batteries are damaged and the car manufacturers don't want to use them. . Others are reused or repurposed. But what happens to the ones that are broken down? I saw a video that stated that currently over 95% of old batteries from electric vehicles end up in landfill. Not so "green" when you take that into account if true.
  13. I like the French accent, but not so much the stronger southern French accent. I also what is described as Received Pronunciation English. Also the Cornish accent. I did read somewhere that the accent in the south west of England is the one nearest to Old English, as would have been spoken in Shakespeare's time.
  14. I have bought sims on Lazada from MELONTHAI without problem. But make sure you get one that suits your / his needs. A lot of the descriptions are in Thai, so if you don't read it, you will need to use Google Translate. Also, you might have to go along to the SIM provider's (AIS, DTAC etc) outlet with ID card to get the SIM activated.
  15. Honda used to do a 7-seater BR-V and CR-V, but price range might prove difficult. Nissan or Mitsubishi do the Xpander. Again, price range will limit your choice.
  16. Kasikorn used to do a K-Web Virtual Card for online shopping. They changed it last year. I'm not sure what they have now.
  17. She got off lucky if she meant it. If she had done that at home, she would be facing a far harsher punishment.
  18. Might be better to set up outside a Police station. 😀
  19. I'm just waiting for a report of a big Lottery winner, who had a vision to put the whole THB10,000 on certain numbers. That will really start a craze.
  20. If it was him, hopefully modern DNA techniques will shut down his denial and any doubt of guilt, and then they can nail him to the wall.
  21. Not sure how it works so will ask: Do the supermarkets and wine merchants all pay their tax up front to the Thai gov't after importation? Because if so, they might have to sell their old stock first before they drop the price.
  22. Maybe ask here on AN for recommendations for a good dentist in your area first, pick one, then go and discuss with them your options.
  23. Egg mayonnaise, roast chicken salad, Avocado and crispy bacon, chip butty, steak with mustard, roast turkey and pickled red cabbage, corned beef with HP sauce, boiled egg and tomato. fried egg and bacon,
  24. I wonder if dog's owner be held responsible and punished in any way for the poor lady's death. I doubt it. She would probably get worse here for writing a bad restaurant review.
  25. Probably more than just alcohol. Wait until he sobers up and make him clean it up.
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