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Everything posted by Ohyesuare

  1. Got my Pfizer booster today at Royal Garden. Arrived at 10AM like I was told to and there was a huge crowd of people and it was roped off. I thought maybe these were people who hadn't registered yet so I tried to go in when they opened it but me and a few other foreigners were moved to the side while all the Thais went in first. After all the Thais were let in and there was nobody left, I tried to go in and he said come back at 11AM, I said I was told on the phone to come at 10 and then he said oh you have appointment and reluctantly let me in. Then once I got up to the 2nd floor, I was directed to the wrong line and wasted 30 mins or so there before I found a nice Thai lady who could speak english and she said she thinks I'm in the wrong line after I told her I already registered. Got in the right line finally and after dealing with many people who didn't seem too happy about me getting the booster, finally did get it, at least I'm hoping it's what they gave me. I was expecting all this so never once made a fuss, jus went with the flow. I was expecting to be there all day but I was out after a few hours and it's already updated in my MorProm app as 3rd shot Pfizer.
  2. As it should be. And I agree that it's ridiculous to require one when outside alone in non-crowded situations or when driving alone in your car.
  3. It's actually a law as part of the emergency decree to wear one in those conditions, I'm sure many aren't doing it because they love having one on. I don't think you'd be chuckling and find it so humorous if you were stopped and fined for not wearing one by an opportunistic cop one day.
  4. That's kind of unfair to the 20+ people who already made the same exact joke before him.
  5. 30 day extension has to be done first.
  6. I assume you mean Royal Garden Plaza, never heard of Pattaya Gardens. It doesn't surprise me at all that Pattaya Mail is giving out inaccurate info either, they're the last "news" site I'd trust. I think if you have 2x Pfizer already, they're not giving boosters unless your last shot was 6 months+ is what I've been reading. There's a whole thread about boosters in Pattaya here:
  7. When he says local, I didn't see it as him talking about himself. He's probably fine. The ones who are starving and have no work, no money and no safety net are the Thai locals who depended on scamming and overcharging tourists for their livelihoods before COVID.
  8. Hospitals can charge whatever they want like usual. I've seen reports of bills from 150k-300k baht, especially if an ICU stay is needed.
  9. I wish they would. That's how PhayaThai-2 did it for my first two vaccine shots. I have nothing to prove I'm even registered when I show up on the date that they told me. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm told to <deleted> off again by some security guy who threw me (the only foreigner) out of the register line when I show up. I don't even care that much about getting a booster or not but just trying to do my part to protect others if it has a higher chance of stopping me from getting it and spreading it.
  10. That was me. Yes, I had to go in to register first and then was called by someone a few days later who didn't seem to be able to speak English and asked me if I can speak Thai which luckily I could and they then explained when I can go in for the booster.
  11. Yeah not quite sure how the rare ones make it through to my inbox but it does keep most out.
  12. I've been getting these consistently for years now. Amazon ones as well. If you hover over the sender it'll always be a bunch of numbers and letters for the email and they'll never address you by your full name like official PayPal emails do.
  13. They want money, go through an agent and no problems. If not possible, any reputable agent will tell you straight up or refund your money after they've tried.
  14. If you surrender yourself, you are never deported. Just a fine and a ban if you have overstayed more than 90 days.
  15. I agree that there's a chance of being stopped going to either and it's very low. If it was gonna happen, the higher chance is on the way to the airport as if they are in Jomtien/Pattaya, that's a longer drive obviously. I personally would not feel comfortable walking around on overstay during normal times, during covid times even more so and I'd go to immigration and get the extension. An overstay of multiple days also looks much worse than just one day and who knows if the flight gets cancelled, they still test positive on the PCR needed for the flight etc.. The less left up to chance, the better.
  16. Very limited, if any against infection, yes but still protects against hospitalization and death which is the main goal now to save hospitals from being overrun.
  17. Yeah the question cannot be properly answered without knowing this. If it was a tourist visa that was rejected, I'd be pretty worried about still flying in and trying to get in on an exempt, if it was a non-o and the proper paperwork wasn't provided, that's a different story.
  18. I went the other day and went to one desk where they asked me some questions and then directed me to a lineup and then a security guard came up and threw me, the only foreigner, out of the line, saying closed but the Thais who walked up at the same time as me were not told anything. I went back to the desk and told them this and they were all very nice and registered me anyway themselves and a bunch wanted pictures with me for some reason. Today I got a call saying I can go in next week to get my booster shot. She spoke almost no English at all so if I couldn't speak Thai, I might have been SOL, so keep that in mind if you go through the same process.
  19. I agree, best to go to a hospital. Showing your prescription and describing your symptoms, should be no problem to get the same. You can find some pharmacies who will sell it to you but it could be fake so who knows what you are actually ingesting and how much of it. In normal times, it wouldn't make sense to sell fake valium but with COVID, who knows as they'd usually get it from border crossers which there is much less of these days obviously.
  20. If he tested positive via PCR then it will most likely be reported and they'll come looking for him to take him to a hospitel, hospital or field hospital. The agent suggestion is good in the meantime so at least he won't be on overstay. Hopefully flight can be rescheduled and all that.
  21. My Kasikorn account was closed for inactivity, but I don't think I had much in there when it was. They refused to reopen it or another account for me without going through all the hoops again (work permit, residency certificate, etc..) I just opened a Bangkok Bank account through an agent instead of wandering around town into every bank and being told I needed to pay for the $6k insurance of the ones that even wanted to let me open an account.
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