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Everything posted by dddave

  1. I'm glad you picked-up on the fact the transaction was moved outside of Lazada. I foolishly lost B4000 on a phone order this way. Originally made the order (B8000 Xiaomi) on Lazada. Seller contacted me by my LINE account, saying he just sold out of the model I wanted but if I was willing to pay 1/2 upfront, he would ship me an upgraded model for same price. Gullible me sent him 4,000 by transfer. After a week of no delivery, he contacted me saying he wanted full payment upfront. By then, I knew I'd been had. No recourse through Lazada because I'd gone outside the system, exactly as they warn you not to do. B4,000 lesson learned.
  2. Users on this forum frequently recommend COD for online purchases but this is a good example of why it can lead to larger problems. Generally, you are not allowed to open a parcel and inspect the goods before payment. Once you have paid on COD, that constitutes acceptance of goods and is difficult to contest. With COD, you actually have less recourse than with pre-payment. I have never had an issue with Lazada refunding on substandard merchandise as long as I had paid through their system. I also tried buying one of those B1000 super phone deals on Lazada just to see what the deal was and I got exactly what the OP got, a 4 1/2 inch phone from 10 years ago. The seller did not want to approve the return but Lazada overuled the seller and I got my money back.
  3. 20K is on the low end locally for top name, hi-index progressive lenses. If you get a lower price, almost certainly will not be a top brand. For the last 7 years I've been using Zenni Optical online. Just got a new pair of progressives last week: Hi-index, best coatings, excellent frame US$ 170. Standard delivery took 2 weeks. Rush service available.
  4. Basically, individual keys can not be fixed. I replaced the keyboards in a Lenovo and a HP laptop at the same time I replaced the HDDs with SSDs. Both were popular model laptops so I had a lot of choice on Lazada though I suspected that most were the same keyboard from the same manufacturer. There were several YT videos showing how to do it. They were a big help because some of the screws were really hidden. If I were the OP, I'd check first with Huawei and see if there is a known defect they will cover. Googling "Huawei laptop keyboard defect" showed OP is not alone with issues.
  5. There are high quality print shops in both MBK and Fortune Tower. At Fortune: 2nd level, near the camera section.
  6. I had a foot infection in April that became cellulitis. 22 days in hospital. I came very close to loosing my foot. Take foot infections very seriously. They are at the end of the circulatory system and do not heal as quickly as other areas of your body. Antibiotics take longer to get traction in your feet. Antibiotics have to be specific to the bacteria causing the infection. In my case, it took more than a full week for Doctors to find an antibiotic that was effective. OP, If your infection gets out of hand as mine did, it will cost you a whole lot more than it will to get a professional medical diagnosis and treatment now.
  7. Yup. Exactly. Model YX-520. Manufacturer just a logo I'm unfamiliar with
  8. I bought what I thought was a 128gb, 22X42 M2 SSD on Lazada several months ago. It was less than B300. I intended to install it in an inexpensive Chinese laptop I've had for a number of years and use as a travel and back-up laptop. The laptop has a convenient little trap door on the underside specifically for a 22X42 SSD but when I recently tried to install it I discovered the SSD was not 22X42. It was 30X50, a size I had never heard of. The Lazada return date has long since passed. I have no use for this device whatsoever. If anybody in Thailand reading this has a use for this SSD, send me a PM with your address and I'll send it by post. Otherwise, it'll just end up in that box of useless stuff I can't quite toss in the bin.
  9. Thailand has vehicle auctions all over the place. Just Google auto auction with the cities name. Bangkok has several. One has to be very careful with used cars in Thailand generally and at auctions specifically. Thailand has a lot of floods, not just on streets but not infrequently in below street level parking garages with poor drainage. Lots of floods means lots of flood cars which is something you do not want to be stuck with. There are companies that actually specialize in cleaning up flood cars. Unfortunately, most of what they do is cosmetic. Mechanicals and electrics don't like to be immersed in water, especially filthy flood water.
  10. I'm on my 2nd pair of "Sketchers" walking shoes, first pair bought in the US, current pair at a Sketcher's mall store in Pattaya. Very comfortable and well made. I have a very wide foot and their "wides" are truly wides. Both pair are canvas which is holding up very well. I only bought the 2nd pair because in this hot climate, I think it's wise to alternate shoes, allowing them to fully dry for a day after each use.
  11. The Kindles sold by "World Import" on Lazada are usually the least expensive. The Kindles are sourced from Kindle, Japan and are 100% legit. Mine arrived in Jomtien in 3 days. After years with a 5th gen PW, I am really enjoying the PW11. The slight additional size really makes a difference.
  12. I've always thought the escalator at Siam BTS station from the train platform to the mezzanine level was an accident waiting to happen. Every time a train stops and off-loads, the escalator gets packed; sometimes 2 trains off-load at the same time and people at the top push to get on. I always wait and take the lift.
  13. OP A friend who had hip replacement in Bangkok several years ago found the best support device for walking was a "Trekking Pole". They look like a ski pole. They are very light weight and also fold into 3 sections so easy to tuck into a shoulder bag or backpack. Their advantage is the handle has a sturdy strap and if you place your hand correctly into the strap, it provides solid support with much less strain on shoulders and forearms. I have arthritic knees and on bad days, need support assistance. At my friends suggestion I purchased a trekking pole and it really is superior to the cane I was using. Because it folds-up so easily, it's much easier to deal with when sitting somewhere, not having it constantly falling to the floor. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/yunhw-aluminium-trekking-pole-stick-i2861944958-s10440606542.html?clickTrackInfo=query%3Atrekking%2Bpole%3Bnid%3A2861944958%3Bsrc%3ALazadaMainSrp%3Brn%3Aae00a5d94032840481620cc017cc0d5e%3Bregion%3Ath%3Bsku%3A2861944958_TH%3Bprice%3A299.00%3Bclient%3Adesktop%3Bsupplier_id%3A100190895676%3Basc_category_id%3A3485%3Bitem_id%3A2861944958%3Bsku_id%3A10440606542%3Bshop_id%3A2116795&search=1&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i40.61ba510b2fCOoP
  14. Sildanifil (Viagra) was originally developed as a blood pressure lowering drug. The most profitable side effect was a happy accidental discovery. Grakcu seems to be similar. One of the risks of low BP is light-headedness or dizziness and possible fainting, especially if one stands quickly after sitting or lying down for a long period.
  15. From the symptoms the OP describes, I'm wondering if it could possibly be SCIATICA. I had an attack of Sciatica a year ago and much of what the OP describes: severe pain sitting, standing and even lying down is what I experienced. I suspect I brought my own case on by improperly stretching my back. Perhaps the OP, in coping with his recovery aggravated the sciatic nerve somehow.
  16. I was watching a video on making cooking videos. It seems they frequently use elaborate mirror arrangements shooting food being cooked so cameras and lenses aren't exposed to steam and oil spatter.
  17. There is an older shopping mall in Chinatown called MEGA PLAZA, about 100 yards from the new Sam Yot MRT. The 4th level of this mall is almost all photo equipment dealers with both new and used equipment. There are also several repair shops where you can have a used camera tested before you buy. If you want a mind boggling used camera experience, about a kilometer from the Samrong BTS station is LUCKY HOME, a very large 2nd hand store, more a warehouse really. There you will find multiple aisles with shelving and bins loaded with thousands of used cameras and lenses. Most are kaput but there are treasures to be found if you're willing to dig. Exit the BTS on the even soi side and take a motorbike. Very difficult to find walking.
  18. As long as your bed is high enough so it's easy to roll into a sitting position and then get-up without pushing with your hands there should be no problem. It was actually uncomfortable to sleep on my sides for the first two weeks but I do not recall any specific instructions not to do so. I did use extra pillows to sleep sitting up a bit. One uncomfortable part of recovery is the need and necessity to frequently deep cough to clear the unusual amount of mucous your lungs will make. It can be quite uncomfortable, especially in the first week. My recovery team gave me a small pillow to clutch to my chest when I did cough. It made it a bit less painful and also protects the sternum somehow. If they don't give you one, just use a small throw pillow. Sleeping sitting up a bit seemed to lessen coughing at night. They will also probably give you a blow toy. It's a device you blow into as long and as hard as you can that measures and helps increase your lung volume and breathing force. You may not feel you need the walker once you are home but a fall could possibly cause complications so best to be on the safe side and use it until you feel really steady. Not much more I can think of. Just keep in mind during the first few weeks of healing you always want to keep your arms and shoulders forward. No reaching back like when putting on a shirt or jacket. It is really important to be your own advocate. If you have questions you feel aren't fully answered, press for the answers. if there are any instructions you don't understand, clarify them. Ask them to explain what every medication they give you is and what it does and what possible side effects you may experience. One final item. You mentioned you lived 5 hours away from where you'll have the surgery. That is a long way. Perhaps you should consider getting a hotel room fairly close to the hospital for the first two or three days once you are discharged, just in case something comes up or there is something you want checked out. Best of luck.
  19. ATK test kits are so cheap and plentiful now. Good idea to get 3 different brands from different sources and test with all three. If mixed results, time for a PCR test.
  20. I was doing a bit of fact checking today and discovered that all production of Halogen bulbs in both the US and EU is slated to be closed down next year. Apparently, it's all part of an environmental agreement to eliminate all incandescent light bulbs from the planet. I've never yet had to replace a bulb in a halogen oven but maybe I'd better buy a few for future use as I do rely on it.
  21. I was in the Jomtien Makro today which does sell some appliances, They two nice Air Fryers on display, an Otto and a Heier, both under B1000. What I liked about them was both had a removable "basket" insert rather than just a removable plate. I've had both styles and find the removable basket style to be much more useful. Anybody considering the larger "Halogen Oven" option should think about the bowl. Most for sale and on display have a large glass bowl. It's nice to be able to easily see the food cooking but the bowl is very heavy and care has to be taken when washing it with hands slippery from soap; easy to drop and shatter. There are models available for about the same price with a stainless steel bowl. It is much lighter than the glass bowl and no risk of shattering if it drops. Another advantage is you can put it on a stove and make sauces and gravies directly. The stainless models are a bit harder to find but they are out there.
  22. Though from the US, I've developed a taste for English meat pies. Always a few in the freezer for a quick meal. When cooking from frozen, I find they come out best using two technologies: three to four minutes in the " 'wave" to get the insides thawed & hot, then three or four in the Air Fryer to brown and crisp the top.
  23. Google: "Motorcycle auction Bangkok" There are several auction houses specializing in motorcycles/motorbikes. Most have websites listing stock for upcoming auctions. It is a <deleted> shoot. AFAIK, you can't test ride or even start them. Gotta be a lot of flood vehicles floating around in auctions and on Facebook.
  24. My error. I thought air fryers were the same technology as the halogen ovens. I actually have both. Halogen ovens are better for larger items like pizza, whole chicken, bread and larger roasts.
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