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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. New tank has been delivered, I'll put it on tonight after work (yes, working whilst everyone else is on break).
  2. UK legal passport photos. The minimal cost to EMS the PP, photos and application to them. I'm not aware of any further charges, yet!
  3. Ouch, just out of warranty of course. Ours managed 10 years before rust got the better of it.
  4. Thing is, you WILL want to keep more stuff going ????
  5. Have you "buzzed out" the pump wiring?
  6. Very, very, finger in the air:- 120W panel - 2k Baht Simple PWM charge controller - 500 Baht 50Ah deep-cycle battery (lead acid, not really worth going lithium for a tiny system) - 3k Baht 1,500W pure-sine (important for a motor) inverter - 3k Baht. Add the bits n bobs to tie it all together, you're off and running for 10k ish.
  7. "Supply" is between 4 and 5 on the diagram (L-N polarity is unimportant) 4 being the winding common (It's L on the drawings). Latest drawing looks correct. I know hindsight is 20-20, but I always take a photo of any wiring before I start messing with it.
  8. No reason why not, how big (Watts) is the pump? You would need a solar panel, charge controller, battery and inverter. I can guarantee you'll be wanting some lights and your PC / TV as well as just the pump
  9. A thought. The diagram shows the supply on 5, try moving the supply to 6 (this would cause the motor to run in the opposite direction). Time to buzz out your pump wiring ????
  10. You motor windings will be 4 to 5 and 4 to 6 (4 being the common).
  11. Last time (which was a while back) it was around 2-3 weeks before I got it back, this time, I'll let you know. The application has just been acknowledged by VFS Global (about a week after Key took my payment) so one would hope "soon". I can't imagine them needing to hold on to it any longer.
  12. I've used them in the past with no issues as have many others. I see no reason for things to have changed, other than the crazy wait times in the UK. I will of course report progress.
  13. I think you are mis-reading the diagram, not helped by the labelling. I cap MUST end up in series with one of the windings or things definitely won't run. Now go away and take the photos I asked for (original pump diagram) ???? Have you made it run with the old controller yet??
  14. I'm in the same process, but being a lazy <insert suitable expletive> ... I'm using KeyVisa. Darren acknowledged my payment on 5 July, today (13 July) I got notice from VFS that they have forwarded my application to the UK. It remains to be seen how long the process takes. As an aside I applied to renew my UK driving licence on Wednesday last week (using my existing PP number so no need for a new photo), paid my 14 squid using my UK credit card. The new licence arrived at my (ok, my parent's) UK address on Saturday! I have no idea why it was so quick, some of my UK friends have been waiting months.
  15. Have you made it work as originally wired??? I think that has to be task A. Have you verified continuity of the two motor windings to the common?? I assume the pump is till down the well so "doesn't work" means it's not pumping. swapping the two windings by accident would make the pump run backwards so, of course, it won't pump. Can you do a clearer shot of the existing diagram, we can then tell you what to put where for correct operation with the new controller.
  16. Yeah I see that now, my eyes are not good enough to read the wire labelling. As noted, get it going with the old controller first. If it still won't go, it's time to get the meter out and check the winding continuity. L and one winding go to one end of the cap, the other winding goes to the other end of the cap then both free ends of windings go to N. Although I note that the original drawing has the cap on the neutral side, shouldn't matter.
  17. Start caps are in series with the relevant winding as shown in your first diagram. I doubt you've fried the pump you should re-check the wiring of the original box and get it working with that first. How did you connect your pump to the new controller?
  18. Ours just sprang a ruddy leak so it's dribbling all over the kichen floor, it evidently heard us talking about it. Madam put a towel under it and I ordered a replacement - https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i1508658372-s3987020350.html
  19. Lazada has a very effective return system (even with my empty package, eventually). Take photos of what you received. As above it never hurts to video you opening the package. Click on "Return" on your order. Follow the instructions.
  20. He hadn't posted in about 12 months but he still visited regularly. RIP Mobi, a ThaiVisa legend! ????
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