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Everything posted by hotandsticky

  1. +1 I don't usually select 'funds for long term stay in Thailand' but this week I did - 6 seconds. I also noticed that irrespective of the notation the transactions shows up as Trade Finance on my Kasikorn statement.
  2. The point is........you don't know what is going to happen on/after the weekend. If I was happy with the rate on Friday I would count my chickens.......
  3. Remind me - not well known to me.
  4. Would you like to revisit that comment again?........Probably looking at a calendar at the same time! ????
  5. He might like to fix the rate on a Friday?
  6. I think it because it always arrives (in WISE) on a Friday (28 day cycle) and, for whatever reason, his WISE transfers to Thailand don't arrive until Monday ie he will always be disadvantaged by the Friday receipt. The issue should actually be about why the WISE transfer is not credited immediately.
  7. LOL! He is looking better by the day.......
  8. I was only thinking this morning......"when was the last time we (the UK) has a Prime Minister of stature?". I immediately thought of Winston Churchill. Then I struggled after that. David Cameron was starting to look the best in recent history.
  9. That does not make sense. I make a lot of transfers and whether it is a Friday, a Sunday, or a bank holiday, the money is invariably in Kasikorn within 6 seconds. A bank's opening hours are irrelevant to a WISE transfer.
  10. Piromrat is the one opposite City hospital. Always consistent, 150 Baht.
  11. Another arrogant Kraut. No shortage of those either.
  12. I fully understand why the 2 year visa was perfect in your circumstances.........you couldn't have foreseen Covid!
  13. These agents are not 'dodgy'. Immigration officers exploit a hole in the rules which allows them to use their authority to grant retirement extensions to anyone. There are far too many (Immigration) fingers in this particular pie for this practice to ever come under threat. The ONLY risk is using a disreputable agent and this case the OP has no intention of doing that. I fully appreciate his reasons and, in his case, the convenience factor is worth paying the costs involved.
  14. Again, to labour my point about the length of stay - I don't think you would have had 4 visits in those 2 years. Fully agree about the impact of Covid - IMO they should have had the good grace to 'credit' you with any unused visas directly related to Covid.
  15. But you are not allowed 4 x 6 month stays. 2 x 6 month stays = US$236.50 per stay............ Junior school maths.
  16. IMO abstaining is a non-decision. In the case of Thailand the logic put forward does not hold water. It was the wrong decision for the wrong reasons. That makes it cowardice.
  17. Thank you. I recall the 10 year visa fee being the only one that did offer better value. For a regular annual visitor the fee of US$963 is much more attractive - as you say, individual circumstances will dictate. I think a word of caution for anyone considering a 10 year visa - I helped a friend a few years ago with his GF's application and they were perfectly suited to a 10 year visa; it matched their lifestyle to a tee. I think that an ECO will look very closely at a 10 year request and my friend was declined for spending 12 months in the UK in a 19 month period. The only reason for that was because of visas that UKVI had approved! At no point did they consider declining the second visa that created the 12 in 19 situation. I have refused your application for a visit visa because I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of paragraph(s) V4.2 because: You are applying to visit the UK for 5 Months & 27 days to visit your partner. However, the documents you have provided show that you have had previous visit visas to the UK as follows:  6 month visit visa granted on 02/08/2018 where you stayed for 6 Months  6 month visit visa granted on 02/05/2019 where you stayed for 6 Months In total you have spent 12 months over a period of 19 months in the UK. I am not satisfied that you will not live in the UK for extended periods through frequent or excessive periods or make the UK your main home. Therefore, your application is refused under paragraph V4.2 (b) of the Immigration Rules
  18. I think Cambodia made a 'positive' decision ...... I think Thailand fudged it.
  19. I was considering a 2 year visit visa for the missus, just to save me further application/s in the following 18 months. It also means that she would have a visa in place which helps for any Schengen application. However, I am struggling with the cost vs benefits analysis. US$473 for a 2 year visa does not sound good value against US$125 for a 6 month visa. In my case the admin/traveling time savings do not justify an extra US$350. The length of permitted stay is a minefield with everyone saying that there is no 180 day per rule - yet Immigration criteria pointing to the fact that if you spend longer in the UK, than your home country, then you are making the UK your 'main home'. Could you even get 3 x 6 month visit with a 2 year visa? - it seems to open up reasons for future refusal. Am I missing something?
  20. I just wondered how she was supporting herself as you are not giving her any money to be with you ..... a genuine question is what it was
  21. What does she do now that she is an ex-go-go dancer?
  22. We are not talking other countries; we are talking Thailand - specifically Bangkok.
  23. Is there a difference in this case.
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