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Everything posted by Gandtee

  1. Vote buying is illegal in most civilised countries.😉
  2. Yeah. Right. I won't ask who she will be voting for.😉
  3. Negligence! Unguarded machine and loose clothing. I'm surprised there are not more accidents like this. Perhaps there are, but don't get reported. R.I.P 😢
  4. Are reminders still being sent?
  5. He couldn't have been a very good lawyer.😄
  6. Angela Rayner, the deputy Prime minister, said in Parliament yesterday ' MPs can do whatever they like in their own time and with their own money." But why is she more or less condoning political interference in another country's internal elections? It's certainly a good way to sour our relationship with the USA. As a Brit, I think the British government would certainly object if the boot was on the other foot.
  7. Agree. But don't rely on getting a Reminder from Immigration to reapply. After years of doing it online. Not checking the expiry date as I usually do, I went seven days over. My fault and it cost me Bt2000.
  8. I just wonder why you consider all old expats are drunks. Just easy to label? It would be like me saying all male floor moppers are homosexuals. It's insulting and ridiculous. Your claim to caring is lip service methinks.
  9. Perhaps potholes on minor roads could be excused to a point. But for potholes as in the picture there is no excuse. How many police patrols saw this and ignored it? Surely it is in their remit to report any road hazard, and in turn to be forwarded to the road works department for immediate remedial action. But yeah. T.I.T.
  10. Thank you for the replies. I think I've solved the problem. The dispenser is almost empty.!!🤪 I need to get my brain tested as well as my eyes. Old age. I'm not looking forward to it😉
  11. VisLube was prescribed by the doctor treating me for macular degeneration. The problem I have is getting the drops out of the super dooper? one drop, fairly hard dispenser. I have to squeeze it for ages. Coming up to ninety one my fingers are not as strong as they once were. I just want to know if there is an easy way of doing it. Could the dispenser be at fault or is this normal? Thanks for your reply.
  12. I have to squeeze my eye drop dispenser for about a minute before a drop comes out. The dispenser is fairly hard plastic, so my poor old fingers have problems keeping the pressure on. Is anyone using Vislube and having the same problem and maybe how to solve it?
  13. Sorry. I paid Bt 2000 yesterday on the seventh day!!
  14. Lesson learned. My fault. Don't rely on reminders from Immigration. Bt 2000 fine today.😠
  15. officers had to take his mother to a local hospital for medical attention after she developed a problem when being interviewed? 😉
  16. Is the 90 day application form the same as the form when applying for retirement renewal visa, requiring a photo? TM47?
  17. I never got an online reminder and checking my 90 days it expired on the 15 Oct. I applied online today 19th, but being the weekend I doubt I will get a reply if at all till Monday. Will this mean a fine and how much?😖
  18. I never got an online reminder and checking my 90 days it expired on the 15 Oct. I applied online today 19th, but being the weekend I doubt I will get a reply if at all till Monday. Will this mean a fine and how much?😖
  19. Maybe this is a stupid question, but are there any regulations regarding minivan drivers providing their passenger service? It's not the end of the world, but my young grandson has just arrived home after a minivan driver dropped him off, in the dark at a different location than the one he agreed to. As I've said, it's not the end of the world, but it's not very enjoyable trudging for nearly two hours in a storm. But at least the rain is warm.
  20. With only a small fraction of the country's CNG bus fleet inspected' Read the article.
  21. It wasn't killed. It was premature and maybe stillborn. Read the report. The autopsy should clarify.
  22. Headphones on and in a world of his own. Well, he is now. R.I.P.
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