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Everything posted by tomazbodner

  1. Only difference is that if you have no children, you need to be married 3 years, and if you have a child, only 1 year. As you correctly state, you do not need to have children for Thai citizenship. That's for those doing it bypassing PR. If applying under 5 years of PR category, you don't even need to be married.
  2. Oh darn... your liver will get a 1 day break from destruction!
  3. Thought this is a good page with information on whole citizenship application and requirements: https://www.thaicitizenship.com/thai-citizenship-application-process/
  4. It is not automatic. You need to apply for citizenship. Procedure is similar to PR process, except singing the 2 anthems in front of a bunch of uniforms at the end, and different channels of approvals. It's much cheaper than PR though (10k adult/5k child vs 200k) and apparently takes about the same time. Thai language test is a bit more advanced than for PR. As for original citizenship... you need to bring a letter, certified by your (UK) foreign office, stating you would give up British citizenship if Thai citizenship is granted. That letter has basically no legal value, but you may be threatened with revoking your Thai citizenship on passport renewals, though I haven't seen any reports of anyone having been rejected renewal for it. Some countries in Europe allow dual citizenship but only as long as both are within EU. Don't know if UK has any similar restrictions.
  5. That's not entirely true. Red Alien registration needs to be re-registered every OR 5 years. It is a 5 min affair at your local police station. Doesn't make you lose PR if you're late, though. You can lose PR if you leave country and either don't apply for or have non-quota immigrant visa (1 year validity) expire before you return, so trips cannot last over 1 year. Another way is if you're convicted of crime.
  6. WelCare WF99 are certified to same standards as 3M and a lot cheaper and more comfortable to wear in this pollution. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/welcare-3d-medicals-mask-wf-99-3d-wf99-1-50-1-25-i3389636055-s12760141390.html?
  7. I use similar seal that works directly on plastic pipe - seems to be working, less/no smell which there was before, and no bugs coming out of the pipes. Have similar thing also on floor drains in bathroom for same reasons. But they are softer and have a magnetic seal at the bottom so they only open up when water is flowing through them, but else remain closed. It's important to buy the correct size, though, else they do nothing. For your situation, though - these won't do a thing. They don't magically unclog the pipes, nor do they fit snug enough to stop water from pushing back. And if they did, that dirty water would go straight into the washing machine, which you also don't want. Unblock the pipes, then install this to prevent bugs and smell.
  8. How was condo bought? By your father in his own name or in the name of a company? Is your father having Thai citizenship or is a foreign citizen? I assume you have foreign citizenship. Correct? Without knowing these it's hard to answer. But basically, if condo is already in foreign quota (your father's name is in the list of units owned by foreigners) then I see no reason why you would need to worry about this. If your father's condo is in Thai name (company for instance), but there is less than 49% of foreign owned living area, then you could make a change and register it in foreign name (yours). If this is inherited, there should not be a need to show proof of transferring funds from abroad as you're not buying the place but getting it through inheritance. Not sure if this answers your questions.
  9. That man at the beginning of article turned Thai around before, by cutting out freeloaders. He was promptly replaced and Thai pushed back into debt. It didn't take much to turn it around again - in same way as last time. You don't need to guess what happens to him next. You can't have all these VIPs in 1st class with their entire families on shopping trips actually paying for their tickets, could you now...
  10. Reminds me of Angela Merkel applying for visa... First name? Angela Last name? Merkel Occupation? No, no, no, only tourism!
  11. A man is picking up one product after another in the shop, before putting them back on the shelves, saying they are too expensive. Finally he turns to the sales lady and asks what she would want as a birthday present if she was his wife.. New husband.
  12. Singha park in CR has a nice restaurant, with pretty lovely view from the top of the hill. Mostly it's tea plantations from memory. There's also a "tour" with this big golf cart to see "yilaff"... that's giraffe to you... a small zoo where you can feed them. Also some gray observation tower that wasn't yet open when I was there, overlooking grass fields with some hills in the background... overall it was a nice stop for a couple of hours.
  13. Microsoft..... !!!! Man asked female robot, enabled with ChatGPT...
  14. There's a gem in the linked article: "Given that a similar incidence happened just two kilometers away from the scene of the most recent shooting, several locals in the area speculate that both instances may have been connected by the paranormal force and bad spirits of the forest." ... !!!
  15. Could I have properly cooked ice, please?
  16. You have good people and you have bad people. There are far more good people than bad ones. However, most people take good ones for granted, and complain about the bad ones, resulting in mostly only the bad ones getting the air time. I have had some very positive stories about the taxi drivers. Most are great, hard working, honest people. A few are rotten <deleted>, who can be found near tourist spots, malls, etc. parked and waiting for that one person to cover their entire day. Most are easily avoidable.
  17. No gibberish for me on Firefox for Mac: NumberShare เนเธซเนเธเธธเธ“เธชเธฑเธกเธเธฑเธชเธญเธดเธชเธฃเธฐเธ—เธธเธเธเธฒเธฃเน€เธเธทเนเธญเธกเธ•เนเธญเธญเธขเนเธฒเธเธชเธกเธเธนเธฃเธ“เนเธ—เธตเนเธชเธธเธ” เธชเธฐเธ”เธงเธเนเธ”เนเน€เธเธตเธขเธเน€เธเธญเธฃเนเน€เธ”เธตเธขเธง เนเธเนเธซเธกเธฒเธขเน€เธฅเธเนเธ—เธฃเธจเธฑเธเธ—เนเน€เธ”เธตเธขเธงเธเธฑเธ iPhone เธเธฃเนเธญเธกเนเธเธฃเนเธเนเธฒเนเธ—เธฃ เนเธฅเธฐเธญเธดเธเน€เธ—เธญเธฃเนเน€เธเนเธ• เธเธฒเธเนเธเนเธเน€เธเธเธซเธฅเธฑเธเธเธญเธเธเธธเธ“ เธญเธดเธชเธฃเธฐเธ—เธธเธเธเธฒเธฃเธ•เธดเธ”เธ•เนเธญ เนเธ—เธฃเธจเธฑเธเธ—เน เธฃเธฑเธเธเนเธญเธเธงเธฒเธก เนเธฅเธฐเน€เธเธทเนเธญเธกเธ•เนเธญเธญเธดเธเน€เธ—เธญเธฃเนเน€เธเนเธ•เนเธ”เนเนเธ”เธขเธ•เธฃเธเธเธ Apple Watch เธเนเธฒเธเน€เธเธฃเธทเธญเธเนเธฒเธขเน€เธญเนเธญเน€เธญเธชเธ—เธตเนเน€เธฃเนเธงเธ—เธตเนเธชเธธเธ” เนเธกเนเธงเนเธฒเนเธกเนเธกเธตเนเธญเนเธเธเธเธญเธเธเธธเธ“เธญเธขเธนเนเนเธเธฅเนเน เนเธฅเธฐเนเธกเนเธเธฒเธ”เธเธฒเธฃเธ•เธดเธ”เธ•เนเธญเนเธกเนเธญเธขเธนเนเธ•เนเธฒเธเธเธฃเธฐเน€เธ—เธจ เธเนเธฒเน€เธเธดเธ”เนเธเนเธเธฃเธดเธเธฒเธฃ เธเธฃเธต (เธเธเธ•เธด 299 เธเธฒเธ—) เน€เธ•เนเธกเธ—เธตเนเธเธฑเธเธเธฒเธฃเนเธเนเธเธฒเธ NumberShare เนเธ”เนเธเนเธฒเธขเน
  18. Washing machines being most popular... what is it with Russians and washing machines???
  19. Especially if posts on this forum are out of their reach!
  20. Blame the victims... Classy!
  21. I would guess you lived along their route and saw their driving skills. So no, the only surprise is this isn't reported more often.
  22. If you have Thai passport, why do you need a visa in Australian passport? Can't you just enter on Thai passport?
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