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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Why are women allowed to beat, mutilate and murder men with impunity and nobody cares? Imagine the forum members anger if the guy had done this to his wife because she got drunk! She needs to be jailed for at least a year.
  2. My BMS is sandwiched between the batteries and 2 pieces of cardboard in the photo.
  3. Is your earth rod connected before or after the 2 pole disconnect? You really don't want the incoming live connected to your earth rod.
  4. 1. Because there are no fuses in the neutral wiring, effectively your house wiring is no longer fused. Turn off an individual circuit breaker to work on a socket and still fry. 2. Because the neutral side is connected to your earth rod, so you have incoming live on your ground all around your house. Step in a puddle in your garden and burn! (not to mention all the units heating your garden will use)
  5. Me, in my new house ........... discovered the day I moved in when I was fitting an electric shower heater. Touched all the wires with my test screwdriver before fitting, screwdriver lit up even with the shower fuse off. Moobaan electrician was round the next day to change the wires at the meter. The misses noticed him checking out the meters in the whole street after. Test screwdriver costs 20bht, never touch a wire with anything else before starting work. Off topic, They also didn't screw the lid onto the septic tank, I had to show them that it needed to be secured, they claimed they never knew it had to be drilled and screwed down ...... and they had just built 250 houses like that.
  6. I was under the impression all these places had to close at midnight. So anywhere open at 1am would be operating illegally and therefore not insured.
  7. I purchased some welding cables that supposedly are good for 150A for a couple of hundred baht. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/bonya-5-10-15-20-35-sq-mm-pvc-i941732067-s8357498400.html They need ferrules to install in the inverter and breakers ....... didn't have any so cut the copper ends off some heavy duty copper connectors (I already had a box of them), then hammered them round the ends of the cables. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/lang-80pcs-copper-battery-cable-connector-terminal-open-lugs-wire-terminals-i2999368032-s10997827809.html You can also use 4mm single cable (good for 25-32A) then just wire them in parallel to get the amps you need. 4 in parallel will let you draw 100-125A from your battery pack (about 10bht/m). Available from any local DIY store at 10bht/m, places like Lazada want silly money for this.
  8. I don't invest, I'm more concerned about losing my money. If you need to invest at our ages, you either failed to make enough money in your life, or you're foolishly greedy.
  9. Down to 10-20% today with torrential rain most of the day.
  10. Not sure how western foreign competition can harm the Thai growers. Most of the weed on sale comes from Laos/Cambodia not the USA or Canada.
  11. To be fair she did go a bit far, letting the audience grope and feel her all over.
  12. I taught in UK inner City estate high schools. My only requirements in the classroom were they stay seated and didn't make a noise. Requiring anything else was impossible.
  13. It's very easy, you remove the problem pupils from the classroom. And if they won't leave , you contact management to remove them from the classroom. Failing management removing them from the classroom, you do as @simon43 says and remove yourself from the classroom and the school.
  14. You are in the wrong. Vehicles travelling in a straight line have right of way in Thailand.
  15. Looks like a scam of some sort. Email address doesn't exist. Thai product being sold from Chinese address. If anything arrives, I won't be paying or accepting delivery.
  16. Thanks, I'll give that a try ......... not sure I can use that much! Ordered and received confirmation phone call.
  17. If it didn't happen to you, why are you living here in Thailand? There are essentially 2 types of men in Thailand. 1. Guys abandoned/divorced/betrayed by their wife in their home countries. 2. Guys whom no woman ever wanted in their home countries. From your posts, I'm guessing you're in the type 2 category. Obviously there's a few corporate odd bods on full expat packages here with their western wives. Most of them seem to get divorced pretty quickly once seeing what's locally available. Back in our home countries ........... The divorce rate is 50%, divorces mostly initiated by the women. Then there's the other guys still married and living a life of misery and despair (with no sex).
  18. I would say exactly the opposite, and that all women are essentially the same. They will all lie, cheat, steal, betray and asset strip you (given the opportunity). Thai, Filipino, British ....... it makes no real difference.
  19. My pal and I were having a 'who can bed the smallest woman' contest. I was winning with 38Kg, then he found a 36Kg so was winning. Then we both spotted a lady weighing 34Kg but neither of us were prepared to go that far. I conceded the game to him. As for size my 38Kg 'Angel' (30yo) had her feet level with my knees when we were lying down together watching a movie. Lovely woman, spoke great English.
  20. I plug all the mc4 connectors in series, then use 2.5mm insulated twin to connect through a double 500V DC breaker to the inverter. OK, so I should put the exterior twin insulated in an electrical conduit to protect the insulation from uv degradation, but I'm betting it's good for 5 years as is.
  21. Unless your home has a history of lightning strikes, why would you need that protection? IMHO it's nothing but a little extra money in the solar scammers pockets. (like the 'special' wires they want you to use). Q: How many people have you encountered who had lightning strikes on their solar equipment? A: None, same as me.
  22. Ok Lithium batteries .............. can use 80-90% I didn't look to see what batteries he was putting in that particular pack. It appears he's mostly using NMC at the moment.
  23. Similar accident, they said a broken jaw was cosmetic and refused to pay. Waste of money IMHO.
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