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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Statistics can be easily manipulated. I prefer something I can see for myself. As for economists ...... which of them predicted a 2 year COVID world shutdown? or a war and sanctions against Russia? or the collapse of financial institutions that were too big to fail?
  2. I would call it a directed question, as I'm not sure the UK is struggling more than any other country. The whole western world offers less for the future than it did in the past. Less free education, less free health care, less pensions, less chance of staying married, less chance of home ownership, less job security, longer working hours and years, more homelessness. But of course the whole thread is designed around slamming Brexit, so the rest of the world was deliberately left out of the question.
  3. Low level Carbon Monoxide poisoning gives the same symptoms as a cold/flu. Someone got a gas shower heater going near you?
  4. Yep, we'd have been better off leaving school as soon as we could and selling drugs. And that nonsense about finding a woman and being faithful, that got me nothing but pain and asset loss.
  5. And they lost the vote, so as a democracy Britain implemented the wishes of the majority.
  6. Spain not doing so well either! https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/spains-november-retail-sales-fall-06-year-2022-12-29/ I keep asking which countries are doing better than the UK, but nobody ever gives an actual answer.
  7. The OG looks too leafy for me. The other 3 look fine. I can never really tell from looking at dried flowers. I need to see it still living on the plant, or I need to smoke it.
  8. I look out my window, If I can see the mountains the air is good. If I can't see the mountains (and it's not raining) the air is bad. No need to look at any websites. Today is bad!
  9. Politicians will do or say anything to get elected. The only politician to try and do what she promised to do was Liz Truss, and she was gone in a few weeks.
  10. No problems at all on my scooter or bicycle. I can drive and park anywhere/anytime.
  11. Your tax status is not the banks business. It's between you and your government. Best to never let anyone know you are outside the UK. GiffGaff SIM for UK mobile phone number (10GBP credit lasts 4 years). SKYPE account for residential phone number(90GBP/year). UKpostbox.com for residential street address (120GBP/year).
  12. My last order with Attitude was on the 6th Dec, delivered on 14th Dec.
  13. Guess I'm lucky, my orders all came through without problems. And nobody I know has bothered to register. Police come round 3x a day, my woman pays them to be 'security' for the moobaan. They stop just past our house to sign their little book every visit. Every other house has plants in the front gardens.
  14. This year we had no toxic air, but 2 weeks of slightly smokey.
  15. You believed the lies .......... study hard, work hard, buy a house, get married .......... and everything will be fine. In reality ,,,,,,, Drug dealers and violent thugs get all the attractive women. Liars, cheaters and fraudsters are the CEOs of all the companies and run the countries. Nice guys that follow all the rules get nothing.
  16. Once I settled down here I hardly ever go to places where there are tourists. Get out of the Moat/Huay Keow area and there are no tourists. The view from my house ............
  17. 90 days after you entered the country or 90 days after your last 90 day report. Your visa extension is valid from the day immigration accepted it, nobody has ever been refused after that point.
  18. Sorry if this is too real for you, but you come across as one of the most jaded and bitter on this forum. And you are extremely intolerant of 'COVID deniers', 'Climate change deniers', et all.
  19. More to do with the Anti-British globalist media still punishing the UK for daring to leave the EU. Almost every other story published is along the same theme. "Why is the UK struggling more ........" "Brexit has broken the UK .........."
  20. I was replying to the post, 'Britons have cut.... ', which applies to me wherever I live.
  21. I've cut my grid power usage by 80%.
  22. Or you could use them one at a time.
  23. More leisure time? A pipe dream, more likely people will work every moment of their lives until they die.
  24. Surprise there's no 'COVID will kill us all' predictions. Seems the governments are no longer worried by that (and perhaps they never were).
  25. I buy these from Decathlon, free next day delivery Last better than Nike and Reebok. And the soles don't fall off. 2 year guarantee. 1,800bht https://www.decathlon.co.th/en/p/8513387/trail-running-shoes/xt7-trail-running-shoes-for-men-blue-and-bronze
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