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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I thought my Brit wife was different .............. major error. After that I always assumed they were all the same, Thai ladies just come in smaller bags..
  2. ZERO difference, I had the same feeling for all of them. BUT the 2 Thai children showed me more love than the 4 Brits.
  3. I've had 6, Two in the UK & finished the job Two in the UK I abandoned (not by choice) One in Thailand & finished the job One in Thailand work in progress All worthwhile, wish I'd had a few more. I've had to buy a few rabbits to keep the love coming.
  4. I've got so many 'vivid memories' it would take pages ........ shocking, amusing, fun, and some downright weird. Talking of vivid, Just this moment remembered 'Ha' from Saigon ........... only 191 names left to remember.
  5. Apparently I'm off the chart and have done it with more people than any of my peers.
  6. I would agree with an average of 4 for many western men. I've encountered 3 or 4 who scored ZERO in their home countries until they discovered Thailand in their 50s-60s. Four was all I managed until age 23, then I was married and I thought settled for life until age 52.
  7. Before I came to Thailand I could, there weren't that many of them. But since arriving here it's all become a bit of blur. Many of them I didn't even ask their names, I might remember the city or the bar, but not the girl. Oddly enough I can remember the ugly girls I woke up with the next morning (not so many 3-4). But the many really beautiful spinners ..... mostly gone from my memory. Past names included .......... Nok, Lek, Pim, Nut, Goy, Niw ............... but mostly Gone.
  8. Oddly enough I can remember the 3x 6s I had as they counted in the 'unusual events' category. All the others were 9s or 10s ............. sucks to be you dude!
  9. I remember special or unusual events perfectly. What I had for breakfast yesterday, not so much ............... I've eaten a lot of breakfasts.
  10. You've obviously not enjoyed Thailand in the way rich guys or even 2 week millionaires have. While there were 4 or 5 memorable encounters in my 'Thai' past, I probably wouldn't recognise the other 200+ the next day ...... doubt I even asked their names ........ and these rich Thai guys are probably doing 2-3/night. And I'm not even including adventures in Cambodia/Vietnam/Philippines .......... My best pal (sadly dead of AIDS now) was doing 10 different girls a week. Prinn has probably banged thousands ......................
  11. Happens all the time, Aussie Bogan reported gang rape, security cameras show her being taken home on a m/c taxi. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10694285/Australian-model-Stevie-Bamford-arrested-false-Thailand-tuktuk-rape-claim.html Dutch girl in CM reports same with 3 guys, evidence shows two of the alleged assailants were a male/female couple. And again, French policeman falsely accused of rape in Thailand. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/featured/2018/06/06/ordeal-ends-for-french-cop-accused-of-koh-tao-rape/ And that's just three recent cases of false accusations made in Thailand.
  12. Knowing a few victims of false accusations of sexual assault and abuse ..... I'd say no evidence should = no guilty party. Women lie all the time about everything both trivial and serious, and are generally not to be believed without supporting evidence. Having many women making the same claim is not evidence of wrongdoing IMHO.
  13. I have no problem with police getting free snacks. But it would only be polite to offer to pay, even if payment was refused.
  14. I've never wanted to harm any person, man or woman, mentally or physically. If a lady has been working bar for 10 years, I reckon I won't be doing her any further harm. If she started working bar last week, I won't be interested.
  15. Nearly all the cheap plastic shops sell them. 'Fine print', I usually just take a photo on my phone and zoom it in.
  16. Yes they can, although they have to pay. That's if the schools are open, my kid's been at home the past two years.
  17. Don't need anyone to iron my Liverpool t-shirts, And I do a nice line in scones myself ............................. here's some I did earlier .........
  18. Why would you answer a call from a number you don't recognise?
  19. From the link in the OP ........ "The voice, purported to be Prinn’s, said the allegations were part of a political game and implied that the Opposition Move Forward Party may be involved."
  20. Sounds like your gf is scamming you for money. Not only do Thais have free health care but vehicle accidents are covered by government insurance. I you have no insurance and no right to the free health care, stitches cost almost nothing. I had 8 stitches in my leg after a running accident, total bill 250bht. How much donation is she asking for? If feeling generous, tell her you'll go to the hospital and pay her sisters bill yourself. Never put money in a Thai woman's outstretched hand.
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