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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. It's odd there's all this hate towards the German, but nothing on the news item about the Thai boxer committing the same offence.
  2. Educated up the wazoo here, Most of my fellow educated Brits are trots or Marxists ...... None of us vote Conservative. My last vote was for Arthur Skargills socialist workers party. Labour are way too right wing for me! We want a party that will redistribute the wealth and land, and destroy the big corporations.
  3. I commit crimes all the time, double parking, buying alcohol out of hours, smoking cannabis in a public place, driving 35 on a 30 zone, no helmet, no seat belt, driving the wrong way, etc. Nobody cares .... It's the 3rd world.
  4. Gorilla is the worst ............ popcorn .......... grade B is better, purely on bud size.
  5. He sounds like a winner in life's lottery to me.
  6. CM like there to be less that 45 days left before applying for an extension. But the good news, retirement extensions are really easy there.
  7. Same for my very best pal, died at 59 after 1 year in a London hospital. Company and state pensions down the toilet. Both my parents only made it to 67, everyone thinks they will live to be 90.
  8. As long as it's the Liverpool colours, it's cool. Obviously the Man Utd. one is only for girls.
  9. I see it as a crime as serious as selling alcohol out of hours. Maybe Big Joke should rethink his priorities and go looking for that Red Bull guy that murdered a policeman with his car.
  10. Obviously as we get older we generally have less use for nightlife or multiple sex partners. So it seems your aging lifestyle will more than compensate for inflation. My pension increases certainly take care of any extra living expenses (10% last year, 8% next year). My biggest expense is housing, but I've been in the same house for the past 11 years, mortgage still 10kbht/month, no inflation there. Alcohol has also been mainly replaced by cannabis, 4x wine coolers (110bht) a day replaced by 0.5g cannabis (15bht) is a big saving.
  11. If I were to post my opinion on Australians, I would be breaking community guidelines.
  12. Back in the UK I couldn't manage the self serve scanner, so the security guard did it for me. Sounds like Australia is an awful place, mind you, i don't expect much from the descendants of criminals. It's in their NATURE!
  13. Nobody ever listens to me, what my daughter's do and with whom is entirely their own choice.
  14. Does wine coolers count, I like the Full Moon Dark wine coolers, 7% alcohol and cost 27bht/bottle (300bht/12) in Makro. Although I've recently given up on alcohol, when you compare it to cannabis at 30bht/g. 0.5g cannabis (15bht) does the trick of 4x wine coolers (110bht). So it's a considerable saving and no hangover next morning.
  15. Healthy Life expectancy is 61 Disability Free life expectancy is 63 I've found those figures fairly accurate.
  16. If you were on a muay Thai ed visa, would immigration want to fight you?
  17. Yep, seen it myself, just yesterday a pal and I had it happen in an outside coffee shop. We walk past a table of Thais, and they all pull their masks up. I blame Anutin for telling them foreigners are all disease carriers.
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