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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. I don't know what all the fuss is about. It seems to me the terms under which most of us stay here are quite reasonable in regards to cost and convenience.
  2. A tediously long post, but not a bad idea. The early days of celibacy will be difficult, as they are when giving up anything one enjoys.
  3. Strongly advise you go in person to your local DLT office if it is open. Best not to rely on info displayed on the internet.
  4. Why not ? Young people are unlikely to be very sick with covid, but they may pass it on to those who are more vulnerable.
  5. Boring. Find something else to post about.
  6. No location given. Very strange. I have my doubts about this story. Kindly advise where this happened.
  7. Like it or not, there will be many locations in many countries, including Thailand, which will require proof of vaccination and/or an up to date test record before allowing entry.
  8. Thais generally over-inflate their tyres for some reason. Given the state of the roads 28front 26rear for front wheel drive seems about right, vice-versa for rear wheel drive.
  9. Why do you want them to kill it ? Not many left now due to human population growth.
  10. They can, and they will if at some point it suits them to blame outsiders. Oldest trick in the book.
  11. 90 day report in person yesterday at MTT, Bangkok. Arrived 8am, office opened 8.30am, finished 9.15am. Quick and efficient.
  12. There was a time when Bangkok Immigration would come to your house in the event you were old or infirm.
  13. Very glad you have decided to persevere with him. My apologies for an overly strong earlier post. I am sure your patience will be rewarded. Just remember when he brings prey to show to you he is paying his respects. I doubt that you will be able to stop this. Normal feline instinct. However, he most likely won't hunt so much as he gets older.
  14. Thanks for spoiling my day with your awful post. Very sorry for the little guy you are disposing of. You clearly know nothing about feline behaviour. Be ashamed.
  15. Did my 90 day report in person at Muang Thong Thani, Bangkok this morning. In at 8.30am, out at 9.15am. No hassle whatsoever.
  16. No problems for me, however service and maintenance in all sectors is slow under covid so persevere.
  17. When somebody chooses to do this kind of thing they should first consider that they will have to depend on others to help them out if things go wrong.
  18. To all intents and purposes it will be your wife's house and your wife's land. Only proceed if you're comfortable with that. Court cases regarding this issue can run on forever in Thailand.
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