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Everything posted by georgegeorgia

  1. about 15 years ago i was in a internet cafe in pattaya talking on a webcam to a relative back here in Australia. I recall a farang seated behind me shouting to the owners that i was filming him, etc , I recall many my age (over 60) scared of being filmed . so we fast forward to 2021 and the world has changed,young people everywhere taking selfies etc ,recording every detail of their lives,as theyre walking in the streets etc. in fact many are walking around with those tripod things,even im being filmed by familes as a hospital orderly ,i dont mind,im not paranoid ,nothing to hide. I have also been watching these "audit" filmers in england on youtube filming people,amazing how some people have no idea about filming. im not one who films or even uses a camera,but my question is, are you a photographer or video filmer who does that and do you get problems with paranoid people thinking your filming them ? nowadays i see many people walking in the streets talking on phone cam ,granted most are young people and not paranoid old farts ,the worlds changing i think for the better .
  2. hate to sound silly,but what does that mean? im only a hospital orderly
  3. Not sure why everyone is mentioning about gyms in several posts ????....I use the gym everyday and I'm poor !
  4. Poor Thais? A lot of these baht buses are driven by the owners during the day . I was told over 10 years ago that a baht bus registration plate was over 2 million baht, that was 10 years ago so not sure the price now to buy into it.
  5. I have decided I will extend my stay in Pattaya, I will try to take 6 weeks leave from work to go for dental treatment So , originally I was going to stay in a hotel , price was average 700-800 baht a night , 4 star in jomtien complex but, I'm thinking Airbnb maybe better ? I have no experience in staying in Airbnb , are there any benefit price wise in staying in a Airbnb, say compared to a hotel ? I guess staying 6 weeks I'm thinking Airbnb , but I don't want to pay separately for electrical or water ?
  6. Yes the Dental Hospital in Sydney is public hospital, it's in Surry Hills heart of the city, you must be on social security benefits to access the services and even then I heard there is a long waiting list As for working people,dental is not covered by Medicare and U must pay......a lot !! Even having private health insurance you still pay a " gap " fee , insurance doesn't cover 100% of your bill unfortunately.
  7. No ..no free dental for working people, if not working you will be on a waiting list for a government dentist. As for private health insurance,I pay over $230 a month ! the "gap " fee is around $1500 AUD ...so despite paying insurance we still pay a "gap" fee ! Went to the health insurance own dental HCF ,still paid $51 gap for a filling, how much normally is it I asked , $100 he said Ridiculous! It maybe cheaper if I just had emergency medical insurance rather than the "extras" such as dental
  8. I didn't know , looks likes 2 visits then, may only have to get one done perhaps. I googled a few dentists but I don't want to waste time if they can't do it and I need to see a specialist dentist .
  9. Yes thanks Charlie Both teeth are upper on the side , one on each side on the upper side Not sure if I can just go to a specialist dentist in Pattaya without seeing a normal dentist like you have to do here in Australia first unfortunately. Trying to google but I can't find specialist dentists in Pattaya, I only have 8 days there, maybe if I can find some sort of hospital I can call them or email them beforehand? My upper tooth in the side is in pain at the moment ,the dentist here recommendation was a ethodintist I think she called them?
  10. I know there's umpteen questions about dentists over the years but I'm not asking the best dentist. Guys I'm going to Pattaya from Australia next week only for 8 days so I'm wondering I need root canal to 2 teeth ,the dentist here in Australia wants 2k AUD nearly for both each So waiting for Pattaya, questions is can root canals be done in 8 days ? Don't I have to go back a second time ? Based on your experience with root canals who in Pattaya do I see ? Is it a specialist dentist there ?
  11. This is to those guys who split up ,divorced etc in life. Just asking when did you know when to split with your partner? Did you suddenly fall out of love ? Was you never really in love ? Many guys blame their ex partner and are bitter angry but . Was it really yourself that caused the split up ? How did u know when to go separate ways ? For those who have split up,divorced parted ways etc in life my question are ... How long were you together? How did you know it was coming to a end? Do you still have any contact with your ex partner? Did it break your heart to split up ? Did it hurt you emotional or did you just carry on? Was that person your soulmate ? Did you find love again ?
  12. im like this too...but meeting my filipino GF she is opposite and likes to go out
  13. I would be interested to hear from any opposite here who are extroverts ? who feels ok to walk from one end of Walking Street Pattaya at 2am on a weekend night and feels not hyper vigilant ? who can walk into a bar full of strangers and come out with friends ? who can walk into a crowded pub? I was once talking a Scotch guy in payttaya a few years ago about this and he said if he can walk thru Glasgow at 3am on a weekend morning he can walk anywhere
  14. its hard for me ,because when i retire i could live in the boonies in phillipines or thailand or whatever for awhile but still need that city feel to belong, im a homebody and always have been single,go to work,come home,go to gym,watch tv,bed etc but when i met my filipino GF here in Australia she likes to go to cafes etc and im not used to this,im throwing myself forward to overcome this"anxiety"
  15. The thing is how do you know when its a problem? my current girlfriend 34yo filipino here in australia purposely took me out last night around 11pm here in sydney to get me used to it,because she says when i retire to Asia wherever that may be then we will encounter large crowds. The people i saw though were mostly teenagers shouting out,being loud etc,there was no threats etc just loud screaming girls etc walking between nightcllubs But i had to keep moving her out of the way,Chinatown in Sydney was very busy last night,people walking towards you with phones stuck to their ears not moving etc ,I know i have to get used to people because we are travelling this year but i may have to see a psychologist
  16. I guess you can describe me as a introvert, i dont like to be around people much,even in my work i choose to sit in the park and eat my dinner instead of the work mealroom. i hate crowds and crowded places,i think its anxiety ,i avoid the walking street in pattaya at nights when i was there . Last night i walked with a friend in Sydney thru the city,there was no threat but i just felt uneasy with crowds walking past me. My late dad was opposite,he was so popular at work he was the union rep and safety rep etc,he could walk into any room full of strangers and 10 minutes later have friends. I wish i could be like him. I dont like getting into crowded buses etc or crowdded bars ,i think im what you call hypervigilant ,im aware of mysurroundings at all times,whose up ahead ,etc i walk facing the oncoming traffic in places like pattaya I feel threatened by drunken louts once on walking street i never went there after 6pm again i think there is more people like me however in the younger generation after this covid where i get the feeling people are uneasy in lifts etc. My friend shes a filipino luvs talking to people even strangers and makes small talk,i cant do that
  17. For those of you have perm retired to Asia, What about your home in farangland , did you keep it, did you decide to sell up and keep no assets where you came from,or do you perhaps rent it out ? I am making decisions that when I retire I may keep my house in Australia until about 70 then if I decide to permanently live in Asia whether that be Thailand or Phillipines then I will sell it. It's no use keeping it back in Australia unless I rent it out which will be another hassle with tax , maintenance etc etc. But...on the other hand it may be useful to have for emergency. So how many of you have no house back where U came from..when did U decide to sell ? I guess if your married to a Asian lady living in Asia then you don't need any assets back in the west .
  18. Thats a Aussie slang word..not sure what the other countries description is ..is it Chavs in the UK?
  19. The other topic on wisdom was quite interesting but I tend to think sometimes younger people are more wiser and accepting today of race , sexuality and interracial couples. I was working my hospital job ..I usually out & about in the large hospital I work in and come across workman who are fixing the outside pavement areas.outside the hospital. There were about 10 of them, and I got talking to a few the past few weeks,they were over the age of 55 and were apparently forced to take on the job by the Job Dept/Centrelink otherwise they would lose their unemployment benefits .( Apparently the federal govt pay their wages for 12 months as long term mature unemployed. Anyway got talking to a few of them many who had been unemplyed for many years one in particular 18 years, 15 years etc he just didn't want to work he said He was 55 fat baldy guy who lived in a Dept of Housing house by himself paying cheap rent , I must say all the others basically looked the same . Any way they all had things in common, they were all unfit looking, unkempt appearance, all between 55 & 65..and every second word was a swear word. Anyway after talking to them over the past few weeks another thing stood out...they never traveled overseas particularly to Asia . Now when I brought this up to one guy he was 61 , he started making jokes etc .." I love you long time " etc The other guy 57yo would on seeing Asian nurses walk past comment to me look at all the "fish faces" etc Ching a lings etc On seeing male nurses .." poofters" and other derogatory terms ..these comments were all directed by old guys to people who were a quarter of their age Now I didn't get angry because I was intrigued on their past lives , they seemed to be very immature, none of them had saved money it appears , it just like they had floated thru life relying on Govt housing & social security benefits ..maybe even past jail etc They were all of caucasian Australian appearance But the embarrassing thing was in seeing young people walk past them such as trainees young doctors or nurses ( usually of Asian) indian background) and these old guys would make jokes about them ..eg I love you long time" ...I wonder if she gives happy ending " etc these younger people would ignore them look at them for a minute and continue walking etc to the lunch cafes I even told them I had a Filipino GF which wasn't a great idea with some making comments I must be desperate etc .. The thing is I believe it's because they never traveled particularly to Asia where they have to be non judgmental. I never forget back in 2011 having a very homophobic workmate (Ron) old Aussie bloke rough as guts, travel first time to Thailand, he ended up going about 3 times before I caught up with him again, he had completely changed , he even defended ladyboys in one conversation. He nature in the years before he retired was completely different after he traveled Asia. Ultimately he ended up retired to Udon Thani haven't seen him for years since I find younger people travel more than our generation , I find that's why they are more wiser & accepting of interfacial couples etc and non judgmental. I don't hate those older guys but it seems to me travel is the key to becoming more confident..more mature and accepting of life , I find it interesting guys who are over say 55 and still act very immature in the sense they need to make racial comments to guys who have Asian partners , it's not I believe racism as such directed personal I believe it's because they never " experienced" travel overseas ...they never matured in that sense .
  20. And if it doesn't work out you lost half of your assets
  21. According to the financial planner I went to at a Bank recently most will die between 78yo & 83yo although the young guy told me gleefully they are increasing that age to 84 soon. I guess if your over 80 and I don't wish to sound rude but everyday waking up is a great day and a blessing The strange thing I come across especially in my job as a hospital wardsman is meeting old guys over 75 whether they be a patient or colleague who never think they are going to die . I have a work colleague at 76yo has a Filipino wife at home, he boasted to me how they own a island in the Philippines and how they will retire there in a few years , now this man does all the overtime he can do E C so certainly not poor ,so I had to tell him to his face , I told him Heinz mate you will be too f.....ng old to enjoy your retirement your nearly 80 now so the only one enjoying it will be your Filipino wife when she heads back to the Philippines when your dead, with that he stormed out of the mealroom , sorry but they have to be told .
  22. I just read in the Australian forum section of how some farangs are been lied to and lost everything after buying a house for their Thai wife in the isaan area etc ... Now the question is ,do you intend to get a pre nuptial agreement or did get one before you partnered with a partner in Asia whether that be Phillipines .. Thailand etc Now my case is I have met a Filipino lady in Australia..30 years my junior ..if I was going to make her my partner I would consider a pre nuptial agreement, reading that part of the forum tonight ( Australia forum) got me nervous that someone got kicked out of the home they bought in Thailand simply because they don't own it ... What's to say they then start making claim on your house in the UK or Australia..or wherever you come from...what's to say they take half of your retirement/superannuation... Now getting kicked out of your house U paid for ..no access to your bank account ..homeless in Asia ...not for me ...then what about you guys who have kids back in farangland...how do U make sure they receive something when you go ...then I think of posters like Simon & thaibeachlovers who lost everything....how & what mistakes they made I'm not sure but I'm scared to lose everything I worked hard for. Also call me paranoid ...but ..I'm scared to say I would never tell partner how much I would leave them in a Will...there is cases of them getting rid of farang whether that be in Thailand Indonesia or Philippines... Really I'm not suited to this partner type arrangement... You see as some of these guys are maybe not the best looking old guys & lonely etc and as that topic was saying they fall for a isaan girl then retire with they thinking the love of their life buy houses etc for her and in some cases the leeches in her family then they hate living in isaan and get kicked out homeless
  23. Another part of Asia is GOA in India . Now today I'm at work discussing my dreams of retirement to a colleague who is of India born. After I tell him about Pattaya etc he tells me there is a similar place only much cheaper and it's called GOA ...it's a great place for retirement he says . Now has anyone had any experience in GOA and would you say it's similar to Pattaya ?
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