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Everything posted by Henryford

  1. Henryford


    The Pattaya officials seem determined to destroy every wooded and green area in the City. They take great delight in ripping up any trees or parks that might give pleasure to the population.
  2. In my condo i had to pay, 4000 baht, to run a 3BB fibre into my 5th floor condo. Well worth it get the 500-1000 speeds.
  3. If you walked in that's enough.
  4. To whom do you report it? Who enforces this illegality? Would he have to employ a solicitor?
  5. Do they offer condolences to the thousands of Ukrainian women raped and murdered by Russia? thought not.
  6. 1.9 million vehicles this year compared to 1.84 million in 2023. That's a 2.2% decline?
  7. It would help if you had made it clear. Your girlfriend is Thai and the condo is in Thai name?
  8. No scam involved. The tuk tuk driver gave a discount if he looked around the shop, which he didn't. If anything the Youtuber was the scammer. Anyway who gets in an argument over 50 baht !!
  9. fat old farang
  10. For me most of the fun i had in Pattaya was going around the bars/clubs interacting with the girls and finally choosing one for the night. Just picking a stranger off TF and have her delivered like a pizza for a quick 30 minute shag is not my idea of a fun night/holiday.
  11. Might put out all the burning fires in Chiang mai
  12. Did CaMoron agree to uplift pensions for inflation for expats in Thailand? thought not.
  13. I have the Click 160 ABS and it's great around town and gets 50 km/l. But if you intend to travel outside of town maybe the ADV160 is more suitable.
  14. ALL the ADV 160s have the 4 valve engine with increased power and lower seat height (over the ADV 150). Or save 30,000 and buy the Click 160 with the same engine and power.
  15. 40% are empty unsold, owned by the original developer. They don't pay their common fees either, until we take them to court. Which is stupid really because they have to pay eventually plus quite large interest and penalty fees.
  16. We only have about 10% of Thais in my condo and those are the ones who don't pay their common fees (until we take them to Court). If the building had 100% Thais there would be zero maintenance done.
  17. Henryford


    The guy's as thick as a short plank and his "good job" was kicking a ball around. Proves the point.
  18. That's the worse thing to do, they can just take what they want without you checking it.
  19. I am a Committee member and i think it's worth it. After all this is my home and i want to have a say in how it is run/maintained. It is not a big time commitment and hey i am retired i have plenty of time. Mostly farangs on our Committee which helps. Also important i think to keep on eye on the finances and who is not paying their common fee.
  20. Or they could tell shops to let thieves just help themselves. Oh they already do that......
  21. He could make an almost perfect Rolex for $500. A real one costs $50,000. Who is the real thief?
  22. I would be interested to know what is "so much cheaper". I can get a large beer in Pattaya 70 baht, a large chicken/rice dish for 60 baht, tuktuk 10 baht, farang meal 199 or even 99 baht etc. Same prices in 7/11. I have travelled there and didn't notice any big differences in price.
  23. Maybe they could retrain as firemen. There will be a big demand to put out all the EV fires.
  24. The new rules are as clear as mud but i am assuming that i will need to submit a tax return next Jan - Mar 2025 on all monies remitted here during 2024. If i can prove they were subject to UK tax then there should be no Thai tax to pay.
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