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Everything posted by Henryford

  1. I very much doubt they will tax foreign pensions that have already been taxed or funds transferred to buy condos. If they did it would collapse the condo market and push hundreds of thousands out of the country (with their 800k).
  2. Kill who? the whole condo Committe and Juristic Person !!!
  3. We have a constant battle at my condo with non payers but take a firm line and take them to Court. Eventually they have to pay up but it can take 2-3 years. The stupid thing is they have to pay plus big penalties. We got 1.6 million baht in penalties last year. Why not just pay on time !!
  4. Have you seen Scottish women lately ? How about wee Kranky as a girlfriend?
  5. Boring boomers? does anyone like having a bucket of cold dirty water dumped on their head several times a day?
  6. I've had Thais threaten to shoot me for beeping my bike horn at them. Murder seems to be the go to solution for even the smallest slight.
  7. Very dangerous - you might die of boredom.
  8. I am sure SWIFT payments can be made over 10k (i did) upto the amount you require. And ALWAYS send Sterling and get Bangkok Bank to do the conversion. Can WISE give you the necessary documents to satisfy the Land Office. WISE also have a percentage fee so for a large amount is likely to be more expensive.
  9. Wasn't enough for SCB to open an account even though i had the driving licence, utility bill and chanote which all confirmed my address.
  10. So he had plenty of cash for the holiday, booze, women etc but not 20 quid for insurance. Hard to feel sorry for these people.
  11. Was he the one that left the message in 2010 "Sorry but the money has all gone"? But nevertheless the Tories found another 2 trillion to throw away.
  12. Yes that sort of amount would never leave my person. Just asking for it to be stolen.
  13. Only a fool pays rent for 30 years with nothing to show for it.
  14. Same here, just had one above me going on for 6 weeks.
  15. I would be really interested to know why people have tattoos. I can understand maybe if it's your love's name or your football team but just a big black blob, which most are ! Trying to look hard? rather pathetic.
  16. Another pissed Russian. The thai cops will do nothing in case it affects all their valuable Russian tourists.
  17. I would NEVER use normal taxis, especially in Phuket. Bunch of robbers. Long live Grab and Bolt.
  18. It will be a cold day in hell before i pay Youtube for their inane adverts. As soon as they start i just press back until i am back with the programme.
  19. Breaking news, they smoke weed in weed shops.
  20. I never use the pedestrian cross walks, the most dangerous place to cross the road. I have been nearly run down 3 times using them. Just get an open stretch of road and cross when it's clear.
  21. What Honda 160 has a double front wheel?
  22. Many cars do that as well because they can't be arsed to queue up in the right hand turn lane.
  23. Or worse, undertake on the left when i am signalling and about to turn left.
  24. Isn't it Dr Anutin now ha ha
  25. Is that the case? A medium/large pizza in Dominos in Pattaya is US$ 4.80/6.25. How much are they in the US/EU?
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