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Everything posted by digbeth

  1. the ad for most of the scam is pretty clear that you never need to set foot inside a DLT or even take test to get a license, if you can't understand the illegality of this it's on you
  2. no, this is legit, after a few day course, or more, they have multiple client of the school come together, official from DLT come to take the test, you get certificate to go make your license card at DLT at later date, often the only way to get queue for test taking as the queue at DLT itself is hard to get, you have to go queue before they open in the morning to book an appointment often months away
  3. but also, if you drive up to the big DLT in Bangkok, there are plenty of 'agents' trying to assist you, and often you'll see the odd farang being escorted through the process by what appears to be agents if you go to driving school you can already complete the test, have a certificate to take to DLT to have your photo taken, all for probably lot less than what's being scammed here
  4. easiest money ever, what's the victim gonna do, go the police for trying to get what's essentially illegal?
  5. also Aed Carabao, the Thai 'Country - folk' singer that had a hit 'Made in Thailand' that decries the rise in popularly of imported goods in the 80s, ironically loves to be kitted out in Jeans and Harleys - few of the very thing his songs rally against.... now that they're mad in Thailand....
  6. that's why it's a Harley 'Owners' Club and not a 'Riders' Club
  7. any private hospital in Thailand, like Bangkok hospitals or Bumrungrad would be more than happy to have you, more test sir? this way please.
  8. a there are no direct flights from Thailand to Birmingham, why wasn't it caught sooner? or would the connecting airport be it Frankfurt or Dubai gave early warning through to UK customs
  9. occupation? nobody's claiming that, more often its 'never been colonized (by western powers)' The fact you raised that Pattani as sovereign state, Lan Chang and Lanna separate kingdoms are actually colonized by Siam WW2 would count as Japanese occupation for sure
  10. small sky lantern aren't part of the festivals 30-40 years ago and is a very modern invention, so ban them
  11. His fortune is from Sino-Thai contruction company - track records include Swampy airport that sinks and cracks, Brand New Parliament that leaks and floods, he'll probably have some experience with construction disasters
  12. how the cargo box/fridge attaches aside, pickup truck usually fares better in a crash than vans. and the vans has only been semi-bonneted for the current generation, previously the engine was under the seats mean it fares much worse in a crash
  13. first step before calling out electrician or PEA out is to confirm that the meter has be read correctly, if they wrote the digit wrong it could result in the whopping bill, easily adjusted, just take photo of meter to PEA, if the meter was indeed correct then you have problem somewhere is the meter disconnected, or removed? if removed you'll have a tough time proving the misread now
  14. up the hill sounds like not your land, if somebody's cutting trees in forestry department's land the sure can investigate, but the proof that the guy next door is the culprit is a bit thin, what does the caller have?
  15. the cost of toyota hiace panel vans is a million baht while cheapest hilux starts at around 500,000 baht, the Hilux drives better long distance than the van any day The Japanese knows how they are used in Thailand and designed with such modification in mind from aerodynamic to weight be it refrigerated box, tin shed or tall cage for produce/livestock what it's not designed for however is when they upgraded the rear axle to take small truck axle and wheels and overload the truck from 1+ ton to 3-4 ton, which is way illegal
  16. AIS (now owns 3BB) has BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) plan, 2gbps down 1gbps up, no router, no tv box 1299 a month vs 1399 for plans with 'free' router no they won't service your router, you are expect to know what you're doing with your own equipment if you have enough traffic to saturate ethernet to require cat8 in the first place, the ISP supplied router likely won't hold up and require constant reboot, is that happening already? plus I don't think any ISP supplied router has multiple 2.5gbps ethernet ports yet, so all you're getting is 1gbps, any ethernet cable will handle that
  17. If you care for latency enough to fork over CAT8 wiring to your whole house or whatever you perceived to offer better speed, yet use ISP supplied router? buy a decent router
  18. in the plumbing, it's a thing to trap grease they pour down the drain even from washing dishes if they don't have it, your drain's gonna be blocked, most municipalities won't give restaurant license if they don't see it installed
  19. did you check the meter with the bill to see if the reading is correct? if not it'll be adjusted in the next months' bill
  20. I'd be more concerned about them installing proper grease traps if they're running restaurants rather than gas and making sure neigbours aren't bothered by extractor vents
  21. if you have it in a conduit, you can pull the new cable through should standard changes years down the line
  22. do you really need cat8 over good cat6? the cost and how harder it is to bend etc makes it not worth it, who knows if future proofing with be worth anything, home ISP are already offering fiber to every room, by the time you can appreciate the difference between 40+Gbps vs 10 you can already get on Cat6, things might have moved on
  23. it's gas cooker on the patron's table like Moo Krata or Korean BBQ restaurant that's illegal, due to spate of fires in restaurants of that type in the 90s, they used to be plumbed in on rubber hose and split to each table, small leak and boom. these days some restaurant try to sneak in using portable gas bottle, those are illegal too supposed to be electric only now if it's only cooking hobs and not actually at the dining table, it's not illegal as long as they pass restaurant permit, why bother?
  24. probably just hotel staff, if the plane's going there anyway saves them getting on van and boat
  25. they'd have to be flying straight down to be buried so deep cctv on the ground records engine sounds until impact, so the engine didn't go out, maybe bird strike or something took out the elevator or other control surface the airframe is quite new in general aviation standard, but maintenance? the 'airline' as they're structured separately from the hotel hires graduate fresh out of flight school (it would be disrespectful to say that those that didn't get pick up by proper airlines get to essentially come fly airport shuttle for a hotel aren't the brightest but) there has been a few near misses with this plane in the past, was it repaired properly? the owner of the 'airline' is a flight instructor and is also pilot in command on this flight few years back the very same hotel had a big fire that sees their high paying guests burned, no sprinkler or fire equipment installed at all in their wooden structure, do they have same attitude towards safety on their plane?
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