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Everything posted by rwill

  1. Did he have to reenact cowering in the corner too?
  2. I'm surprised they haven't blamed the air pollution on marijuana smokers.
  3. Hopefully they will take some action against him for the people he took money from. Not just deport him.
  4. RIP. Either he was allergic to bee stings or died from something else and the bee sting was just a coincidence. Might never know here.
  5. Good thing it wasn't durians.
  6. Can't wait to see how this one goes. Why not just use a one time code?
  7. If you don't have any exclusions on your current insurance you may be better off sticking with them. The main advantage of a broker is they will/can look at more than 1 insurance company to find the best deal for you. The cost is the same using a broker or going direct.
  8. I think the not going very fast was the main reason he faired so well.
  9. That's why they say to not accept the lowest bid.
  10. I would avoid KTB. They don't pay interest for US citizens because they don't want to deal with the US reporting requirements. As mentioned above make sure the account is in your name only. Also be aware that US citizens with foreign bank accounts are required to report them every year. Better bookmark this: FBAR reporting
  11. I live in Ratchaburi and the smoke can be very bad here too. Lots of sugar cane fields. Harvesting runs from about Jan - Apr. My yard fills with ashes from the fires. A photo from a security camera at my new property shows a field burning in the background.
  12. That would be a common name. Scientific name Dipterocarpus obtusifolius.
  13. I see ads in the news letter here sometimes for shipping out of Thailand. I think they say safe removal from Thailand.
  14. The speed ticket cameras that I have seen have a camera and a radar device, not just a plain camera. When I travel from Ratchaburi to Chiang Mai I have seen lots of new cameras set up that look like speed ticket cameras but they seem to work more like instead of placing someone by the road with a radar device and radioing back to the checkpoint these send the plate numbers back to the checkpoint. So hard to know if they are ones that will mail tickets to you or just for checkpoints.
  15. It sounded better than calling it sewer road. ????
  16. I mostly use inDrive when in Chiangmai. Cheaper than grab. But both work well.
  17. When you hear them talking about 'fake news' you know it is pretty close to the truth.
  18. photo shopped. If Trump was realing holding a bat it would be golden.
  19. Good thing they weren't vaping.
  20. That was my first thought too but I guess single facility is not quite the same as single building.
  21. So they leave money in plain sight on the counter with an open window when they are closed?
  22. When they mail your passport back to you it comes with a letter for immigration to move the stamps. You get both your old(with a punch) and new passports back.
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