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Everything posted by rumak

  1. And some of us that have been here 30 plus years get quite a shock when we walk into the "traditional massage shop" and WHOAHHHH there they are ; Lek and Noi and Mem , my god. They sure have put on a few kilos from 25 years ago. ????
  2. I find it very curious : seems that all my tools, etc last a lOT longer when i use them then they do when someone else "borrows" them . hmmmmm?
  3. Too many generalities and long winded posts....... but good for a Sunday morning read. My generality is this : When you are learning about life, try to make small mistakes. In other words, don't JUMP into things , including relationships. One can possibly then LEARN from their mistakes; Many foreign men that come here are drawn by the sweet smile of a Thai temptress, like the Greek myth of "sirens", women who lured sailors to destruction by the sweetness of their song. (So, you see, this "scenario" is not a novel one ????) The BIG problem comes when , through foolishness or hubris...... a foreigner jumps in and finds that they can not get out without losing an arm or a leg. Start with dipping in a toe, oh fellow love seekers.
  4. I have gone to Dr Siri a few times over the years at his clinic and do like him. I am curious however if anyone in CHIANGMAI has gone to another skin specialist for diagnosis and removal of skin cancers At this point i have not had any malignant ones......... but would like the name of another skin doctor as a second option. A good "diagnostic " specialist would be welcome
  5. Don't ya love the country thais ? Yeah, they ask for Chang beer sometimes (or is it Chingg? ) . Why not..... buy em a few when they come get their buffalos that they parked in my large yard that day. always respectful they are thumbs up "hey TM " note: for anyone taking this all too serious .... let me assure you that though the stories i tell can be "loosely based" on some experiences.... I have lived in country situations and generally have had very good contacts with the locals . The old timers with lomyai and mango orchards here in the North work hard, are extremely friendly......... and get <deleted> all for the crops that they produce. Life ain't fair.... and its a lot less fair for these folks
  6. Yes, more than a few of us have added a few electric poles or extended the water supply to areas that did not yet have. But i never forget that most farangs living here had much better paying jobs (even if they were just bus drivers or handymen.) Of course most were "successful businessmen" or Secret service operatives (wink wink). I know that the Thais appreciate us though ...... as they often call out to me by my initials as i ride by "Hey....T.M. ! " . i give them back a big smile . Don't know why my GF doesn't seem so appreciative of that
  7. You should have seen them on the train yesterday ! Seemed friendly enough to me...
  8. I suggest that anybody contemplating whether they might be inclined to try a ladyboy should start by going for a massage with one. Then relax. Enjoy. And................. see what your reaction is when they say . in a deep voice "OK, turn over big boy "
  9. oh boy ........ funded my Big Pharma ! i am sure those would be honest and unbiased !
  10. Whenever someone starts out with "it's clear" I turn right off . No, it is NOT clear ! You have the unfair position of being judge and jury . The FACTS that i have studied from many sources , and then make my decisions based on ..... is how I decide what is CLEAR or not. If people here have the power to choose the sites and people that are allowed to present ( citing the corrupt and paid for "fact checkers"............... then really, no use for me to read any further. I think that is very clear to many of us who have been correct on so many issues where the "facts" have long since been shown to be DISINFORMATION .........have had the freedom to voice OUR views shut down for way too long. Even the people throwing out the indignities such as "tin hat" and "anti vaxxer" .......MOST of them have changed their minds. If you have not, OK. But please stop with the "it's clear" and "everybody knows" rhetoric. That is not the way to present your opinions . And that's what they are , since any opposite interpretations or presentations that dispute the ones on pro vax sites are censored. That is certainly NOT the way to establish what is the truth. FREEDOM of expression is , where all can make their own decisions, not be TOLD what is the truth
  11. Boy, sure glad he got those shots. Who knows what could have happened otherwise ????. But shame on him for not getting that fifth shot . We all must keep up , no exceptions.....
  12. I was going to try to answer your question, After reading your next post I now see (disappointed so) that you really were not looking for an answer. You are the smart one. Personally i use hindsight to help me in my quest to make better decisions going forward . One of the first lessons I learned very early in life... which helped me make the right decision to WAIT when this crazy fear mongering led "you all need to get this shot" narrative pervaded all the media , and then anyone opposing it was called a quack if not worse................................... is that when someone tells me "we are doing this to you for your own good" ...... I know that they are lying ! especially if they will not let you hear what others have to say..
  13. haha but not me TA . you were putting sarcastic laugh emojis on my "anti COVID vaccines" since a long long time ago. More than a year, in fact i was trying to help you understand ????
  14. The modus operandi over the last few years , where governments have acted tyranically to carry out the whole pandemic with lockdowns and terrible mandates can be summed up now : "It's always the one with dirty hands pointing the finger" Many more see that now. And there will be many more to come .................
  15. WHY WHY WHY ? Just no explanation that I can think of. Millions are beginning to see . And yet some are still trying to defend. At least (for now ) the PTB (powers that be ) are realizing that people are going to vote them out. And backing off ..... a bit
  16. don't accept responsibility until you do a paternity test !
  17. Is yours (or is it ARE yours ) any different ?
  18. I used to like the twenty year olds. Now i prefer at least 30.....as they walk slower going to the ATM .
  19. ..I wrote down the numbers of the last six gals i've been with , bought a lottery ticket and now I'm rich !!
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