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Everything posted by rumak

  1. when i see someone breathing out covid on a motorcycle i just duck my head if i am riding behind them. never try to catch one...... you can lose your balance and fall off your bike
  2. LOL!.....mine would be "Just do it" too black and white . how about : "take a few minutes to think about it first "
  3. I have photos of some different examples : you are what you eat .......
  4. Be careful when you hear others saying "He's a real hum dinger" .
  5. You, my friend, are the recipient of this months " know too much" award !
  6. That used to be my name as well....... but after many years I was granted a last name added, I suspect because the girls on Soi 7 thought so highly of me .. ฝรั่ง รู้มาก " Farang Rumak" Since so many others are called Farang.... I just go by Rumak note: i will admit, it wasn't so easy attracting those sweet ladies after a while. hmmmmm
  7. Chiangmai has a number of private hospitals , and my guess is that the cost for medical are generally cheaper than BKK, Pataya, or Phuket . My surgery was done by a very competent surgeon, I had a private room for 3 days and nights, and i only needed "follow up" once at 2 weeks , then 3 more times at one month intervals. I would have an xray, then doctor would consult . I refused "physical therapy " as the exercises were very simple. the follow up visits were about 1200 baht each ( total) note: would have been a lot cheaper but i went with the best titanium rod
  8. Keywords 'take care'.. I remember my days on the love links . ah yes. when the words " take care" came up i thought that was rather nice. I would say "take care " to you too . byeeeeeeeeeeee
  9. yep, i sure miss the really exciting time about 3 or 4 years ago when the battle for Poster of the Year was taking place . WOW ! Now that was entertainment !!
  10. actually applies to probably around 80% of all couples , whether they actually get married, or divorced after getting married . I say this from my observations of how everyone i have known interacts with their partners after a period of time together. Gotta find someone that keeps trying, keeps appreciating ! And then, both have to maintain that . Pretty long odds ! but does happen BUT, being that this topic is the decision to marry, or not... the ODDS are quite important to consider as getting married does have much greater negative consequences if/when the seperation occurs . I did it once . Fortunately did not "lose everything" . No need to do it again. No need at all
  11. Man, I feel like I'm in the audience of the Jerry Springer show . Especially love the tales which include the little "i have wealth" tidbits. Hey, but i can chip in. Why not? Every guy here has a unique situation , some married to the same gal for 20 years . Some on their 3rd or 4th. I lived with a number of ladies. Always seemed just the same as when a new person is hired for a work position . All vim and vigor . Trying to impress. And then it goes downnnnn hill. Little by little or at warp speed. Finally i had to let them go . The more "employees" i hired, and the better I got at seeing the red flags..... well, i thought it impossible that anyone would last . The latest employee is gradually working her way up . She has turned out Better than I could imagine. Almost reaching partner status (minority lol) . Its a good thing because i am really getting close to my expiration date. I think i will marry her. A few days before that date.
  12. Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. try again. you can do better . but good to show the boys here how quickly your attempts to wow us with philosophy turn into just the normal attempts at one upmanship. last word is yours. but i think you do better quoting others than trying original material ( just trying to help )
  13. you can not harm that which can not be harmed. I hope your fist is ok,,,,,,dude
  14. I am Dog . Sometimes have difficulty "being one" with other Dogs . Dogs can be like that . sniff, sniff whewwww !
  15. WOW !! (don't forget to read this backwords as well to understand the full meaning ) to advance to the next level , invite others to sit in a circle and ..................... sing Old Mcdonald had a Farm. I do hope that nobody thinks that I am trolling . For this simple exercise has enabled me to see, to be, to live, to die ........ to be one with all things. ( except maybe Dog )
  16. Definitely will test your self control hahahaha . First one is always a btch. Take a breath before reacting ! You know all this ???? good luck
  17. 6 months........ sometimes a year (if a house) . Problems will generally show themselves within a short time. The reason i wrote about maintaining a good relationship in your other thread is because : if you don't they will NOT come back to fix
  18. MY EXPERIENCE ( 10 houses over a 30 year period ) : I started out knowing nothing... and expecting a lot. Typical Farang mentality ( generally speaking) I had no "project manager" so some mistakes were made. Job was still ok, but relations with builder was bad. Other following jobs i had a bit more "knowledge" .... was still kind of picky.. but realized that expecting a Swiss watch for the price of a Timex was silly. The last few houses i stopped worrying about perfection, but was able to speak up when i saw something i did not like or wanted to ask a question. The rest of the time i kept an eye on everything but stopped bothering the workers constantly. They worked in a better mood and that is a lot less stressful ! The stress will kill you and make it all unpleasant. IMO being demanding in the "farang way" does not get better results. Sometimes worse ! (not saying you should not stand up when you think that something is REALLY wrong ) Like in anything, luck plays a part. The actual PERSON doing the work generally is just Somchai. Some are very good. Some not. Some in between. My experience helped me to get things done fairly well in the later houses. But still not without some DRAMA . Builders always seem to have some problem or do something not exactly as specified. Try to stay on good terms with the "project mgr" and let her handle things . Stay cool or she might quit too lol Tiles were almost always very well done. Kitchens and bathrooms of course are a bit more difficult. Only real tip i have is to tap on the tiles ( especially counters) . There should not be a hollow sound anywhere (guess why ).
  19. as you know...... takes time to learn language, the attitudes of the people, how to adapt , etc etc coming here as a newbie and rushing into anything is like buying a wrench and then thinking you can go fix the leak in Bhumibol Dam
  20. thanks, i saw that. None of us know anything about this guy ( we all know that there are many many types landing on these shores) doesn't hurt to ask questions, but of course our answers will be all over the place...... not knowing what this guy's background is
  21. Off the top of my head i can think of two "business models" that seem to have a better chance than most others. 1. If someone is a really good chef and has had restaurants before..... then i know around CM a few that have done fairly well. Good food, good service, a wife that has some decent skills in managing (usually the husband is the cook) . (italian food seems to do well ) 2. A bit risky..... but having some land and putting a few rentals on it can succeed. Less intensive than cooking every day... but more of an investment . The risk of course is....... well, i am sure most here can guess.
  22. you have a point. we ex perts are a bit tough on newbies. my only defense is that most i have met start telling ME what thailand is all about after they have been here a very short time .
  23. experts at cleaning out the bank account ..... ok, i'm just being sarcastic .
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