In the UK the coroner would require the results of the autopsy to establish the cause of death, if the death was not from natural causes. I assume Thailand has a similar law?
Update: I ended up buying a Macbook Pro 14 and am delighted with it. Took a few days to get used to, but the performance seems far superior to my old Dell. No regrets whatsoever.
Perhaps it doesn't matter, but this doesn't seem to have been a "mass shooting" like the examples in the US, as most of the child victims were stabbed to death.
It's truly shocking that a few thousand Tories have lumbered the country with such an obviously incompetent PM. I think even Tory MPs now realise this. She's so out of her depth that if the consequences were not so worrying, it would be funny.
The only good to come out of this, is a Labour landslide in 2024 and the Tories remaining out of office for years - of forever if Starmer can be persuaded to go for PR.
I'm inclined to agree, although if the staff feel safer not showing their mouths, it's fine by me. What's important is that I, as a customer in 7-11, no longer have to wear a mask.