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Everything posted by brewsterbudgen

  1. An orgasm's an orgasm! Some may suppress it (usually those who are protesting most vociferously!) but everyone is capable of being bi and in the right circumstances will go for it. Just look at all those "heterosexual" jailbirds!
  2. It currently works perfectly!
  3. No, of course not, but it's too late now, I've had the policy for almost a year.
  4. Contact https://www.nacc.go.th/english/contact. It all helps.
  5. And that's why they're able to do it! ????
  6. Indeed. Doesn't sound right to me. If correct, I'd imagine loads of people would prefer this to having to visit Immigration.
  7. Chaengwattana is fairly reliable. I've had my stamps transferred twice, plus done the same for my wife and son and never been charged.
  8. My broker "assured" me that the fact that I've been taking BP medication for mild hypertension and statins for slightly raised cholesterol for many years, did not need to be mentioned....
  9. Seems fair enough. No Insurer would still be in business if there were no pre-existing conditions exclusions. As a WRLife policy holder I'm still nervously waiting for the horror stories about them not paying claims or any other issues, but so far it seems to be legit. I have to decide whether to renew in October, or change again!
  10. Wow. Did you get a "receipt" for the 500 baht?
  11. It doesn't need to be in her name if she's a child. I used confirmation from my employer, but any bill or maybe a school letter showing the address and the parents' name (translated into English if in Thai) should be fine.
  12. Like some others, I switched to WRLife last year, following the recommendation of my broker. Looking to move my wife's and son's policies over to them in the next month or so, when their current insurance expires. I have the Serenity plan ($400,000 cover, inpatient only, no deductible) and pay around $1,400 per annum. I'm 62.
  13. I'm beginning to think Thais just like wearing masks; maybe it's their innate shyness. They just put one on as soon as they go out (maybe they wear them at home too?) and if they're riding a motorbike it's not a reason to remove it. Fortunately, where I live, there doesn't seem to be an adverse reaction to me and my wife being maskless, even in shops like 7-11 or Lotus's. Progress of sorts.
  14. Indeed. Strange how the Brexiteers now seem to have disappeared from this Forum. A "blue" passport thread like this would have brought them out in droves a few years ago!
  15. In my experience, UK Embassies tend to be cautious. When my son was stuck overseas due to Covid, his UK passport only had 4 months validity and the Embassy told me "categorically" that he wouldn't be allowed to enter Thailand despite having an Extension of Stay/Re-entry Permit that would expire before the passport. They nearly convinced me to get an ETD. Fortunately, I got advice on this Forum and he wa stamped in as normal.
  16. Extending a 15-day Visa on Arrival to 45 days is generous! "Extending" a 60-day Tourist Visa to 45 days less so!
  17. The Larry Sanders Show was pure genius. Up there with Seinfeld and Curb - possibly better than both.
  18. If they have a 5-year Thai licence they don't need an IDP to rent a car in the UK. An IDP is just a translation of their Thai licence, which is already in English. They may need one for Switzerland though,
  19. Yeah definitely. I had never seen Breaking Bad but started watching Better Call Saul, quickly realising that I should go back to BB first.
  20. Belatedly watching Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.... Wow.
  21. Woody Allen's autobiography. apropos.webp
  22. 11 teams now! ????
  23. Hopefully there will be more than 3 of us!! ????
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