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Everything posted by brewsterbudgen

  1. Not many families are out boozing in Pattaya in the early hours!
  2. Not true. You need to pass various levels of English Language tests and the Life in the UK Test.
  3. Alcohol or drugs to blame on BOTH sides! Pattaya is getting back to normal!
  4. VFS are not a government agency, they are the contractors who deal with the applications for UK visas and passport renewals. They check the documentation, do the biometrics and forward the application to UKVI (for visas) in Sheffield or India, and to HMPO (for passports) in Liverpool. They also have similar contracts for Australian, Canadian and (I think) Netherlands visas. The delays in the UK are totally down to government inefficiency and cutbacks, Covid (if you believe them!) and Brexit (if you believe Remainers like me!).
  5. It's too late now (for me). I've used the same broker for nearly 10 years and I've gone with his recommendation and switched to WRLife for my policy, and with effect from next month, now for my (non-Thai) wife and son. All our policies are inpatient only.
  6. Are the current premium levels that low? I'm just about to pay $2,300 to cover myself (62), wife and son on a family policy, and it's only slightly cheaper than I was quoted by other insurers?
  7. Thanks for posting. Having just moved my wife and son to WRLife (I've been a policyholder for a year), it's reassuring to hear that claims are being met without hassle.
  8. Are there any places in Thailand that are not affected by seasonal air pollution?
  9. I loved Breaking Bad but, for me, Better Call Saul is superior in all aspects. I don't think I've watched a better written, better acted TV series, not to mention the cinematography and music.
  10. Too true. Cameron deserves to hang his head in shame. Brexiteers are thin on the ground!
  11. Then you can't marry her. Unless she bumps him off as you're a better prospect. Best of luck. I'm sure she's a keeper!
  12. I'd leave it until about 8 months before expiry (October 2023) - the new passport starts from the new date of issue, so you'd want to minimise the months lost. Surely by October 2023 HMPO will have got their act together!!
  13. I thought Better Call Saul was fantastic. I don't think I've ever seen a TV series with better acting, writing, cinematography, music. The ending was superb too.
  14. What have Romanians got to do with an organised crime murder in Liverpool? Local gang/drug violence is nothing new there, although killing children in the crossfire is thankfully only a once every 15 years occurrence (RIP Rhys Jones).
  15. I completed the survey, although my wife's not Thai.
  16. Thanks. Unless anyone knows differently, I'll go along with that and change my plans.
  17. Can this one be blamed on "migrants" or is this just good old home-grown English savagery?
  18. My annual Extension of Stay/Work Permit renewal is due at the end of November. If I get my medical certificate at the start of October (potentially 5/6 weeks before I go for the Extension/Work Permit) will it be accepted or do I have to get it nearer the date?
  19. Most Brits don't need to be nurse-maided by their government! I thought it was common knowledge that passports should be renewed at least 6 months before expiry.
  20. That list isn't very accurate! Estonia and Czech Republic citizens can get visa exempt entry (as well as Australians as mentioned by UJ).
  21. https://aseannow.com/?forumId=25
  22. Their Facebook activity is intense; not paid-for advertising (although they do that too) but prolific posting with many visible enquiries.
  23. You'll get better responses posting in the correct Forum (Visas and Migration to Foreign Countries. There is lots of advice already pinned there. This isn't a Consular issue.
  24. They are certainly good (or, maybe active) at marketing, especially on Facebook.
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