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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Pitt Bull type dogs are bred to fight, are more aggressive and do more damage than other dogs. There is a reason they attack people more than any other breed. They should be banned, as the owner really doesn't make that much difference.
  2. He meant the second photo after the first paragraph.
  3. Absolutely. Drinking and partying with loud music until the wee hours, or nursing homes. There's literally nothing in between. 🤦‍♂️
  4. Whilst I hope that is the case, it seems like maybe reactionary/misandrist left-wing types are desperate to have as many men as possible labelled as rapists. (They do love to be able to bend the meaning of words whenever it benefits them.)
  5. Touched a nerve, I see. 😬 I suppose it is fitting that I should "have nothing", when I am replying to a post from someone who also has nothing... 🤔
  6. They thought they he wouldn't understand "555", but the other words in Thai are fine? Seems unlikely. They probably just think that it is funnier to write "gay" and "hahaha" in English.
  7. Quite. "It's not part of the culture, it's part of [gives definition of culture]." 🙄
  8. It rarely goes well. Often the woman turns on the Good Samaritan as well. They might seem like the victim, but the chances are that the woman actually likes the drama.
  9. He obviously lost the fight he started with the Japanese guy. That's why he got the weapon out.
  10. You don't know what culture means: "2. the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society." How people behave and what they think is acceptable behaviour most definitely varies by culture.
  11. I thought about going away for a few days this year, but everywhere I looked at in Thailand, I just imagined groups of Thais hanging out there partying until 6am. Nothing "wrong" with that, but if I'm not planning to party all night, I would like to sleep. They need "party free zones" for people who just want to spend the holiday relaxing in peace and quiet.
  12. The thing is, this isn't a group of 70 men sampled at random. They could have met online and all been very sick and twisted people.
  13. I'd consider taking a holiday somewhere.
  14. Almost 147 million dollars. I wonder where it all went?
  15. I've also found the "fingering is also rape" thing to be kind of weird. They obviously aren't the same. You would feel differently if someone put their finger inside you than if they put their penis inside you, had sex with you, and climaxed, so it seems unfair to say that someone who did the former has committed the same crime as someone who did the latter.
  16. This sounds kind of interesting: https://books.google.com.au/books?id=anIDEAAAQBAJ&newbks=0&printsec=frontcover&hl=en&source=newbks_fb&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false
  17. I'm fairly sure they do. Have you ever been to the border towns in Laos and stayed in the hotels there? Often they have many people who are apply for visas at the Thai consulate. If less people are having to stay, then that means less money. Did I say they do? And is it immigration policy that people have to stay a couple of nights in Laos as the IOs are telling people? Apparently not. So I think you're a little off the mark here.
  18. They've made a few changes to visas recently. Mainly the availability of visa-free entry has increased. This now means that more people will be doing a "border bounce" who may have previously had to apply for a visa and stay in Laos overnight. My suggestion is that change has led to a loss of income, and perhaps this has caused the IOs on the Thai side to request that people stay a couple of nights in Laos in order to make that "border bounce".
  19. It sounds like the new visa options have meant that the average spend is going down. Perhaps there are some backhanders flying around and the IOs want to keep things so that you have to spend a few days (and a few Baht) in a hotel in Laos. Previously, if everyone had to apply for a visa, that meant a few nights in a hotel with associated income for the people in Laos. I guess they have some pull with the IOs on the Thai side.
  20. Are you Catholic? Not Catholic, just a sore loser... 😬
  21. All the answers have been very positive... 🙄
  22. What do you ride now vs. when you were younger?
  23. Fairly obvious as to what might have contributed to the accident. An odd time to be celebrating, though. Very sad, and a really horrible way to receive the news.
  24. If you're not bothered about automatic and you have a bit more cash, Honda have the Forza 350cc while Yamaha have the XMAX at 300cc.
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