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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. What would be the point? He can convert them or not; one easy way to tell-- try it.
  2. Not a chance. Unlike the RTP officers, the Chinese jack boots will have a very definite agenda and be held responsible for fulfilling it or risk reprisal on their families in China. They represent Chinese influence abroad and are expected to push the CCP agenda relentlessly.
  3. As the CCP has done in multiple western countries, they are essentially opening a Chinese police station that allows them to track and harass Chinese citizens or expats just as if they were in China. Canada and the USA have already shut down some of them and other countries are now taking notice. This another gambit, like confuscious institutes that exist at so many universities globally. These too are coming under scrutiny. Nothing good will come of this even if they actually deport a few Chinese national criminals. This just a pretext for increasing chinese influence in the southeast Asian sphere. When will the world wake up to global threat that the CCP represents?
  4. This is a huge mistake. Nobody will benefit from this but the CCP.
  5. That is precisely what I recommended yesterday. They should be forceably banned from the thread they are using for their childish behavior. This would eventually mean that the worst offenders would only be able to post on a given thread a few times. Of course if this becomes too much of a chore for the moderators they could just ban them from all the forums except for one named 'idiot drivel', which the mods should create. On that forum the idiots can insult/flame/bore/anger each other endlessly while sparing the rest of us their pueril blithering.
  6. Ah. Good point. Yes, it is. But if I want discordant noise I'll just put a Thai station on the radio.
  7. Agreed. The video is trash.
  8. Once again, two individuals dominate a thread with their incessant bickering, impenetrable to the rest of us. Acting like school children. This is a primary reason for the deterioration we've all noticed on AN. The mods should limit such ping-pong nonsense to a few stupid volleys before banning the idiots involved. I read the first ten posts and abandoned the thread as trash.
  9. Good post. What ruins a good thread faster than anything though is the multipage bickering between repliers that devolve into ad hominem attacks. When the bored and boring topics from posters you named gets monotonous I can just move on. When these are the only posters then I just skip AN entirely. Lately I've been skipping several days. Maybe some of us simply grow past needing /wanting the content, but surely the nonsense topics and replies are a deterrent to even opening AN to start with. If I just want background noise I turn on a radio. Nobody opens a forum page to read background drivel. For whatever reasons, the caliber of the AN forums is rapidly deteriorating. I just don't care enough to make an in-depth study of why it's failing. If I had a financial interest in the forum though I would sure as hell be paying more attention.
  10. say it with wrong inflection on ''Hoi'' and it means I want to eat your pussy!!!!!!!!!!! Close.But you said you just wanted to eat pussy, not her's. Her = khong kuhn. Close enough to generate concern though since I'm sure it wasn't on the menu. 😁😅
  11. Really? You can tell one ass from another?
  12. Humans are just not like that. We're hardwired for curiosity, even if it is fatal. If it's possible, humans WILL do it, good or bad. War has no good points either but it's been waged since the very beginning of intelligence in monkeys. It's a blessing and a curse. Unfortunately it has brought us inevitably to the mess we find ourselves in now: a train wreck in slow motion. Might as well just sit back and enjoy the ride.
  13. I don't ride a bike at all to avoid this. Second year I was here I bought one, road it and observed reality. End of second year I sold it. It simply invites carnage to ride a motorcycle here. Statistics show this irrefutable fact every single year. I understand that for many there is little choice. But if you have a choice, choose life.
  14. After seeing what I did today in Huahin I have to agree. I was southbound on Phetkasem Road (AH4) in downtown area. We passed a farang in an electric wheelchair rolling down the road between the curbside parked cars and the leftmost lane of the road. Amazing, right. But even more so, his gaze was on the sidewalk shops instead of the traffic whizzing past just inches from his right shoulder. Now that takes real stones! (and/or a fervent death wish). Talk about waltzing in an elephant stampede. 🐘
  15. Pattaya, and all the 'inhabitant' actors, are paid by the Thai government to provide entertainment for the masses and tourists. Think about all the improbable events daily in Pattaya. Nobody sane would actually live a real life there. Occam's Razor maintains that the simplest explanation is probably the correct one. In any event, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Regardless of how senseless, bloody, or outrageous things seem there, even in the Kingdom things can't be that far gone. It's all for laughs and I applaud their efforts. Keep the comedy coming! 🤣😂😜👍😅😉😁
  16. Glad to see you back in the fray! Good advice , as usual. Thanks
  17. Not enough apparently. Try harder.
  18. Just the facts: I live near Huahin. Had colonoscopy a year ago at San Paulo private hospital. Cost 18000฿. Took about an hour. Excellent equipment, very clean OR and professional staff. Anesthesia was excellent. Woke up clear headed. No polyps found. Polyp removal would have added to cost. Provided me with a complete report including photos. I've had two I USA and this one as as good or better. I highly recommend San Paulo.
  19. I didn't vote in the USA 2016 election, for the first time in my adult life, because I didn't think either candidate was qualified. I felt justified in my logic. I was wrong. Once the Cheetto was elected I felt ashamed and horrified at my failure, and still do to this day. So from now on I'm back to the only real option: Vote for the least harmful candidate. If it's Trump vs Biden next year I'll vote for Biden if he's 200 years old. A well-meaning geriatric is still better than a egomaniacal, moronic, hateful, despot (whose is also geriatric).
  20. In today's news : "Vehicular accident in Chiang Rai leaves driver dead and over 20 students injured"
  21. Same for me, wired or wireless buds both. The slot in my ear is wider than most people's I found years ago. I just buy wired headsets with ear clips at 7 and replace them every two years. I only use them for infrequent telephone calls, so no real problem. Anything with batteries, i.e. almost everything these days, is eventually an expensive headache. Don't even get me started on electric vehicles. At my age I hope to never buy one.
  22. I finally gave up on Acrobat at version 10. Very little new but they totally buggered the UI. When they changed to only subscription model I bolted. Checkout PDF Element by Wondershare. It's over 100$ for a perpetual license. It is better and easier to use than acrobat too. I'm reading this thread because I'm buying a new laptop and will finally get rid of windows. Never went from W10 to 11. Two years ago I installed a small exe file that changed the registry to never download updates. I regularly back up my files to two separate offline drives and keep my virus protection up to date. Haven't had any problems but time to dump the Microsoft headache for good. Going to Linux for sure.
  23. Yes, and their continual existential angst is becoming tedious.
  24. It's simpler than it seems; inertia. The older one gets the more they dislike change. Retired people are generally old. Moving to another country is pretty much the definition of change.
  25. The OP can change his living location. Thailand is a big place.
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