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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. Absolutely! Where we can voluntarily offer funding for your idea? Seems an inexpensive way to buy some peace and quiet as well as standing room at the shrimp buffets. Maybe use funds to pay for looping footage at some of the airport televisions?
  2. You're wrong. Drink enough and you dilute the electrolytes in your blood and cause multiple ionic imbalances. The light-headedness you feel is the result. Don't believe me. Just do a quick web search
  3. RocketDog

    VCR to DVD

    If they are VHS C (compact) they can be inserted into a special carrier that fits standard VHS cartridge. The player output is easily digitized.
  4. Well, if unlimited border hops work that's good, but still makes it hard to live there. When I retired in 2016 I got a 1 yr VISA to VN intending to live there. I landed in Bangkok and then never made it to VN. Maybe good since I would have to leave soon anyway unless I married a native. That wasn't in my plans either. I'm now happily settled here and plan to stay. I spent time in VN in 2014 and like the Kingdom better anyway. The language here is easier to learn than VN I think.
  5. So if everybody drives poorly we have no choice either?
  6. Exactly right. A few drops of very light oil an hour before the warm water helps too. To help immulsify the oil you can use a tiny drop of dish detergent in the syringe water. As you say, one or two repeats helps. Be aware that warming or cooling the inner ear on only one side may cause a moment of dizziness. This is normal and often used to diagnose balance problems.
  7. The root of the problem is the same as it is more than half the time in road carnage : the taxi driver refused to slow down and tuck in behind the Mercedes. The Thai driving mantra is "Me First, Never Slow Down, Never Stop" until you reach your destination. That is the truth about 'brake failure' here.
  8. To my knowledge, starting year or two ago one cannot get a visa for more than a month in Vietnam now without being married to a national. NB. I went to Cambodia once and would never consider living there. To each his own though.
  9. Also, if you pay for foreign housing you can take a larger deduction but not terribly much.
  10. Agreed. That's what I was saying. There's a story of a American couple who emigrated to Canada with their 3yo child. When the child was grown and working in Canada IRS sent him a notice of unpaid taxes for the last 30 years, with penalty and interest of course. I don't know the outcome though. I will assume IRS prevailed, he declined to pay, and just never entered the USA again.
  11. Aha. Good point. I didn't see that point or it's new. I studied up six years ago when I retired and knew I wouldn't be working again anyway. However, I still file every year in USA of course, including the FBAR statement for foreign accounts. For the first time in my working life I paid zero income tax for 2022. My ssa income with standard deductions was below the threshold. I was amazed. Will be the same for 2023, but they will crush me when I sell my USA house next year.
  12. Yep, along with Eritrea the only two countries in the world's that do it. For USA citizens though, the first 100k$ from foreign income is tax free.
  13. As well as enslavement of first born male son. Seems pretty likely to me. ????
  14. As so often happens, USA is cursed for interfering if it takes any action, or cursed for not taking action whenever any country needs it. My opinion? USA takes care of itself and let the devil takes the hindmost.
  15. I doubt it was rectified, probably just normal 220V/50Hz AC. ???? (Sorry, an inside joke. @Crossy will get it)
  16. When I was a young lad I got a case. The free clinic swabbed them with some liquid and they were gone in a week. Probably the same treatment you are referencing. I cannot imagine why it isn't available today.
  17. You caught the same discrepancy I did in the OP. The most common concentrations of T are 200-250 mg/ml of injectable drug. So let's hope he means mg instead of ml. Either way for a weekly dose that's massive. Perhaps he means that his actual dose is 125microliters of the drug, which would then be around only 25 mg T per week. A much more common dose. A blood test is only about 400-500 ฿. Normal range for males is 500-1100 ng/dL. Hormones are very potent drugs. Understanding dosage is paramount.
  18. Color me surprised. With such a title I expected a blank page. OP clutching at straws much?
  19. The longer you stay here the more you understand the reality of it. If it happened then it was definitely real. Wherever you are and whatever happens to you, unless you're asleep, then it's reality. Reality is one of those things that happens whether you like it or not. Much wiser to acknowledge reality than not; fantasy can get you into trouble. I'm an American too, and I can assure that there are many realities there that I don't like either. That's one reason I'm here. Up to you.
  20. Simple velcro ankle weights can be used to amp up pretty much any walking you do. An alternative to carrying hand weights when walking. The real beauty is that you can use lighter weights and just leave them on as you go through your normal day. Can't even see them if you wear long pants. They're cheap, don't need batteries, and don't wear out. OTOH you do have to put them on to get benefits. ????
  21. That's outside of London, right? Or is that Canterbury?
  22. GhosteryDawn is the only way to go. Give it a look.
  23. As long as you're not confused with a garbage sack and thrown in a dumpster.
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