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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Your application for 30 day extension will NOT be rejected. You do not need to worry about that. Even it was rejected (won't happen) then you could do a border bounce and obtain visa exempt entry. Be aware that since you plan to obtain extension in Bangkok and entered visa exempt, you will attend Laksi IT Mall and not CW.
  2. You can use any account or even two accounts to meet the financials. The requirements are 800k pre and post day of application and minimum 400k at other times. Depending on your immigration office you may require 12 month bank statements or for some offices copies of your bank book pages is sufficient. You need to obtain bank letter (100baht). Best obtained on day of application. Some offices want to see "activity" on day of application. Small deposit/withdrawal is good idea.
  3. Of your list the only thing that requires a "in person" trip to immigration is annual extension. 90 day report can be done online (2 minutes or less autofill) Via mail slightly longer. Both online and mail can be lodged from anywhere in Thailand.
  4. Still don't follow So you enter visa exempt 45 days. Subsequently obtain a 30 day extension. The flight out will not be required to obtain the extension. The extension has nothing to do with flight out of Thailand. An onward flight may be required by airline at departure when you fly to Thailand. So again , why do you want the 30 day extension done straight away. Some want to do that if staying somewhere remote. Eg Obtain in Bangkok then travel to an island
  5. No the report will be due 90 days from your reentry. That report may need to be done in person or via mail as it will be your first report. Do not think it can be done online. UJ will advise.
  6. It would be up to the immigration office. Is there a reason to obtain it so early. Example travel plans etc
  7. Which immigration office? Why did you leave it so late. You can report online 15 prior to due date. I would be heading to immigration. The fine is 2000baht for late reporting
  8. Stated with such pride of achievement. All somewhat irrelevant. Many live not close to an immigration office. CW for example would be a half day + exercise.
  9. https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/login There is a pinned topic in this forum. Covers various questions such as change of password etc.
  10. Lucky you. Guessing trip to immigration not easy? Still you have the mail and online option.
  11. If you enter with a visa or reentry permit you would not have an issue. For visa exempt entry in the main also no issue, however if your history indicates that you have spent lot of time in Thailand recently then you can be questioned and even possibly refused entry. Think you mentioned couple of years in Thailand and now wanting to return after a month out on visa exempt entry. BTW new passport doesn't help. Your history is on io screen.
  12. Many countries do not even provide visa exempt entries. It's a very sweet deal that Thailand provides for many countries.
  13. For the 30 day extension obtained at immigration a flight out is not required. The onward flight can be asked for by the airline at departure for your flight to Thailand by the AIRLINE. Your return flight within the 75 days (45+30) hopefully would be accepted by the airline. Some people use "onwardflight.com" to rent a flight for this issue.
  14. You asked me same question earlier. You have been in Thailand on various visa and extensions for seems quite some time. Now month out if Thailand you wish to return visa exempt. At the very least expect some questions upon arrival. Having said that it would not be surprised me at all if you post entered visa exempt without issue. I doubt you would be refused entry as it's been a month out of Thailand.
  15. How many farang live in Phitsanulok. Easy access to immigration is in the main not typical. I suggest the OP use mail option if online is difficult for him.
  16. Ignore all that re "pink document". Why are they wanting to obtain vaccination after they come to Thailand? It's hardly required now. I just flew into Thailand yesterday after 2 week visit to Oz. Had my vax records. None required both ways.
  17. How long do you wish to stay in Thailand? Being 51 you can obtain non ED visa but not best option. An agent obtaining you a non 0 retirement and subsequent extension would have been a good option. Without a Thai bank account will cost approx 35k. Depends how long you wish to stay in Thailand.
  18. Reading back in your thread, clearly you are well aware of your options. Think couple of suggestions eg METV from uj and others etc. Why ask questions when clearly are well informed and have already chosen your pathway.
  19. Exactly. With a visa no onward flight required if entering via air and so many great places to have mini holiday eg Saigon. What is cost of METV?
  20. When was last time you obtained TDL. As for international DL just your DL from home country is fine.
  21. The non O marriage (90 days) along with 60 day extension to visit wife will have you covered time wise. The non O will make it easier to obtain TDL. One big advantage of non O marriage is that you can be under 50 and also work. Also the financials are much less and time funds stay in bank and stay in the account for extensions is sweet deal compared to based on retirement.
  22. I was under the impression that you cannot have a credit card linked to the account used for immigration money in bank method. Someone will post with personal experience. Regardless as usual different immigration offices have their particular interpretations.
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