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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Perhaps one's lifestyle has an important role in covid deaths. If you're a lard ass who smokes, eats fast food daily, has high blood pressure, diabetes then your chance of surviving covid diminishes.
  2. Your ... equating Covid to tetanus and medical procedures which have been performed for many decades. If parents want to vaccinate their 5 yr olds, up to them. My kid, up to us.
  3. I extended my OA in 2021 using an agent. He sold me a 3,000 tbh Ins policy.
  4. The comments on this thread leads me to believe folks with no kids believe vaccinating kids is good for the sake of others. How would you a stranger know what's best for my kid.
  5. Please inform the USA of your findings as the Antigen test within 24 hrs is what's required now to board an international flight bound for the USA.
  6. Had mine done there Oct 2021 is all I know. I'll check it out now you say this.
  7. Death isn't the only downside to a vaccine which is new. And I won't subject my kid to a new vaccine for the sake of others. The drive I'm taking into Pattaya today is more dangerous than not vaccinating my kid.
  8. I have a 10 yr old, both parents vaccinated. School tests every week and takes all precautions to prevent covid, teachers have been vaccinated. I choose not to willingly vaccinate my child.
  9. The title of the poll is "Would you vaccinate your child aged 5-11? It's a hypothetical question for all to weigh in on, if the title had been "Will you vaccinate your child aged 5-11?" Now, the parents with young ones can be polled.
  10. The title of the poll is misleading, "Would you vaccinate" has folks with no young children voting based on what's best for them and not what's best for the kids.
  11. Straight from CDC "But the risk that a child gets seriously ill is extremely small — comparable to the risk that children face of having serious illness as a result of the flu." https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/05/25/997467734/childrens-risk-of-serious-illness-from-covid-19-is-as-low-as-it-is-for-the-flu
  12. Straight from CDC "But the risk that a child gets seriously ill is extremely small — comparable to the risk that children face of having serious illness as a result of the flu." https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/05/25/997467734/childrens-risk-of-serious-illness-from-covid-19-is-as-low-as-it-is-for-the-flu
  13. So seems the vaccine for kids is worse than covid. Why again are they vaccinating kids?
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