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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. The Fugitive

    Wizz TV

    Looks interesting and excellent value! Might be good for Manchester City v. Manchester United.
  2. Would be great! However, looking at the current numbers of flights and destinations from Utapao airport as compared to pre-Covid it isn't surprising that there's no urgency with any rail lnk.
  3. Good recommendation! Plus, you are not far from Koh Samed (great IMHO) and, of course, Utapao airport.
  4. Where have you travelled from (or via?). There are clear signs in Suvaranabhumi international arrival area that travellers arriving from Africa and South America (no countries mentioned so presumably the whole of both continents) are required to produce proof of Yellow Fever vaccination. I once flew from Paraguay via Morocco and queued with passengers from Argentina with everyone clutching their yellow books.
  5. Thanks for that, very helpful. UK is OK in Spring.
  6. I've read that if you're decapitated it's all over in four seconds. If that didn't happen it doesn't bear thinking about.
  7. Generally would agree! When in the Medical Investigation Unit of my local hospital I noticed that a very helpful and energetic Indian doctor was sporting a tattoo upon his arm. I didn't know what it was (could have been a religious symbol) but I was most surprised that someone of intelligence would do that to himself.
  8. A sign in the window of my local tattoo parlour; 'What is the difference between a tattooed person and a non-tattooed person? Answer; 'The tattooed person doesn't mind if you're not tattooed'.
  9. Good point. Wouldn't the murderer have to keep watch in case the next expected train was delayed or cancelled? Suppose it depends upon the chosen location and frequency. Makes me think of the 'troubles' when there were suggestions that people were murdered and the blame placed on an IRA bomb. However, the IRA had codewords, allegedly gave advance warning and/or claimed responsibility afterwards.
  10. That's interesting, didn't know that. A Portuguese cafe proprietor told me that their cafes use Italian coffee machines that apparently make all the difference.
  11. Must depend upon where you are? There are a few in my small town. We are always the only people there. They keep going so must get other customers. We have friends who are motor dealers and are also coffee distributors with a wrapping and postage franking machine. They have a coffee shop onsite. Pre-Covid they had a range of cakes in their fridge but not any longer. We go in whenever were are passing and, again, we are always the only customers. I've never tasted coffee in Thailand that compares with Portuguese cafes.
  12. Originally I thought it was OK. Small town with everything I need within 1 km. Reliable water and electricity supply and fast fibre internet. Unfortunately, as you say, no bars, cafes or restaurants as we know them. Nearest live entertainment is in nearby larger town (11 km so not too far). North East railway line passes through there too. I'm in two minds whether to stick it out or go for a change.
  13. Very true! Lager isn't the best and is relatively expensive in Thailand. Coffee is poor and decent bread non-existent.
  14. My next door neighbours when I was in UK had two sons who formed a duo playing in pubs and clubs. After one gig a guy approached them. He was a talent scout for cruise line entertainment. He said he was looking for an Everly Brothers tribute band. He thought the two brothers would be most suitable and asked them if they would be interested? However, one brother was at university at the time and the other said he preferred to do his own thing, songwriting and recording. So they said; "Thanks but no thanks". Wow! If that'd been me!
  15. Spacious luxury apartment in Lisbon. Preferably overlooking the 'Golden Gate Bridge'. Not have any gardening or maintenance to worry about. A lady to do my laundry, dusting and vacuuming. Home hairdressing and manicures/pedicures. Send her out for any shopping or extra items I may need not covered by supermarket deliveries. I prefer having seasons but don't want to suffer discomfort because of them. Therefore, forced air ventilation, central heating and/or air conditioning running at optimum settings 24/7. Any paperwork that I cannot easily do myself on-line to be collected from my door and returned completed by same method.
  16. My daughter-in-law is a tatooist, however not in Pattaya. I've told her I like her drawings but why doesn't she do them upon paper instead of indelibly upon people's skin. She says; 'Can't make any money doing them that way'.
  17. That's a good question. Can the hospital have it both ways i.e. keep him prisoner AND bill him for the time he's captive? In any event, he will be deteriorating same as everyone who remains immobile for any length of time.
  18. You've hit the nail on the head here! Certainly for RTA's and also for such as falling off balconies when heavily intoxicated. As far as I can see, the only solution would be free universal A/E plus all necessary follow-up treatment. Cannot see that happening and many would argue why should it?
  19. Thanks for this. I agree, there is great value and satisfaction in cleaning and making things work/run again.
  20. True statement. I’m a Brit. Beliefs are just that, not based on experience or rational thinking. Expressions such as; ‘They’d never do that, it wouldn’t be allowed’. These people obviously haven’t been on the receiving end of the UK NHS when there’s a bed crisis or witnessed patient’s notes go missing following inappropriate care and communication failure. Such people will never accept that treatment of a casualty would ever be delayed or discontinued due to lack of funds.
  21. Good advice thanks. I was using my Chase UK debit card because of the 1% cash back on spending. Until I had that I was using my Santander, Halifax and Zopa credit cards and still do occasionally just to keep them alive.
  22. I'm intrigued as to what actually triggers the banks to close our accounts? Last year I opened a couple of accounts with the new neo banks whilst I was in UK. Chase say; 'If you're moving abroad, it sadly means that we won’t be able to keep you as a customer. Our bank only operates in the UK'. They can tell that everytime I access their APP I'm doing so from Thailand. Plus, their debit card is being used physically and on-line solely in Thailand. The address upon my account is my house in UK. I gave them my UK virtual mobile telephone number. It will be interesting to see if anything happens and, if so, how long it takes.
  23. True. There is likely to be some history and, of course, things do change. Back in the days of chequebooks, paying-in books and cheque guarantee cards (remember them?), our banks admitted that current account customers cost them money. They were ever hopeful of us investing with them and taking out their insurance products. Today, we have neo banks with no branches and all they physically provide is a debit card. At least for those inconvenienced by account closurers and with no other options there is always Wise (see above warning from Liverpool Lou). With the increasing numbers of digital nomads there needs to be improved ways of operating our home country bank accounts internationally.
  24. It's people's fixed beliefs (especially the Brits) that need to change. Most would never accept that a hospital could 'keep you prisoner' or, that in the 21st century, any hospital would do (or not do) anthing that would not be in the best interests of the patient.
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