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Everything posted by treetops

  1. CH is Switzerland, CN is China, but nevertheless China's alleged SOP of help and assistance only lasts until the recipient is in enough debt to them that they think they can set the rules. They're going to get their bottoms kicked soon in some places with that attitude.
  2. This bit makes me think that even if gifts are to be taxed then it'll be at 5% irrespective of other income taking you up the bands. If so it'd still be a way to reduce one's income tax bill if paying any at a rate >5%.
  3. Mine was somewhere between 200,000 and 250,000 baht IIRC.
  4. It is. There was a dental thread just in the last day or two where someone linked to a Thai dental practice price list and I saw them itemised on there.
  5. Or use the "Cardless ATM" feature in the app.
  6. Once you read his drivel on this subject you may regret asking this.
  7. Yes, I had it done in BPH over a year ago. They poke a hole in your eyeball and stick a laser in to zap the retina back into place. Mine had pulled a blood vessel with it so I needed a vitrectomy too, I don't know if that's always the case or just because I had the bleeding, but that entails putting a mini vacuum cleaner in the hole before the laser and sucking out the vitreous fluid. Vitreous fluid is replaced with a gas that takes a while to disperse so no flying for several weeks afterwards. Actual time depends on the gas used. Local anesthetic and I don't mind admitting I winced a few times with the laser.
  8. It was mentioned here but reading the first few responses it seems to have been a false alarm. https://aseannow.com/t opic/1258853-is-it-true-no-more-cash-advancesover-counter-withdraw with-a-foreign-atm-debit-card/
  9. Where would I find this country setting? I also "forgot" the 2.4GHz network so it doesn't latch on to it every time.
  10. Did they even try the card or just wave you away with that excuse?
  11. Thai immigration will see his history on their screen regardless of whether he has a new passport or not, but being out of the country for 6 months means there's little chance of refusal.
  12. I have a Redmi Note 10 and recently changed my SIM Router to one that has both 2.4GHz and 5GHz channels. The Note 10 often doesn't "see" the 5GHz channel for a minute or two when enabling Wifi, but if I keep refreshing the list it eventually appears and connects without issue. I know the 5GHz channel is working as I can be using it on my laptop at the same time as the mobile can't see it. Not exactly the same issue as the OP but backs up the notion that something is amiss with Note mobiles and 5GHz connections.
  13. The article mentions 8 and it's because of "their high traffic of foreign visitors and strategic importance to international travel" according to another news report.
  14. What is it you wish to find out?
  15. Certainly sounds like it, but possibly not for all packages. Hopefully some of those who have renewed will come across this thread and outline what they experienced.
  16. Some routers have the ability to send/receive/view SMSs from within their web interface. You have to go looking for them though rather than being annoyed by their notifications.
  17. There have been multiple reports on here from those who have been invited to do an annual renewal at the same rate as they paid for the year just finished. It's unclear (to me at least) how to know if a current package will qualify or not or if you'll have to go the route you're planning.
  18. To give you time to fund the transaction if you are not holding a balance within Wise.
  19. Emirates have recently introduced pre-ordering meals so that should be a thing of the past once it's fully rolled out.
  20. The links above should be enough but here another one with directions from Jomtien Beach. Directions. If you're using the baht bus look for this sign on your right - you can see the FedEx logo - just after Soi 29/1
  21. TMB used to be a partner but no longer. Deemoney were added as one a couple of years ago and more recently Tranglo.
  22. No. https://tvchaosuk.com/login
  23. I don't know who else you tried but Etihad do according to their website so you may just have got someone who didn't know all the options. Ignore the upsell to "Comfort" which is probably more popular and ask for "Neighbour free" instead. The GDSs (airline booking systems) even have instructions to agents what to enter and where, to designate the extra seat appropriately. https://www.etihad.com/en-us/fly-etihad/our-cabins/economy-class/choose-your-seat
  24. treetops


    Think it's this area just before you reach the remains of the Woraburi. The Street View photo is from last year and doesn't show the pool/restaurant/market that's at the roadside nowadays. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@12.9370702,100.8975339,3a,75y,300.87h,83.32t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s1SoabkF4-ZW5_1UhMcW1gA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D1SoabkF4-ZW5_1UhMcW1gA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D65.19056%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
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