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Everything posted by paul1804

  1. Sadly foreign training wont change the mentality thats embedded in Thai's, they are there own worst enemy!
  2. I have no sympathy for the RTP, they are paid to uphold the law and in many cases they are the primary offenders of scams, trafficking, corruption & many of the other illegal happenings in Thailand. I believe all government employees can get cheap loans with little or no security and if you have ever loaned a Thai person money you will know first hand that they dont honour their debts!
  3. A Dem voting judge, what about the Biden's & the Clintons and how did Barrack Obama become so wealthy just to name a few!!!
  4. Maybe other airlines are trying to compete with Bangkok Airways on their Samui - BKK legs !!!!
  5. Typical Thai reporting, the abolition of the restriction currently set between 11am - 2pm, most of us know what they mean! The word "abolition" means to abolish so their report should have read to abolish the current 2 - 5pm restriction, not the 11am - 2pm!!! Naturally this will benefit business's that are legally selling alcohol, ie those with a current alcohol licence.
  6. The real point is why do all these taxi drivers carry weapons, knives, iron bars etc?? Because its Thailand and they get away with it most of the time!!
  7. Yes its shocking but this is how Thai society often works, he is an Abbott and the victim is most likely a young simple family girl. There is no extra financial incentive for the RTP to not only do their job and honour the oath they took to uphold the law but show some integrity and common decency, a common fundamental problem with many third world countries, especially in this region. The Abbott should already be serving a long prison sentence but the police will only act if pressured, very sadly this isn't uncommon! However now that Big Joke is on the case I am sure some action will be forth coming but I bet the police involved in failing to act will go unpunished!
  8. I guess you have to understand Thai mentality to answer your statement, the Abbott is a big man and her boss so instead of walking up to him and hitting him over the head with a brick she took a video!!
  9. When are the people going to say "enough" these clowns are on a witch hunt and are looking for anything they can to discredit the threat of them getting their snouts voted out of the trough! For the sake of the entire country the sooner the people demand an end to this shenanigans the better for all of Thailand.
  10. There must be some legal obligations of the airline, given their pussy attitude and the usual Thai "loss of face" scenario they deserve to be held accountable. They took your money for a service that they failed to provide on the BS Coronavirus virus scam which the Thai government was complicit in.
  11. Typical Thai style, just tell the person complaining that its decision was based on good aviation practices and for the good of all. We are sorry if the decision offended you but bad luck, we would have the same approach in the future given a similar scenario. Forget about suing the idiot and your fragile ego's, that will give you far greater kudos with the general public.
  12. Yes I have first hand experience, it seems Thai women love grabbing knives!
  13. I wish him luck but cannot help but feel he is rather naive, surely he knows the level of corruption he is up against, the generals and military leaning opposition parties etc would do everything they could to keep their snouts in the trough! His share holding in a defunct media company was a fast but gave the bent legal system enough time to keep him out. Declaring his intention to reform certain laws wasn't a smart move prior to being elected, that should have come after he was firmly elected and had diluted the militaries strangle hold on this country. Look at Thailands immediate neighbours, Burma, Laos & Cambodia, all controlled by dictatorships and all are failed states!!!
  14. Go and talk with 2 different family lawyers and they will interpret the rules differently as is often the case in the courts. If there is a Thai & farang divorcing & there is a dispute then the courts will invariably interpret the law to benefit the Thai, this is common!
  15. I couldn't agree with Boris more! I am not an American and dont live there but followed the 2016 election with interest, especially after the 9/11 debacle, how the USA orchestrated the murder of their own president back in 1963 and the Iraq invasion based on known lies! The actions of the Bush, Clinton & Biden families just to name a few and the effects they had on the world makes the mind boggle! One couldn't help but notice how Trumps pre election rallies were supported and followed by mostly many thousands of people and in contrast Joe Bidens were virtually empty car parks and town halls, in many cases just a few dozen followers so how is it that he won the election. To add to that Hilary's actions leading up to the 2016 election, Joe & family's action prior to the 2020 election one would have to ask yourself how do the democrats get legitimately elected! Well maybe Trump was right on the money, maybe it was rigged? Following the global actions of the CIA and to a lesser extent the FBI anything is possible!
  16. I cannot answer your question but I do know that by Thai law after 3 years living apart, ie not in the same dwelling divorce is automatic and either party can apply for it on those grounds. Yes Thailand will tell you many different rules & laws which is quite common & very confusing.
  17. I did the trip to Burma out of Ranong just prior to Covid, it was quite straight forward. Pay the fee for the boat ride and the service, clear customs at the Ranong port and about 30 mins later you arrive at a small island with a casino, pay a fee, get your passport stamped & a 30 minute ride back to the Ranong Port. The entire process took less than 2 hours. It wasn't actually Kawthaung itself, I remember on the boat ride we looked across at Kawthaung town which was probably 5 - 6 miles away, it was a hazy day so a little hard to establish an accurate distance.
  18. If you had as much money and assets as Trump you quite possibly could have back then.
  19. The sad reality is that this entire scenario is a political witch hunt and has been since Trump was elected in 2016. Why are the Bidens & the Clintons not on trial here, they are the real villains and together with the Dems they will destroy the USA left unchecked. Which US states are doing well financially and which are are disaster? I think the standouts would be California, the disaster state & Florida or Texas the success's!!
  20. Tell me a Thai politician who is not corrupt, that doesnt mean that all of Thaksins actions are acceptable. At least he did some good for everyday people and others, yes shame on him for getting into bed with the military but I am sure he has a plan that doesnt include them, wait & see!! I have a NZ friend who has very high standards, she worked with him closely for 5 years and spoke very highly of him and most of his family!!
  21. For many of those farangs who've had Thai girlfriends would know that its not difficult to have a verbal confrontation with a Thai lady, for many reasons including the fact that Thai's often have very short fuses! Of course him being a Farang and her being Thai the police will assume there is some guilt regardless, its called racism & guilty until proved innocent.
  22. You seem to rate Thailands electrical installation's / housing keeping as on par with the world, obviously you are referring to those with third world standards.
  23. Just the usual BS from the authorities, they have no real plan, there is no discipline, many Thai drivers dont know how to drive including the ones holding a licence, the licence test is a joke and the traffic police rarely do their job so why would anyone be surprised! Oh and what experts are they referring to?
  24. I think it would be fair to say most Asian nation couples want sons, especially the male partner. China being probably the strongest advocate of this to the extent that many fetus's & newly born girls were terminated, it most likely still happens today, especially in rural china. And when they have sons they are often spoilt beyond their own good while the girls help in the house, do the chores while the boys play and get up to no good! Then when the boys are old enough the knock up the girl friends, get them pregnant and run away leaving the girl & her family to bring up the child, sadly this is very common in Thailand and its imediate neighbouring countries.
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