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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. It is not about software or technology, it is about bureaucracy, politics, costs, laws and enforcement. Same reason they still have XX,XXX accountant graduates per year here. They can simply track you on the phone numbers, this is why they now require ID and limit it to 5 sim cards per carrier. For real things they have pegasus, one blank sms can penetrate (imagine how many spam sms we receive on thai sims). Normal levels, where you usually always remain, deal with low tech.
  2. Yeah true, in theory they could even use the face recognisation from all the public CCTV and malls in Thailand, and realtime get a notification if the visa status is in overstay. This is how life looks in around 10-15 years from now.
  3. The photo scared the <deleted> out of me, the police on the right (younger one) looks identical to my brother in law. But he is army lol.
  4. Actually they have apps on their smartphones to even check for that nowadays, so the car is not needed. That's how they often check during nightclub raids too, never seen BMW.
  5. So what exactly has the smart car to do with this by the way? They found her at her house? So they had intel already.
  6. Would be great if the chinese tourists now come back, as immigration and government seem to have turned victims from being western foreigners to asians and chinese lol.
  7. The lease you bring with you, that you need, should be in the same area where you try. Next you will say, you want to open a account because you need to deposit the 400,000 baht to prepare for the 1 year non-o visa with your soon to be wife or child. Bring a Thai with you that speaks and looks decent, makes it easier for the staff too if not fluent in english. Could be some agent too as written above. True too, that sometimes then you need to buy a small insurance as written above.
  8. In europe you get 100% refund if delay 4 hours, so actually it is even better there. I flew on budget airlines from germany to thailand 3 times, twice with such delays, FREE! In terms of Viet air, they gave them 500 baht vouchers, food, meals and a free hotel + flight. I guess that actually equals the cost, as it is a domestic flight, so equal good?
  9. I stopped liking to fly in Thailand since covid started, I avoid it now where possible. Also because I fear the airplanes are getting older and not trusting the maintenance. Yeah I know it is silly, the roads are more dangerous. But still stopped liking it, maybe it is also the lengthy process, silly security checks and endless waiting.
  10. Plenty of work in China, just by doing it online and remote. But yeah these lazy people of today expect work to come to them, as if the world owes you. Work for it and results are next.
  11. My economy teacher said I have to work until 70 too and there is no way to not pay tax in this world. BTW, he asked a question, because he is curious and thought the landing is fake, which many scientists do. He states clearly he not think earth is flat. It's people like you, that actually can hurt a child or teenager their development and life, because you would limit all possibilities and judge others without reading.
  12. If you ask me that building actually looks very decent, with aircons and a luxury basketbal thing.
  13. Not sure how this made the news, on phangan we do this 3 times a week.
  14. Yes let's blame it on the fact he has 3 houses, what the hell do you know man? Maybe his retirement is in the 2 other houses that he used to earn rental on before covid. If that is your actual argument, you might have to look at 20 families owning 70% ? Poor people never use their brains, no matter where they from. Foreigners even more than Thais. Just say whatever, without thinking. If he had said, I had one house robbed and lost 1M baht, you said nothing.
  15. Not buying into the story, just had a friend there 2 days ago and it was a breeze. Just not for some Russians.
  16. What do you mean with charge you 3500 baht? As the round way tours in minivans from most southern areas always been 3-3.5K.
  17. Just got a friend on phangan taking the sadao border one I believe, he said it was in and out in 1 hour. But same story 99% is russians on his trip, he was the only other.
  18. What are you even trying to say, the 5 figure was backdated, aside of that, the cost of living was high in the west 10 years ago too. They also increased minimum wage here, before the 30-40K was normal, plenty would do it for as little as 20K. Many still do it for 25K without a work permit. But they have hustles on the side too.
  19. BTW, before I forget, you now talk about teaching but actually everyone is in the same boat. Even I earn near 3x your quoted figures, we can all feel that we do way less with the same budget than before.
  20. Just ignore that comment, these are usually native English speakers who forget how bad language is doing in their own country (while speaking only english lol). Many asian countries score really high on grammar and all that too, but they can't hold a normal conversation. My grammar sucks but I speak fluent, as a third language.
  21. This is the same anywhere in the world, the money supply is basically double of what it was, wages the same. But if your argument is to have such little raise, it is kind of pointless. It has more to do with yourself actually. I met so many teachers, some are lazy and expect it to be given. Others are clever and have some kids to teach after school for 500-1000 baht 1-2 hours ( X 2 kids). Or by also having a few hours remote teaching work. Endless options right. If they wanted to have proper education here, they could have done that 10 years ago already. It is not by accident but by design. Not sure about your age or if you are stuck here because of reasons, but if I was a teacher, I'd be long gone doing so in Vietnam. You could build a network and perhaps over time still get back here, teaching, while having remote vietnam clients for some hours. Or by going to China. But more chance i would change career gradually.
  22. There is various theories of course, but the interesting thing about the recent netflix series with pyramids is, that it reveals that the established people in these worlds (scientists), do not want to know about the undiscovered things in that direction. This is because their entire truth and foundation goes to shambles, aside that they risk losing to be funded. Or simply won't be allowed to do such projects, Indonesia they also prevented digging until today, even they now know there is tunnels under. It actually is very ironic, I mean you would think that someone doing this job would want nothing more but the opposite is true, obviously there are many more things to discover and study within the profession, that is where all the time and attention goes. This while they are of equal if not more importance, and then to add they exist worldwide, there is more to it for sure. I feel sad for people being so scared to even open up to it, as if the amazing structures that exist, do not exist. It is a bit like the emperor without clothes. Watch the netflix series, it is very cool to see, even i could not binge it as it is a lot of info, i am still only at chapter 4 with that one. ---- And BTW, you see the same thing now happening with astrology, they come to conclude that many things they said was 'science' is totally untrue. Even we still keep using those old rules, as the world runs on it, they know they are wrong, they just not know enough yet. Totally logical move, and I agree, but to keep it secret from the public so they stay ignorant is another subject. Or worse, to lie and control them using religion.
  23. Well that is a nice conspiracy theory, actually there is truth it but that is the entire world health institutions, that tell us to eat the way we do today. So actually we can't blame that to the vendor specific issue here. The vendor specific issue is without doubt, because the director of school gets kickbacks + therefor allows this practice. 9/10 times it is just about following the money trail to find any answer you want. The total illogical move then suddenly makes perfect sense. You can actually see the issue, nowadays dentists in Thailand are busy everywhere, 10 years ago I would walk in without any appointment and be seated in under 2 hours. But the more serious concern is obviously obese and diabetes. Like 40% of the world nowadays has slight obese or entirely.
  24. The oldest human bones are over 20,000 years by now already with the latest findings. Then on top of that, we talk about advanced building structures without any other structures showing progress to that refined development, that are up to 30,000 years old. There is just very little effort by the existing community to further dig into it, as it breaks up all the existing foundations of truth. A recent new netflix series actually digs into the pyramids too, one of the very new old ones is actually in Indonesia. Combine that, where they never even wanted to dig and now found tunnels on a 300M high level hill, and the pyramids in China that are forbidden to study at all. Or the ones found where they think atlantis was, the ones on islands like cyprus and malta, the list goes on and on. Colombus was a cheat. Either there were aliens who built them, that fled another planet, as they now know that the other moon also had tsunami's before. Or all knowledge and 99% of humans died before being very advanced. OR the matrix is real, then having a bunch of perfect pyramids suddenly is rookie too.
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