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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. You suck at what you do then, everyone knows about stickboy, specially if good in Internet or data. That aside big part of data nowadays is social media too.
  2. Nobody will bother to ask a thing on the roads, even no driving license a passport usually do. But if he is nervous they might check a bit more, yet very very unlikely to check a visa, this is not the job of a police officer let alone traffic police. I'd just recommend to travel day time in that case though.
  3. That be complete nonsense, so many solutions for that available. But surely he had certain issues if leaving this way so promptly. Unless he did it in a haze while drunk. As said before, why delete everything and state leaving forever if nothing bad happens and he just wants to discover new parts of the world. His twitter could gain him trust in new places to do similar things right away, as well just good memories, I think everyone liked his posts or least didn't dislike him posting them (general public).
  4. Of course it is, an AC is nothing without the compressor. Installation is usually included for free from HomePro all tho not expect them to do specific proper jobs if wanting to hide the powerlines etc to it (if that isn't prepared already). Had mine installed within 2 days after buying it. If it is a top floor unit or unit with a lot of sun recommended to be 5-10K BTU above required.
  5. Up to him right but I'd still find it odd anytime someone says to ''leave forever'' if nothing crazy happened. To leave itself or stop some account and check other parts of the world, completely normal. He kind of attract the question marks by leaving without announcing it from that deleted account.
  6. Know dozens of people who do it as well I do since 2-3 years, never one second of headache with immigration since. Neither expensive for Non-O at an average of 25-30K a year.
  7. The OP clearly wants to lose time, money + get potentially in serious trouble if do making a scene out of this.
  8. The nonsense one has to go trough obtaining a visa or extension for such short timeframes are just getting insane really. Happy i am on yearly and letting someone do all the paperwork and talking instead. This always makes me think of the joy visiting Kuala Lumpur with 90 days on arrival free, and flying in and out once more to have 180 days hassle free before having to think harder.
  9. They saw a business niche in nonthaburi at least lol.
  10. Less than 0.20% THC is almost impossible if speaking of most weed growing naturally or under fake lights. In that case you would talk about some specific extract already where they focus on mostly CBD (which is hard to find with high CBD levels, except some strains in Congo) and not what you get straight from most plants (4% THC or higher), likely always be above that amount and thus stay illegal? Guess the only potential benefit is that as long you are not caught with stash, and just tested positive in the system, it can be non issue (with or without a easy to get medicinal license). Seems the law needs to be rewritten already when they finally understand above in 10 years. For one because some medicinal purposes do require a high THC percentage.
  11. ChaiyaTH

    Understanding Isaan

    I think the average 3rd time tourist here knows more about Thailand than a Thai does.
  12. ''Didn't think leaving Thailand would be difficult'' = Wait until you try to come back ????
  13. Why not leave them alone, would be more worried about alcohol abuse. Sounds like Australia practices.
  14. Nice can't wait to be allowed and visit there, at least more ambience and cheap beers, wines / good food!
  15. I never seen any snakes in Thailand but in the time I rented a year around water streams and rice paddies I have seen at least 10 during 1 raining season. Mainly at night on the asfalt roads along houses and village. I'd buy a urinoir, then you are safe at night taking a pee unlike the news stories.
  16. TM30 is up to the hotel or landlord to report for you, a passport copy would be enough in that case too. Many do not do this and it is not a big deal (1400 baht worst case). I personally switch between a house, apartment and hotels multiple times a month, would been a mess if I needed to report all the time, also never had any questions about this during extensions. Visa exempt and extensions is fine, just keep the white departure card to present when leaving. When immigration wants to really find you they usually do so by your phone numer and tracking its location.
  17. The majority of Thais, as they live on day to day earnings. Thus they also need to pay up to 100% more for baby milk, diapers, groceries etc.
  18. You can simply pay via Internet banking apps by entering your contract number, guess that is on the monthly bill too. I just check around 24th each month by entering the contract number and see the open amount + pay it. Same water and wifi, problem solved ????
  19. Yes sure, unless you are blacklisted entirely of course. You can also apply at another consulate or embassy instead, different rules everywhere.
  20. Yeah the dumbest of dumb right, being against all the nonsense measures and then they blame a minister for not following them at home lol. Don't like that minister much but really not see the issue at all. More likely gives him ideas to hit back and make a new rule: wear masks at home like in Cambodia.
  21. Well they will know you together with a scan or copy of your old lost passport and the police report + new one, they logically transfer the visa into the new passport just as when you did not lose your passport but it expires and you renew in BKK.
  22. Grab, Foodpanda & https://paleorobbie.com/ Robbie is very good to also schedule an entire week upfront and set specific times and instructions, this way you do not have to be home or order daily and wait on drivers who can't find you. Aside of that it is the highest quality food available.
  23. Seems to change all the time, just like CM didn’t check vaccin status nor tested on arrival but did so in the past 1-2 weeks again randomly. Confusing as usual.
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