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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. Not saying it is impossible, but I personally think it is easier to do abroad, for starters because laws and rules are clear + the majority of people (have to) follow them. Aside of being able to own the business, and if you left here, still keeping the business. Also, imagining covid is gone, you can easily visit China to source products.
  2. I meant the first but I nearly had a few times. I know plenty of people who know that perfectly well, and yet where so drunk and in a nightclub ending up with one of the finer LB's around + having had a full operation. You didn't party enough if never having made that mistake (nearly). Not talking about those trees around the red lights.
  3. For the OP: you can get those arduino play sets on Lazada very cheap, you would not really need a teacher for this initially, all tho, if you can find one that is potentially even better. Arduino actually is something I would have loved if it was around at the time, you can make endless things and also play with it, like remote controlled cars etc. Being able to read all documentation in English is most important, as almost all of it is. https://www.coderkids.com/blog/top-10-free-coding-programs-for-kids https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/projects/tags/kids https://www.khanacademy.org/ Just let him play around with various things, some things are hardware based, some are only software based. Some things are mainly terminal and numbers based while other things can be mainly about graphic appearance etc. Plenty of time if he starts now already and as he gets older interest might shift, he will have plenty of time and can easily earn 5-10x minimum wage within a few years, even if he starts with what he really likes at the age of 20, 2 years later he has a job.
  4. You have no idea what you talk about, cheers from a programmer and IT guy who started at 12. In reality; the future is program or be programmed. Arduino is a great way to start as mentioned above, and soon after basic PHP and PYTHON too. The sooner he starts the better, I was able to move here since age of 20 thanks to that, after doing a volunteer army period of 2.5 years. Most programmers can't even write HTML5/CSS, that is why they hire front-end coders, yes you read that right, those doing the basics are not considered programmers and programmers do not need to know about this at all. That is only a distraction, better to get good at just one of them (or a few that fall in a certain category). It is much more about which one he likes, some people like doing things that are mainly in the terminal and others love to design things using HTML5, CSS or JavaScript and so on and on. And if you are the hardware type, you not need to learn any programming perse either. Excel for starters? WTH.
  5. The plastic itself? Many toys now are imported illegally and not checked and can cause cancer to kids. Thank you China. The real issue is not even to be able and get a license, it is that once you do that and pay all your taxes as law prescribes, you make no or little profit margin due to illegal competitors. This is why I stopped doing a previous Lazada/Shopee business, with proper products the illegal way 20-40% profit margins and the legal way a few percent only (while still dealing with a lot of damaged products, returns and more). Would be more logical to do it the proper way abroad and run the business from here.
  6. Reduce the public holidays to 8 days and give the workers 14 days of holiday to plan themselves, much better. These public holidays are a huge annoyance for businesses.
  7. There is many reasons but you are certainly right about that, hundreds, thousands, have been murdered, even while prior having been doing good business here without any drama or problems, to then never see justice. That is something scary too, even when one so far never had problems. To then consider the smile is gone, money is way down + will be down more, does not make it safer.
  8. The governor told the news to not report too much, they never really stopped serving since the omricon thing. Bars are still limited but enough is open if you look for it, it is more that the time they close differs per day, week and bar / area. CM needs the money and know they can't keep closing.
  9. OK so because pimps exist every bar owner with a girl is evil too. And all the alcohol shops should be jailed too then. Get real bro.
  10. Sure, if the stash is too big to be considered personal usage or when it is not that of a big amount but divided in multiple bags and you also happen to have a weigh scale in the kitchen. It happens. OR just a innocent user but poor, who also sells a bit to their friends. Regardless, 2-3 decades is insane while getting away with rape, murder and the like for just a few years. We all know the real big guys get out relatively fast for the huge amounts they have too, thanks to the huge amounts of money they hold.
  11. Sadly I hear this more and more in real life too, but yeah, it is also called being a realist I guess. Maybe it is easier to say 'I will stay' when you know you are at a certain age already and moving elsewhere is kind of pointless + knowing you don't need to deal with the nastier future coming. I'm only 30 and my son 3, been here 10 years, but that is a long way until being old.
  12. I'd been asked quite some times but i refuse to do the ladyboys and eating things I not consider food.
  13. They are called motorbike with no insurance 5555
  14. As far I checked, PM levels have been bad for a few months already in BKK, each time I checked the app. Kind of strange for the north tho, as burning is not in play? From that perspective not sure why people blow the CM thing up that much, I'd rather have the 1-2 months horrible than 9-10 months a year in BKK.
  15. I don't doubt that at all, many half Thai kids that I used to first meet when they were still underage, now only talk about plans moving abroad as they have far more potential than when they would stay here. Aside the fact they don't want to work with the corrupt/evil people if do wanting a better deal like within bureaucratic systems etc. That all aside, I could imagine that eventually they get tired of the western thing too, and when having enough money, TH could be interesting again. However with current developments, not really for a bright future. I'd usually recommend them Prague etc instead then. Thailand is still good fun for me, doing business remote and having it easy with the money but for my son I do not see it as amusing at all, aside of insane high costs of Inter schools and a horrible ex. We getting off topic with this post tho, hope the mods don't mind, it's interesting stuff.
  16. The strangest things in Thailand btw: A killer high on drugs gets jailed for just a few years but someone who used drugs and not hurt a fly, gets 2 decades.
  17. I would not move away forever (holidays sometime could be fine), it is not like black and white and many things to love from Thailand, all though more and more seems to be based in the history of how Thailand once was and not how it is today, let alone in the future if being realistic (it is not looking bright). But yeah, I have a kid here and the mother certainly won't allow me to take him with me. Don't know anymore too.
  18. Wish you all the best, I had made a very decent proposal at the time where I would pay all for my son as well would still help her out for a year until she figured what she would want to do. Then she initially agreed, to then not stick to it, then stick to it again etc etc. I did simply solve the visa issue by using an agent tho, plenty of ways to get that part sorted. As of this very moment, I am still dealing almost daily with the drama she keeps causing. Try to keep your head calm, I know how hard it is. Feel free to PM me.
  19. Yeah I use this method of a visa too, they always need various papers including the birth certificate but also from the mother. So I wonder too how that would be possible unless having court papers with custody, and before that is arranged can take years too. Even only the birth certificate would do, try and be the one who still owns it, there is only one.
  20. I pay everything for my child and son, yet she does not cooperate at all. I know plenty of stories where this is the case, even after the wife already became a millionaire in USD. Often those women are narcissists, something that seems to be around here a lot, perhaps due to the way they were raised. Plenty of other reasons or just simply pure evil too.
  21. Mental health checks, not to treat the murderer but only to hope and get away with a lower sentencing. I'd be following up the rest of my life if this happened to one of my friends here, the guy would never get a day of rest if getting away with easy jail sentence. Yet we all know that killers here walk free within just a few years while someone who used drugs can be in for life. However would a farang been the killer; 20-30 years behind bars. This country start to disgust me more and more. If I only could bring my child abroad, i'd been gone.
  22. Guess it depends where you are as in Chiang Mai a bigger property company just did a promotion with 0.01% transfer fees on second hand properties up to 3 million baht.
  23. The mother of my son (thai lady) tried on my family as well her own, eventually she got caught up on her acts as it never made sense. Due to that she lost face to herself and family in the village too, permanently. I provided full evidence and a proper written Thai letter and send it to everyone.
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