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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. Yeah the dumbest of dumb right, being against all the nonsense measures and then they blame a minister for not following them at home lol. Don't like that minister much but really not see the issue at all. More likely gives him ideas to hit back and make a new rule: wear masks at home like in Cambodia.
  2. Well they will know you together with a scan or copy of your old lost passport and the police report + new one, they logically transfer the visa into the new passport just as when you did not lose your passport but it expires and you renew in BKK.
  3. Grab, Foodpanda & https://paleorobbie.com/ Robbie is very good to also schedule an entire week upfront and set specific times and instructions, this way you do not have to be home or order daily and wait on drivers who can't find you. Aside of that it is the highest quality food available.
  4. Seems to change all the time, just like CM didn’t check vaccin status nor tested on arrival but did so in the past 1-2 weeks again randomly. Confusing as usual.
  5. Strange, I would go visit the last place you got a shot if it remains like that for 24 hours.
  6. Even I am a positive person and usually always find new ways and things if another ends I really can’t see how the majority of Thais could survive again until high season. If nothing changed or closed again it would been hard enough already. Next to that Thailand is way less attractive when being so quiet and having many shops and places closed so to factor that in they have to survive like 5 years total before any normal tourism could be back in business. Not to mention that most other middle class like office, teachers and government employees were heavily indebted prior to covid already and will still be paying off loans for 20 years or more without consuming much. Makes living in Thailand less comfortable too as the (backup) options to do some local business or have rental income are much less secure. This knowing most jobs are not for foreigners too.
  7. I give it 90% chance for WS to be bulldozed within the next 10 years if not 5. And that be for better too, make it a nice pier with some more decent businesses and fill up the empty places between beach road and second road with the bars instead.
  8. The problem is, in most cases, if you leave Thais a lot at once, they waste it all. I assume this is also the reason the OP wants monthly sums. Perhaps there are domestic options to setup such fund while still being alive, that already pays out a certain amount per month, in name of the wife or kids or else it actually is quite a niche business opportunity. The only thing I would know of is taking a private banker if holding like 200K USD cash or more, then they usually can do a lot of things for you. Downside is almost negative interest, no returns etc. I personally think this will eventually be available within blockchain too, it is possible with the tech. Similar to previous ideas to make saving accounts with a time lock (so people can't use their money til a set date and help them saving on their own).
  9. Why would they be wearing a mask if being in a restaurant or home and taking a selfie, nobody in TH does. I agree that the policy is complete BS but to complain about this is as silly yet typical Thai response tho. They lack brains and true leadership thus those in power remain in power so easily.
  10. So first they prompted and stimulated actual pubs to convert their places into pub like eateries, to be allowed to sell again and reopen with SHA things. And now they punish all legit (small) eateries that also served alcohol prior covid on top of those 'fake eateries' who actually are pubs and submitted recently. What is next? Allowing 25% tables, then 50% then 75% and 100% to repeat again with entire closure X months. Still have to meet the first person who died of covid after going to such places, after 2 years of this play.
  11. Because you technically aren't allowed to drink before 5PM in the first place? Might as well stay later illegally then. Both rules / laws are complete nonsense obviously.
  12. No chance in the airport, only chance would be to try and fix it from within now and otherwise surely a ban.
  13. I've heard some saying until 9PM but I guess only the illegal options will be on the table again soon. Happy I won't get sick drinking a sprite with my meal tho!
  14. Depends on your neighbors tolerance, with me very little. Happy most condos are mainly empty, would been a hell if they actually were fully rented and noisy like older Thai style buildings.
  15. A lost battle is not a lost war - manager continues business as usual in few days and increases entrance to pay back police and hospital lol.
  16. Absolute nonsense, those who want to get paid better also buy higher positions and milk them. That aside, this happens on every level of income as well every sector. Paying more only magnifies the problems, they would just live a higher style life and buy a benz instead of truck, a small villa instead of a house etc. Its not like the bangkok office crew does better.
  17. Not surprised at all when people earning 10x less than me are able to buy ford rangers for 1M, houses for 2-3M and add some 1-2M credit lines for gadgets. Still wonder when the bubble bursts tho. Perhaps the Loei figures explain the large count of girls working in Singapore.
  18. That's the funny thing with us needing to wear masks, phones are incredible dirty and touch those with our hands + our hands go to our face more often than we can wash them. Then washing hands too much lowers natural protection layer + highly infective phone still used. My point is: makes more sense to ban smartphones than enforce masks. Perhaps we even get people to behave more civil and social again then too.
  19. I guess I am the only who wonders where they hide all of those 250,000 tourists then. Sure there has been a bit of an uptick and you do see a tourist left and right but 250K sounds like a lot, even if spread around the country. I guess they claim 2.5x real digits. Or it might be that the majority only stays 7-10 days a trip now, did came across quite a few who said so and came from middle eastern countries and the like.
  20. ??? Everything is logged within the same central system, why would you get an separate certificate, it is just added to it.
  21. I thought they just said AZ is better for omricon, wouldn't be a fan of mixing 3 experimental vaxxes but happy you are happy and hope you remain healthy. Not surprised it wasn't busy, most people do not want the booster at all.
  22. Don't give those Thais any ideas, as soon foreign insurances refuse they might intubate us and kill us on the IC lol.
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