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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. He is a fugutive, and for the rest, it was expected he would be released and that was the case just days later. So end of the story = your wrong again.
  2. Ehmmm most western european countries, estonia, soon also others. Anyway, to the OP, for these issues you can use the 'calendar' function on your phone too. If you have many properties there are serviced address services too that could scan or psychically forward mail. Doubt you would get this issue by being a few weeks late, just you to blame here.
  3. Guess that explains seeing the high tech BMW's more often again.
  4. To add, just typical Thai behavior once again right, they never learn. During covid the agents told me how happy they were with having a little bit business at least, now they double their prices or drop you down the floor again already.
  5. Why would you pay tax over that 800K if you had to bring it in from abroad, it would be 1 year old and tax free? Or you mean tax on the interest gain which is like zero.
  6. That's the normal way via Bangkok bank but the costs are rarely lower, unless maybe at some lucky shop in Pattaya. 35K is usually the base visa too, you still end up paying 3-4K more for the multi-entry, and your own travel or time costs to visit them.
  7. Interesting post, I have heard similar from people around me and now my non-o based child also expires december. My agent now suddenly wanted to have near 40K too aside of the procedure being more complicated, causing there to be additional travel costs and a night hotel too, as it's done in BKK. Decided to just do a few 45 day on arrivals, or get a new single non-o, extend that with 60 days, and before that time just put the 400K in the bank. After all I can just use the same money and refill it during most of the year. My son his school fees are big enough. All that aside, if having to pay like near 40K of having to go somewhere but still lose 10K travel costs and time, it almost equals anyway what you would get in interest or returns. Very decent even at 10% with 40K on 400K. 5% on 800K still not bad. I still not consider it impossible we leave TH over time too, and then we will need easily 400K in THB during that process too.
  8. Lol, you again. He is still fugutive, and was on bail.
  9. Yes, that is normal, they usually never do. You can do it yourself if you fear so much. Same with staying at many guesthouses, who not do it. The fine speaking nonsense would only apply if you would be on yearly visa extensions where you usually stay at the same place, otherwise you could still have your last stay at a legit hotel, and thus have the most recent TM30 report too. Beside the fine being peanuts. Imagine they would check each of your 365 days stay and verify it lol. For what reason even, you could still purposely fake it too. They track us down based on the phone number, if they need you.
  10. Let's talk actual numbers and patients that had something serious, and then compare that to the ongoing alcohol related issues. End of the meeting, next subject.
  11. I would feel like a idiot condo buyer, as the view is not good in the first place and you can expect anything to happen on that size of land. I know condo's that have had a view on the green lush of bangkok and river for 20 years, to then suddenly see a huge condo develop, even it is 100 meters away, so big and tall, it blocked bottom to top units on the entire side their view. Turned valuable and beautiful units into suddenly another ordinary room with <deleted>ty view, I am sure nobody is paying what they did before. And to say you could see it coming? No, that entire area used to be developed already with old houses like you also show in your picture. Worst part being is that that new condo is not even populair or filled (way too small unit size and high price). To not forget, 2 years of noise, almost daily, even late nights. Lucky it was someone i knew owning it, not myself.
  12. Why you can just buy one of those electric rails with a seat, they aren't that expensive, specially in asia.
  13. Depends if your fury friend was religious, no different than humans right, except less rules hehe. Ironic in a way how buddhists totally forget about buddhism when their animal dies.
  14. It is but would actually help a lot with Google and result in more visitors and potential users. This is why you usually setup a forum properly to divide these areas, one where the long-term members don't have to follow those repeating or new posts.
  15. The fact the platform decreased in users and activity stands entirely aside the new domain name, even that took a while. However the name change sucks regardless.
  16. Usually it rains more in the week before full moon, and is quite good weather in the week after. Right now a lot of rain.
  17. Average good kindergarten would cost easily 10-20K per month, so to pay 15K per term is peanuts, this are usually the cheapest options (4-5K a month). Kindergarten is a option to choose from parents, so it is not offered by the state. I personally yet have to send my son to start going, he is 4 in a few months, the doctor agreed with me. We used the money to do activities and the like with him, there was covid anyway for the past 2 years. But the one he is going to, the cheapest, is 200B per day or 5-6K a month. After he goes to Inter school at 20K a month.
  18. The condo has a discriminating policy for sure, they never heard of dogs suffering overweight too.
  19. You can obtain a tourist visa at any embassy or consulate, requirements are standard ones, specific ones you can check online or on location. So both KL and Penang. Normally nothing too difficult but long-term repeaters sometimes get issues in KL. In fact the 60 day tourist visa is kind of useless, now you get 45 days on arrival already, that you can extend with 30 days...
  20. The article you refer to actually says it can be noticed when either using it as a edible as well when smoking it. Personally I would not be tricked with dodgy weed. I think most longer-term smokers agree. I know my stuff too well for this but that would be harder for a random local or tourist, who does it for the first time / only does it rarely. So actually health impacts should be nominal for the ones who get victim of this too, as they rarely smoke anyway. As long Thailand leaves it possible to have many home growers, the diversity and quality should be fine and dodgy weed will never really get the over hand. However when they would criminalize things again, similar to holland, you will get the big growers dominate the market and they will use pesticides, don't care for taste much, sometimes even dry weed with heaters or microwaves. I think we should be more concerned about the amount of pesticides in Thai food and drinking water, to be honest.
  21. The picture is a little bit tricky as there are strains that can look like the PGR example, while they are not. Having said that, in the shop I visited in holland (oldest in it's city), they always were very careful picking the growers they bought from. To support them they also had a grow shop which provided organic plant supplement and boosters, that you would also stop using in the last 4-6 weeks and clean out with water only. I guess it is a matter of time before this becomes more widely available, in fact, I might call a friend to ask the brand name and see if we can get. Could be a little niche to sell here on Lazada and Shopee for my wife i guess.
  22. Not sure, let's say 200kW would be lights, they would do at least 25 million baht per harvest weed, for the electrical cost he wouldn't complain lol.
  23. https://www.onlineconverter.com/compress-video
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