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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. Wearing those masks for 3 years and washing your hands 20 times a day is actually most likely getting them a flu and cold soon, as their immune system has weakened by that specifically alone. Not to mention the possible side effects for life of multiple vaccines. Or the damage done to development of young children, who heavily rely on facial expressions their first years. It's pathetic how most people still buy into all this nonsense, even after all these years.
  2. That's subjective, it would be regarded an accident. Damages would mean civil court. To be honest, what is the damage actually? As far I see just the horn that can be glued back on it.
  3. For what, this would be civil law. Police can't even do a thing.
  4. For once in Thailand, it will be a doctor instead of a bar girl, going around asking for donations of the hurt and sick buffalo. LOL.
  5. Never knew they had it, would certainly have tried it out.
  6. Maybe it is time for the daily medication?
  7. Really makes no sense for THB to keep this strong, this game been going for years now too.
  8. I disagree entirely, sure that worked if comparing to the first possible days of Tourism in TH. But the way the world changes from the old days to today, and then 20 years from now, is a completely different game. In fact, most young people I meet down south, did visit CM and even told me often they cut it short, as they were bored by it. People down south also used to visit Pai a lot, now not.
  9. Love CM and had amazing years from 2012-2016, it only became worse by the year after that. Now it is just a dump if you ask me, they ruined the old city entirely too. Lots of traffic jams but few actual customers in most places, except perhaps nimman area. Too many bureaucrats, cops and nagging people too. Too many 1 person car driver BKK style. We left for the south of Thailand aside of some breaks in Bangkok during covid, I never look back to it. Only thing I still love is visiting Chiang Mai during the winter months as it's so nice. But can't miss the super hot months, pollution months, rain months. On the Islands down south just with not needing aircon, saves me over 45,000 baht per year, already. School less too. Food not more expensive, not sure where those fake stories came from too. I can get 1.5 portions from 50-60 baht at plenty places. In CM hard to find. Nothing is forever in life and we have to embrace changing I guess, but wow, it still hurts to know CM is not longer this magical diamond up north. Can't be fixed anymore either, as it was really about those old businesses, their owners and the vibes.
  10. Replacing it with Hemp products accelerate the process and economy.
  11. Which is the lying part of this, that is quite common to happen. I got laid a lot in my early twenties thanks to that.
  12. This is the gogo pricing I mention of course, but to be honest, 2-3K short time and 700B bar fines are a standard mostly now. Guess that explains why most places are way too empty. The business is still dying, it's just a very slow death. Except perhaps in magic Pattaya, there you still get the 1K 400 baht value in soi 6. Best on earth.
  13. The rules are 2 vaccinations, they are no rules on when you got them neither is that related to 'boosters'. Why people even gotten the boosters is a clue to me, happy I took 2 sinovac on purpose. Not gonna get any more either.
  14. What is fair or not fair totally depends on where you are, who you teach and sell it to. Some teachers think 35K a month is the standard, and it likely is at a public school. Just depends on your clients right. I used to always think I should charge less as I worked remotely and my clients were in Europe, that just shot myself in the feet for years as it was just my subjective view. Clients are happy to pay me as much as home, as long they get the good quality / service.
  15. No he is just a murderer right, he can be released in 5 years to do the same again with relates of the deceased. But if he was using some ketamine and had 20 XTC pills, you can be assured he is gone for 10-15 years.
  16. Girl on dating site: ''I am looking for a nice decent guy who not talk about sex all the time'' Foreigner: ''Starts talking, let's meet up'' Girl on dating site: ''You can meet me at friends bar *gogo*, I only do PR"
  17. Not at all, it is more populair within Thai to Thai business than it is with foreigners. In chonburi there are even places for (older) thai ladies with money to be entertained by six pack model Thai boys. But in the foreign scene yeah, often they get a old guy first, he dies, they now are loaded and then take a toy boy (not uncommon to see a failure younger farang getting big bucks just hanging around).
  18. After 10 drinks telling you she want to go together, you paid a 1000 barfine and 5K short time at the first time in the gogo. You end up back in the room, to then get to hear exactly that sentence lol.
  19. Money isn't put in your account, they just link an existing savings account to your opened bank account only. Once the visa is issued it was the IO who is gonna hang for it, not the people, works like that since decades.
  20. Exactly this, when I used the agent for my yearly extensions he would always take one for me. I never visited immigration. I was attempting to do it myself from now on, but so far, I already hate to be back in that paper and waiting game. Not to mention the new vaccine arrival nonsense (I was thinking to do some holidays again since years, cancelled already). Likely gonna pay my original 30-35K fees again and get it sorted remotely.
  21. I don't call anything decent for that money + usually it either breaks or the battery is a mess within half a year with the amount Thais use it. Would rather try to get a second hand iPhone in that case or even do a down payment + contract. I know contracts sucks but it could be paid for in 2 years while the phone lasts 3 years and still is worth 5K or more. I replaced my iPhone 11 battery now after 2.5 years daily use (work and private), as well the glass, for like 3K in total AAA parts, and it is like new and will last me another 2 years easily. All this for just 17K new today's price. Not to forget how amazing iphones work too.
  22. Replace might with will and else it's beers lol. But perhaps neuralink will be that advanced it can just trigger something in your brain to be like drugs.
  23. Not reliable at all, you might get a whole different batch by the time you order #4 or #5. What is it with the anti-social buy online behavior anyway, first of all it is not legal to sell online and secondly you could just visit some shops in person, smell and try a few different kinds of weed and then just ask how much you can get right away + buy that. To me it is fun to visit the shops and see, there is often something new everywhere and I can get a coffee or coke + chill. And for the cheap outdoor weed lovers, you can actually visit various farms and make it a day trip too.
  24. I think it would be easier to find some good strong oil with your specific needs at any dispensary than it is to buy it as a edible. For a innocent big needle I guess can get at any pharmacy too, but you could also just do 1-3 drops on your tongue or inside your tea etc.
  25. It is all relative. I would still rather drive myself than having to go on the same day and road with a Thai driver. As a passenger I would still be fked in a accident as well. I'm more nervous with the domestic flights than going by car, even that makes no sense in stats.
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