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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. Made the mistake of buying a 50 inch TV on Lazada, that was 1K baht cheaper than in Big C. It arrived broken, made photos, submit to return, picked up 3-5 days later, refund 2 weeks later. Bought the same TV at Big C meanwhile. Was about 20K. Is complete nonsense to speak about 90% rating stores, needing to not use cash on delivery etc, complete BS. Obviously a poor rated long existing store will clearly have issues but other than that, it is simply per shop and client a different case. I can imagine non-thai speaking people that come over as high-demanding, always having trouble, in every aspect of Thai life. You just have to be chill, polite and patient here, but consistent, then all usually works out here.
  2. Silly poll it is, if the first answer is yes, the second and third question is pointless. We just need around 950 more votes to have a small data sample worth looking at too.
  3. @LukKruengJust did a quick check on Istanbul again, but that's really a significant difference... Average only 20-25K baht per implant using the same quality. That's like you break even on just 1-2 implants with flight ticket and hotel / holiday on top. Very strange actually, the dentists here must be super greedy, as they also produce in Asia / TH.
  4. How is your 150K doing? or is it less? hehe
  5. I need to do 10+ implants over time, I am considering going to Istanbul for this instead as it's better priced and service. I did found a interesting option in BKK if you are open to that: https://bfcdental.com/en/price/
  6. Ehmm, 8-10 years will actually be the point you start learning to have issues or not. So not very helpful to tell us, specially knowing that the quality and service of almost anything in Thailand has been decline in the past 10 years.
  7. Well yeah, officially they are likely never there, as they never formally check in when arriving on their ships. The sattelite images are very clear about this deep water naval base and it's term and conditions + the lack of actual tourists, or it being open to other foreigners. Have to say I am still surprised that Biden actually flew to Phnom Penh, for what purpose? His last holiday trip alive? Or because BKK was so busy and they had a new airport?
  8. I did but because I know I have legit reasons of stay, I still use the service most times. They look trough my papers more at fast track. Usually it's also a way higher rank officer.
  9. I know a colored teacher in CM who was beaten up by gang youths along the riverside some years ago. I have seen youths with no good intentions hang around there too, was a issue at the time. Otherwise it is always drunk foreigners who deserve it, or foreigners who mingle with married women of others etc. I did see a few times where girls in working bars were trying to setup a drunk foreigner who actually didn't do anything, as well behaved, but simply didn't wanna spend on them.
  10. Yeah just too funny, we are not even at 1/4th of numbers as well. But for APEC they can find 30,000 people to work in no-time.
  11. O yeah no problem, I just tell the pilot to change the departure time and fly faster. International flights are known to authorities 2 weeks before already, they know what they can expect, they are wrong only.
  12. I worked at a military hospital with PTSD people, anyone who claims this is fake or not that bad, is clueless. If you would drop your keys on the floor by accident, you would have them static as if they were under attack. It could endanger your life. Anyway, there is a lot of success lately with giving them LSD, MDMA and Shrooms for treatment. Mainly in the USA so far, but works very good. Hopefully they all get it. A fully trained 220CM 120KG marine, can become as scared and silly as a child, with PTSD. However do not get stuck on army people, it can happen to anyone. Light forms of PTSD are never being able to relax, constantly having to always check all people around you, being tense etc etc (or that happening with triggers).
  13. Oh please, like they would wanna miss out on the ads revenue from Thailand, SE asia has huge amounts of watchers. It's like the news nowadays is such a low level, they post this garbage.
  14. Well fair enough but you would hear the same as soon you mention things like: forex trader, making 25% returns as a private trader etc. Only difference being crypto is new, young people go into that easier than stocks, as barriers are lower.
  15. Looks very <deleted>, especially for that price. If you add 50-100 baht per gram more to your budget, you would have like 5x better weed.
  16. Well most people have no clue what the business model or details are, of any stock they hold, either.
  17. To add to my rant: they said they will take action on the heavily over-crowded prisons where 80% of the convicted are drug users or small time drug sellers, with often double the amount of maximum in 1 cell. X months later in the news: they arrested 40,000 drug users and 20,000 other small-time sellers or gun keepers. The conspiracy? They just released a similar amount of prisoners under a pardon, remember... Under Thai law drug offences need to be brought to court within 48 hours after arrest, how are they gonna tell us, in a country where not using computer systems at all properly, they do the paperwork of 40-60K people, who are real new arrests? Judges work 24/7? Man, the amount of <deleted> that comes from politics or in the news nowadays is just insane. Might as wel ignore it entirely except for the financial markets.
  18. It's just so laughable, most arrests made are drug users or sellers, they have zero interests with APEC, likely don't even know it is happening. Then overstaying people. I mean get real here, if anyone wanted to do something it is most likely a sober legit Thai or a foreigner flying in for this specifically thus having a valid visa. If they are actually so concerned, they are foolish, they would need this level of mobilized every day, as everyone does dislike politics. Anyway, its likely just a request from the security detail of visiting parties to fill up with as many guard looking bodies. They also do that with people like lady gaga or beyonce when visting mexico, there will be 1000 agents in the stadium, but the real bodyguards are just 2-6 people.
  19. America is just crazy, I read about those areas where they just raid stores on a daily basis, as you won't be arrested for anything under 700-900 dollars per time. And even when you are arrested, it now is a minor thing and if the police cell is too full, they release you, which happens all the time now as everyone does this. After release they can't re-arrest or prosecute you either. One would almost think to book a flight there and earn 100K in 30 days, doing 3 stores per day. They basically have facebook groups and just go together with 20-50 people at once, so nobody is ever arrested at all. If i were those owners I made a armored warehouse, display only 1 item of each product behind plexiglass, and people can get the real item after they paid.
  20. Bought some before it crashed, as it was not technical at all but al related to the FTX thing. As we seen so many times in the past, if that causes the price to crash, just as easy it is going to make it's recovery, and after that, it still is gonna go up quite a bit higher again, to it's cost price of around 23K USD today average. So yeah, I bought more already, and will keep adding more too. Just don't do that if you need it back in dollars within a few months already. Excellent for a 6-12 months or longer. I mean, you get 0.10 BTC for just 1600 dollars, that's cheap as chips. I find the negative people to also always think you need to buy a whole BTC, and therefore you must be crazy as it's right away a 15K plus investment. Funny as even 160 dollars is worth it.
  21. I assume that many people, including myself, used to kind of look at him in a neutral or positive way. Also because he previously did come in the news supporting foreigners in a good way, but then today this. I saw it even being posted on bloomberg yesterday. He is now on my negative list.
  22. 800k is only retirement single people, for most it is just 400k which you can still invest 9-10 months a year. Also way more easy as it does not need to be a international transfer. Anyway, the 15K he mentioned is the cheapest possible agent in PTY to do it without money, today that be 20K. So let's say 500 dollars to be fair compared to the average of 350 dollars in cambodia, while you are then in half a slum with homeless glue sniffing kids, and a lack of many facilities, places and services. Prices and inflation didn't stand still in Cambodia either, the old 250-300 is now 350-400. With other words, you still end up paying another 350 dollars a year, just because many things are more expensive there, or because you need to go abroad to get them once a year etc. If you ask me, the real real complaining people, they could not even arrange the 20-30K visa fees, so they actually should really not be living here, right now. Those who not want the agent, but also not have the 800K, and not wanna marry to get 400K option, are the issue themselves.
  23. Vietnam wins of all of them but the visa over there, long-term, is even harder. To be honest I think people miss out big time by saving on the additional flight from TH to VN and then going to Cambodia or Laos instead, as it can be reached by land. Well vietnam too via cambodia of course but nowadays you don't see the 6-12 month real backpackers that often anymore, people became way more static or do multiple trips, maybe that changes back now flights are expensive, over time.
  24. Try phangan and she will see it differently but yeah, southern Thais are different, just like Bangkok when not having been a while, you need to adjust a few days. I always said the same but since having been half a year I take previous words back. It is almost an utopia on phangan actually, you see foreigners do whatever they like, run businesses without Thai staff, and somehow it just works perfectly fine. While if you did that elsewhere in TH, you be raided within a week most likely. Rarely police presence too. Maybe that is not forever as well, but as long it still is like that, that is one of the last places reminding me of the old Thailand. It is a bit like the island is a independent country itself. When entire phangan was mask free, the rest of TH still was wearing masks 6 months.
  25. The partying might be a bit cheaper, the rest is nothing even worth mentioning. You would also pay more for the modern things you do have in Thailand, or the diversity in things you can do and things, services and products that are available. You can just as easy party your head off using anything without police around in the south of Thailand. Or in PTY, wherever. The difference? 20-30 dollars? Nah, I tried cambodia, it is fun if you are stuck at the bottom with a super tight budget only, because then it kind of sucks to be in the more expensive ones. Else you are done with it soon enough.
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