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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Do miss the seasons. Still got 3 brothers there. One Delaware County (Media), PA, the others at Mullica Hill & Vineland. You'd think living in Memphis area and working outside would have prepared me for TH, since a month of 100F wasn't rare. Last month and this month are just brutal. Don't know how the Thais work in it, especially if manual labor. You couldn't pay enough.
  2. If making the financials for long term visa, I don't know how anyone needs to be struggle here. As suggested, you should have a budget, if no will power, and simply live within your means. At our ages, should have learned that decades ago. 400k a year/40k a month, and if you can't live on that, you're doing something wrong.
  3. I never address post to them here, as don't think they'll be reading. Especially if I quote someone. Yes, surprises what temp the locals think cold is, as I'll be in shorts, if that, and the wife is walking around legs & arms with full coverage. Philly boy, and I use to ride my scooter to work, freezing weather, a few layers of clothes, doing 70-80-90mph, since always running late, and my tears would freeze on my face.
  4. Any liquid will do, except maybe caffeinated & alcohol. Though I do drink my morning coffee, and maybe a tea in afternoon or night. Myself, except for walking the dog twice a day, I'm not really out there in the heat, and certainly not exerting myself. Drink my share of water, at least 1.5 - 2.5L a day. Milk, usually less than 400ml a day. Drink water with meals, and whenever, not waiting until I'm thirsty, as actually too late then. Water is RO, but I take a multivitamin, and eat a fairly balanced diet. No extra nutrient or electrolytes to compensate for any sweat loss, since minimal, if any. Not that I've ever taken anything extra. But that's me, you do you. Know the symptoms of heat stroke, brain fuzz and or nausea, and you need to immediate stop doing what ever, (get someone's attention) drink cold water, get in AC, ice on wrist, neck, behind knees, all areas the blood runs close to the skin. Cold shower if your water will run cold this time of year, our won't. Though any temp cooler than you body will help draw off the heat. Labor is too cheap, pay for someone to do the heavy lifting, enjoy the AC & beverage. PACE YOURSELF ... BE SAFE
  5. Posting to tell what not to try. Used S&B Japanese Curry w/some peanut oil as a marinade on my chicken legs. In fridge for about 3 hrs. Chicken was itself was great, tender, juicy, skin crisped up enough. But you'd never know I marinated it for 3 hours, as curry flavor was non existent. Served up with a side of taters, for 1st meal of the day, just before noon. Made this again the other day, and always turns out good, posted before. Basic Asian marinade; soy sauce, oyster, honey (sugar), garlic/ginger, 5 spice seasoning
  6. Pretty sure Gecko123 isn't a local, and there is no reason to be sweatin' your butt off while trying to sleep. Locals since born here, handle the heat much better than most expats. Seem to get by with just a fan on. Not so much against the cold, as was surprised of reports in N of older folks suffering exposure symptoms from low temps. Expats ... just spend a few baht, and live in comfort. Considering you should have 400k or 800k a year, and more than enough for comfy life. Doesn't cost much to keep 1 room AC'd.
  7. Really ... ... Safe & Effective ... nuff said I live by my life experiences, not what marketers tell me...UP2U
  8. Yes, the wife gets logged out, and needs to log in at the start of our O&A, then fine for the duration, usually 7-10 ish days. Next one might not be for a couple weeks, during rainy season, when we're O&A most, and she'll need to log in at the start again. MG & PEA Volta seem to stay logged in.
  9. Not really a believer myself, as all those years, sweatin' my A$$ off, as kid, teen, working stiff outside, doing manual labor, and even in my late 30's & early 40's, especially last 5 yrs of working (40-45), working at Memphis airport, a month of 39C wasn't rare, and never took salt tabs or electrolytes. Now that they are on the shelves and pushed by the makers ... well, everyone should be drinking.
  10. Yep ... if we're in the car, the AC is on, and usually fair low temp/hi fan setting. We don't do the window tinting thing, as I actually enjoy being able to see, especially at night. Car cools off quite fast after sitting, a mere minute or 2 max. We don't have a sun roof, just for that reason. As I posted, 2% an hour, doesn't add up to much, over a 3hr drive (240-275kms) and we still get 340-360kms local driving (30-60-90kph), and 300-320kms highway driving, 90kph +/- when possible. Sometimes more, but never less kms per charge.
  11. Take away ... inconclusive and or, they haven't a clue. Only notable info, more lesbians coming out of the closet ... ... "majority now being teenagers assigned female at birth" Real, or just wanting to be cool like everyone else ?
  12. Why, was just for my own curiosity, and since it was about the same as I expected, no surprise. Feel free to believe me or not. If you click the link I posted above, the post below that by 'G', and his EV uses a bit less, 1-1.5%, although if having a larger battery, then possibly the same. It's in the ballpark, but certainly wouldn't be 1kWh for the time it takes to drive 7kms, as posted by EOW, unless as stated, stuck in traffic for an hour. On the motorway, you wouldn't notice much difference at all, 80-90 kph, and you would only use about 3kWh in 3 hrs, traveling 240-270 kms.
  13. You would have to be stuck in traffic for about an hour to use 1kwh with the MG ZS, as that's about what ours uses per hour +/+. I actually did if for a much period, (camping in the ZS) and it was about the same, but didn't actually take photos before/after.
  14. Thanks ... nice graph and probably get that 1/3 just from my daily eggs, milk intake. Big fan of beef & crustaceans, so fits in my diet. Got that daily multivitamin to fill in any gaps, if eating lite on any one day...JIC
  15. Do you really think someone that retired @ 45 needs investing advice. More like, should be giving it. Simply gave my RE advice, to OP, or whoever might be interested in the 'topic'. As did others, also good advice, if arriving in TH at a bit older age. Though unless paying too much at the get go, buying is usually the way to go. Though in TH, that does require cash purchase, usually, if a tad older. Cash is never a bad thing, and avoid the higher cost of financing, as much as using other people's money can be an advantage, but not possible in TH, usually. Making assumption about someone you don't know, usually doesn't reflect well. Have a good one.
  16. Shame they couldn't play nice for a few more years together ...
  17. Yes ... but got it all back + ฿3M worth of assets I spent ฿3M, the 2nd house & land sold for ฿6M. So got all the money back, and paid for everything we have now. Yes, I could have invested it, if needing or wanting to, but didn't have to, as have more than enough already. My time is more important, than time spent investing, did that, didn't get the T-shirt, but retired at 45. And 10% a year, isn't worth my time.
  18. Need to get the GF out of the habit of constantly moving the wok, or the cooker is going to scratch up to all hell. Think I would invest in a small gas burner if she's hell bent on cooking with a wok all the time. It's going to be a hard habit to break. Good luck with that one.
  19. 'violent rape' ... is there any other kind. Serial rapist (known) ... hmm, don't think he would have been arrested in my ol' neighborhood (USA), and saved the state a lot of money to prosecute & house for the next decade. Family would be welcome to claim the body if they wanted. Some folks just don't deserve to be amongst us
  20. Turn the AC on, as no reason for anyone to be experiencing 28°C or above in the 21st century. We keep the house at about 26-28°C, all day, and all night in the bedroom, after sunset. Using 600-700kWh a month, <฿3500 if paying PEA/MEA for that amount.
  21. Try shopping at Makro, as ours has all those, and we're in Nakhon Nowhere. Or online for the non perishables. I get my peanut oil online, as Makro only carries smaller bottles, and we need at least 2 or 3L at a time, and much cheaper online. Lotus's & Big C are crap & more expensive.
  22. The houses I lived in would have cost ฿10 - ฿20k to rent. So average that down to ฿15k X 18 years = ฿3.24M, saved. Actually about what was spent out of pocket, along with, value of present house. Scratch the EVs, as depreciating assets. Though if adding cost of electric & petrol saved, that's going to be about ฿100k a year, So another ฿1M in 10 yrs, with ฿0 addition investment. Sort of pays for the EVs alone. So not only paid for from RE profits, but solar & petrol savings, will buy the next one, if ever needed, or wanted. Toys-R-Us Along with all that rent (฿180k yr) I'm still not paying, to be invested or frivolously spent. 100% ROI, from housed in TH, average about 5% a year,(20 yrs, easy math) as good as any 'safe' investment, market wise. And I got to live in custom design houses of my choosing, with plenty of land, in locations I wanted to be. As some stated, would I do that with a mortgage, or start that at 65 years, old, probably not.. If knowing where I wanted to live, I'd go the comfy condo route, knowing I owned it, wasn't wasting money or rent. Be quite happy living minimalistic. Actually more practical, as I'd probably be single, w/GF or not, and enjoy being single. Definitely skipping the single parent to the village orphan. After buying first house, USA, 40+ yrs ago, never understood the rationale of renting. Really is a no ROI, with your finances. The way I bought, sold, rented RE in USA, I never paid for those houses either, the tenants did, and I just enjoyed the equity the was built up.
  23. OP, if you bought, you own, or will when paid off. Never a bad thing, as pointed out, could always sell, and at worst, break even & lived here rent free. That's a win all around 👍 I paid for 2 lots and paid to have 2 houses built on those lots. Didn't own either. 1st help pay for the second one. 2nd one paid for the 3rd one, w/solar system, an adjacent lot for garden and a bit left over for new EVs. AND .. I didn't own any of them. Still don't, but reap the benefit of never paying rent for 18 or the 24 years here, which again, proceeds from the houses paid the rent in reality. 24 years rent free, so far. Hopefully electric & petrol free, the rest of my life, along with, equity built up, that all funds spent, could be returned, plus a profit, if sold. Live smarter, live happier ... it really isn't rocket science
  24. Hopefully they got it right. Had a wee bit last night, but could use a lot more.
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