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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. They should be receiving, as my SS 1099 comes to TH address, and pension 1099 goes to USA address listed on my brokerage account, which I don't need, and never see, since it never changes. Brother holds or bins it.
  2. Rerunning an old news-blip ... more professional reporting ... ... classic Thaiger. I actually remember the original, as the wee one, spilling on the jetski rung a bell. I must have been bored that day. Almost as much as now. With that ... dog & myself, off to the park for some Vitamin D
  3. Good to see Tesla expanding their network. Will mean less Teslas at PTT Parks Wish we could use, as the other CS (EA Anywhere) @ Bluport, I'm not really a fan of. Although there's a MG dealer/CS right up the street if we ever need. Which would be rare, as HH is only 100 kms away, and no need to top up if we pop up there for the day from home. That's a new CS, as we were there exactly 1 month ago (10 March), while returning from Krung Thep and they haven't even started installing.
  4. I wish you would have put "religious conviction" in the first sentence, as then I would have avoided reading the rest. Religious & moral in same sentence = oxymoron. And yes, the states have the right to self rule, as long as it doesn't conflict with the Constitution. That's a democracy in a Constitutional Republic. All parties agree to that, not just right wing nutters. And apparently just the way most citizens want it, as it's been that way over 230 years. You disagree, write your state or federal representative ... or move out of the country. I moved, as couldn't live within the over taxed nanny state it has become. Didn't want my tax money contributing to their world terrorism policies, of invade & occupy for corporate profits ... IMHO
  5. Don't like the IRS, or them knowing what I have. Keep minimal in USA, and everything else is in TH, and moved from my account when shortly after it arrives, and placed in the pillow, under the mattress, and what's left over, in the wife's bank accounts here. Any & all investments done in wife's name, again, no IRS reporting needed. Even my pittance of a company pension gets withdrawn, almost monthly, when it builds up to $500. Yea, it's a pittance, ($357) but actually, almost enough to live on here, if you plan things correctly She's the one with multiple accounts at multiple banks, since TH deposit insurance is only ฿1M per depositor per bank, not branch. Makes things easier for her when I crap out, since 22 yrs older, and will avoid any inheritance tax, if applicable. Never let Soc Sec build up enough to $10k, to avoid filing FBAR. Gets deposited every month, then withdrawn every 3rd or 4th month. Keeps my bankbook transaction down to a minimum, less paperwork at visa extension time. As far as the IRS is concerned, I'm to poor to even have to file a tax return, and just the way I like it.
  6. Finally a spot of rain for us down here at PKK. Motorbike seat wet from overnight rain, and me not pushing it under cover ... oops Explains the better AQI, and especially the PM2.5 number ...
  7. Seems the records to beat, last century and present are: ... 1971 having 144 worldwide ... 2018 having 150 worldwide, only a few more noticed, and could simply be better monitoring of. Since 2018: ... 2019 ... 143 ... 2020 ... 122 ... 2021 ... 127 ... 2022 ... 145 ... 2023 ... 115 (source) Not much of a change over the last 53 years, with 2 exception since 1971, less cyclones reported. Considering the better tracking of, (suspect more in the past) so not much to worry about in the future. Never let the facts get in the way of a good spin
  8. Yikes ... no taste or worse, foul taste. I feel for y'all. Thank my immune system for doing an excellent job, and my ability to be able to do the social distancing thingy. Knowing many couldn't due to their living circumstances. Bless all and speedy recovery.
  9. I don't, as they're as low as they are going to get. Make a decent enough profit on the export trade. Make up for no or low profits as they develop market share. They'll start being profitable, or more so, if not already, once the cost of batteries come down on their side. Not passing on the savings, keeping as profits, to make up for the loss of, or little profits they make now. Will offer better specs & range for about the same price as present models, after initial offerings, and for the same price or cheaper than comparable ICEV. Thus people will finally realize the value and advantages of EV. They can have a better performing vehicle, that cost less to operate, and will last longer with less maintenance hassles. It will eventually sink in, as they see their neighbors with better performing, stylish EV, saving money on simply petrol cost as it continues to rise, while taking their ICEV in for constant oil changes & tune ups, along with repairs, as some of the 2000 ish parts malfunction. Eventually pulling the heads out of their A$$ ... ... oops, I mean sand
  10. Turn the AC on, or sit in the shade with a breeze (or fan), and sip a cool beverage. Think about a month or 2 of windy, bitter cold back in the mother land. Those days when I was walking out an aircraft, and the snow was coming sideways in the wind, and I could barely see anything. Or up in the bucket, deicing the plane, only to have it get delayed from take off, return, and need to get deiced again. Damn Global Warming Appreciate & Enjoy the weather. How hot .... DAMN HOT At the surf yesterday, and it looked good, from inside the car w/AC on, after walking the dog for about half hour. Looking for 35 today, maybe feels like 40, a cool front. I'm thinking coffee shop, surfside with and iced Cappuccino & brownie might be on the afternoon's agenda
  11. Again, another person doesn't seem to understand a Democracy in a Constitutional Republic. He simple reinforced what written in the Constitution, and the SCOTUS, has reaffirmed. Correctly so, as President he works for the people with the Constitution as framework to work in. Politicians are supposed to understand and follow the Constitution, not change laws based on their person opinions and desires. That's why they don't write & submit laws to Congress. Elected representatives of the state do. Presidential candidates can let people know how strongly they feel about an issue, and if they would pass or veto a bill if it reached their desk, but that's it. Every law is determined by the state, by the state, for the people IN THAT STATE.
  12. Ignorance is BLISS ... Booked ... they ain't here yet, and would they return ? Maybe if all they do is knock around the city. But if going out in the countryside for some of those lovely vistas the saw on the internet ... ... oh well, next time do some research
  13. biden either dead or Amendment 25 invoked. harris presidency ... seriously, you have to ask ?
  14. Don't know about rest of the cars, or even the MG ZS models they test. This is our experience with the 2022 MG ZS. Actually and fairly consistent kms on full charge. WLTP % deviation is actually spot of for highway driving, and local, +12%, actually wee bit more. Don't know what there test parameters are, but local is mixed 30-60-90 kph Highway is 90 kph, over 3+ hours, with average speed 80 kph, if not too much cross traffic, or slow truck traffic. They did get the one stat correct, the newer 72.6kWh LR model, also released 2022, I think, and -0- WLTP % deviation.
  15. Thought that to be extremely low myself. Wonder if there is a time frame, that qualifies a 'partner'. One night, week, month, 3 months, live in: ... 1 night ... lost count ... a week +/- ... lost count ... a month ... nah, after a week, I know it ain't going to work ... 3 months, OK, dumb a few times, lesson learned ... live in ... got 6 of those alone, 4 wives, 2 long term live ins ... a couple life long friends w/bennies, fill in gaps when needed Needless to say, I don't give out relationship advice
  16. Yes ... 80 yes of failure under ... Now 20 yrs of success & profits, under ...
  17. Is that a new EV ... or you just doing your usual anti CH & MG trolling ... ... no need to answer
  18. Not a fan myself of those big grills, that's just ugly. Looked at Denza D9 (online), ugly as all hell, front grill, but does have a 103kWh battery pack 👍
  19. How to eat processed foods 'healthier' .. as I stated earlier, 'what when & how' you eat does make a difference. This is informative, especially for us 'bread eaters' I make my own, though it is process bread flower. Have whole wheat, I just don't care for it. Will test today, with 20% whole wheat added to my bread flour. See how that taste and fluffs up.
  20. Since all is bought & paid for (same as if I lived in USA), I actually have not touched my Soc Sec this year, yet. Simply taking ฿17k/<$500 from ATM ($500 max allowed, on my debit card), which is a bit more than my pension, that gets deposit in USA brokerage account. Been living on that so far this year. If in old house in Pa, then almost $400 of that would probably have gone to monthly RE Taxes (total of: state, county, local & school). Majority of that is school tax, and I never had kids there, and for a crap school district. Another $175 ish, would go toward Medicare Plan B, which the premium cost more per year, than I can spend over hear on healthcare, as fairly healthy. Along with the deductibles, cost more than doc visits & meds here, if needed. That's a lot of pocket money out the window for no return. Low price of solar system & EVs here, all just icing on the cake. No petrol or electric cost ROI for those two, <5 to maybe 8 years, depending on use.
  21. Ah ... those Christian hypocrites, who get abortions every year ... I don't think so. "The last year for which Guttmacher reported a yearly national total was 2020. It said there were 930,160 abortions that year in all 50 states and the District of Columbia" (source) All things being equal, "Roughly 48.9% of Americans are Protestants, 23.0% are Catholics, 1.8% are Mormons (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Christianity was introduced during the period of European colonization." (source) No prob, 3 hail Mary's on Sunday, some coin left in the basket, and start the week 'sin free'
  22. Already passed my expiration date (67.7 yrs) so must be doing something right. Passed my father's age of 69, 3 months ago, now to pass my mother's, of 73. Myself & brothers (71 & 76) are oldest living in our family, with exception of one cousin, at 84. Most other's in our mother & father's bloodline died before 60, of self induce liver & lung cancers. Amazing my parents beat them out, being stone alkys & chain smokers up to last moment.
  23. Then you certainly can't say you're on a Keto diet, and enjoy the effects of ketosis. As can see on the list I posted, (condensed from here) there's plenty of foods & such, to eat healthier, but yea, I'm not giving up what makes me smile. All keto would be impossible, and I'm not complete sold on and 'all' one type diet. Easy to cut out most of the crap. Not really a fan of other flours, though TBH, can't really say I've given them a fair shake. I like light & fluffy bread. I even cut back on my whole wheat. Tried 250/250gr, (bread flour/whole wheat) 300/200gr, just OK, but made an all bread flour loaf the other day, and still like that best. Today I'll try 400/100gr ratio. I did cut way back on my bread intake, as can easily eat half a loaf (435gr) in one day. Think I got it down to 200gr a day.
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