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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. PEA price for electric has been steady, the past 20+ year, ฿3.5 - ฿4.5 Can't say the same about petrol prices. When we bought the MG ZS ICE, E85 was about 15% less than 91. Cost per 100 kms was about the same, but a wee bit more peppier with E85, since designed to use. They sure did close that gap, as not not worth using, and about same price as 91, and 2X what it cost at the end of 2020. Petrol price fluctuation in <3.5 years:
  2. Charging Station price per 1 kWh ... <8 baht MG ZS ICE vs EV cost per 320 kms (I own/owned both) ICE ... ฿834 EV ... ฿370 EV ... @ home ... <฿5 Using excess Solar ... FREE And you are concerned about my ฿20 cup of coffee from 7-11
  3. Homicides per capita ... and the USA doesn't even make the top 50 countries and about midway down the list of 206 countries
  4. What the hell kind of logic is that ? If driving an ICEV, I'd still pop into the vendors at PTT Parks, so not any added cost since I arrived in an EV. Getting a bit silly now. Amazon & 7-11 are expensive ? Yea, that 20 ish baht coffee at 7-11 really sets me back. I can tell you don't live in TH. TROLL ON
  5. And what's the Q'ing time to see the GP, then a specialist, then scheduling a procedure with that universal healthcare, as I read some horrendous stories, of weeks and or months before having something done. I went to govt hospital this week, check up, consult, and CT Scan performed all within the same day. Good luck getting that kind of service in the west, whether paying high insurance premiums or almost free universal care. I find no advantage or reason to live elsewhere.
  6. Some of the only BS I read from the anti EV'ers, and yea, you are anti EV'ers, or you wouldn't be so obsessed with replying on every EV thread. Back to the BS ... ICEV owners are implying, they pop into PTT Park, top up, and off they go, in 5-10 minutes. Talk about BS, as I see a lot of people mulling about, eating, shopping, taking their sweet time before climbing back in that steel box, for another 3+ hours. No matter what time I leave the house, on an O&A, 3+ hrs later when I pull in to charge up, it's meal time. Whether simple snacks & coffee, or sit down at food court for a couple plates/bowls of grub. Anyone pulling in to a service station, for any reason, isn't leaving in 5-10 minutes. If there just P, well then, might as well top up. You're not going to tell me your wife isn't walking by and checking out vendors, and returning back to car with a few bags of munchies. Get a coffee, if fresh made, doesn't take 1 or 2 minutes. Add a dog, or a kid or 2, and the toilet stop is even longer, before you even use it. You ain't getting out of there in 5-10 minutes, more like 20. Our routine; ... plug in ... dog priority to P, as gong nuts in the car, and if near noon, that's her time to drop a land mine. ... wife off to the toilet ... return, then I'm off to the toilet ... then browse past the food court, see if anything interesting, before hitting 7-11. If an Amazon, check out if the blueberry muffins are looking fresh or even available. Not a fan of their coffee. ... stroll be the vendors, peeky peeky, before walking past KFC (hmm - Wings Zap or not), if so, I'm setting there and eating, then on to 7-11. ... either got something at the food court, sat & finished there, and or vendors/KFC, and now picking something up from 7-11, at least an instant Hazelnut coffee & at least 1 pastry. ... back to the car, sit, sip (damn that's hot), munch, finish the coffee, as drinking hot coffee & driving, never works for me. Car is well topped by now, no need to be there any longer. Don't know about y'all ICEV'er, but that takes about 30+ minutes, and I did the same, when O&A in our ICEVs. So charging the EV, doesn't really add much if anything, to my time at the PTT. There longer if I open my phone, and may even waste another 20 mins and top up from 95-100%, though rare. As 30-40 mins is all that's needed, and the car is back to 90-95% already. Not even going to mention, I saved about 1000 baht, charging up vs buying petrol. That's almost like a free hotel stay tonight, after I spend another 5-15 minutes finding one. Hmm, might be at 100% after all. No BS, just the facts of life during a relaxing O&A in retirement. Not different, no matter where I'm at, USA or TH, or what I'd be driving.
  7. Not an Obama fan, but there is basically nothing he could do, aside from what he only does, is talk a good line. Gun laws are out of his hands, and in the hands of the voters. Apparently, they seem to be happy or content with the laws of their state, or I'd think they would press their reps to change them. That's simply not happening on a state or federal level.
  8. That's one opinion, though not sure I agree with. In USA, welfare system and Social Security Disability certain assist folks, though barely at a level of existence, but better than nothing. Healthcare is outrageously expensive and not that accessible. My living in a lower cost of living country, especially if labor is involved, isn't really my concern or doing. If I wasn't here, nothing would change, except a few folks, might not be employed. Especially the ones contracted and worked for the builder of our houses, or installation of our solar system. Or at the auto manufacturer or dealers for the 5 new cars I've purchased since being here. As long as I'm spending money, injecting that into the economy, Thai's are benefiting. Win win for all. I certainly don't feel guilty or ashamed of my choices, and doubt if they resent me. Mutually beneficial for all involved. If the locals aren't happy with the govt's support of them, that's an issue for them, not me. I can't help or hinder that, except to provide work and income for them, every time I spend my pensions.
  9. Don't know about where y'all are, but lovely temps here. Overcast and might get a spot of rain today. If this is Global Warming ... I'm LOVIN' IT Same with last year, aside from the usual brutal weeks, I think the temps have been cooler than previous years, especially overnight, as damn chilly if on a scooter, or simply letting the dog out from the veranda for her midnight or 3AM 'P'.
  10. Why would I waste good money just to be in a western country ? Especially the nanny states that they are.
  11. Happened to me more than a few times ... ... oh wait ... does it matter if we drugged ourselves ?
  12. Why would I leave here, and downgrade my existence. I live in a custom built house, designed for me/us, and <5 kms from the surf. I want the equivalent or better if I was to leave TH. That goes for off grid solar and decent EVs. I don't do backwards. Also answers why I'm here.
  13. That came from left field. Any candidate calling almost half the voters deplorable ... well, nuff said. To quote her ... "what does it matter ? "
  14. @sirineou If going the corn meal route, may have a problem finding locally, (location dependent) but they may have polenta here (same thing), and I used to use that, instead of corn meal, when making Scrapple here.
  15. No, although is does have a nice coating of Olive oil, from fermenting in frig, but no different than making flat bread. After a minute of so, I can even slide it around. Just need to peek under, make sure it's crisping up evenly.
  16. I was thinking more playing slum lord, with socialist America, they're throwing money at landlords, and Chester, PA, yea, Delaware Valley boy myself, you can still find house in the ฿50-75k range that make a tidy profit, since taxes are low there. RE Taxes elsewhere (except slums of Philly) are just silly. Last house I had, 25yrs ago, and yearly tax was knocking on $4000. Add the Medicare Plan B to that, and I can live on that here. Matter fact, the last 2 months I have. Living off my pittance of a pension, and haven't touched my Soc Sec for Jan & Feb. Med thingy last week was from the pocket change, left over from last year. Everyday expenses has been less than that $357 monthly pension ... That wouldn't even pay the RE Tax for that 1 house.
  17. https://www.facebook.com/reel/702809268600086
  18. Makro sells the casings, though I can't be bothered, and just make patties. Makro also sells larger packs/bags of seasoning, vs those little overpriced jars.
  19. Don't know about the OP, but when I left, I knew I wasn't returning. If I didn't stay here, simply find another spot to explore and test out. Hindsight, I think I would have kept and bought more investments (property), as inflation & exchange rate has been more of a negative than I anticipated. Investments (property) here have had a nice return, and supplemented the inflation & exchange rate.
  20. Yes, my large flat (no sides) griddle. Crisp up bottom on gas hob, then under the broiler (top element) in the oven. Gives nice results, easier to control.
  21. I would need to be multi-millionaire status (just 2), to live in my home country. 1M for a house in southern FL and hope that's enough. The other million for playing nomadic tourist a few months of the year, when stormy season is there, June through to end of November. Too damn hot anyway. Although, if I had 2M liquid, why waste it on high price RE & taxes in USA, as better options elsewhere. So guess that would be a big NO ... never would return. Have way too much pocket money right here, and don't miss anything.
  22. Quick afternoon snack, dough was already in the frig for a few days, sauce leftover from meatballs, and always some Parmesan & Mozzarella on hand
  23. I watched the Oriental Express cruise by the local park, while walking the dog, before that pandemic thingy, 3 Dec 2019. It was behind schedule, as I think it should have passed by overnight. Didn't take note of engine or carriage #s Note my photo, but my FB post:
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