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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. You may want to google 'prostitution' in TH ... IF you actually believe your statement is accurate.
  2. What next, child sex is legal because of the age of consent ? Some people shouldn't think out loud ... better for others to just suspect, why confirm it.
  3. I find the whole idea of 'private' male/female restrooms counter productive to safety any way. Why even have, and not just have a line of toilet stalls in public area, for unisex use. Not in an enclosed, designated, separate room. You're in a private secured door stall, in public area. Do you need anymore privacy than that. Have a communal sink area w/mirror, and the problem is solved. Nobody can follow you in or be hidden in there to begin with, problem solved. As far as the OP'S 3 key findings: 1. Support for same-sex marriage decreased from 69% in 2022 to 67% in 2023. ... marriage is a failed institution, and should be done away with, and no real purpose to it. 2. Support for nondiscrimination policies protecting LGBTQ+ Americans in employment, housing, and public spaces declined from 80% to 76%. ... already laws about discrimination during employment, don't need more for special interest groups. 3. Opposition to businesses refusing services to LGBTQ+ individuals on religious grounds dropped from 65% to 60%. ... I think 'private' businesses should have the right to refuse any customer. It's their business, although they will need to live with their decisions. Not sure I would support a vendor who refused customers without a valid reason. Really can't think of too many valid reasons, if any. But believe it is their right to. I refused to sell firearms to people 'i knew' for no legal reason, as I simply thought it was the right thing to do. My business, my right.
  4. Everyone in the USA, has civil rights, guaranteed by the constitutional and local laws. You don't need special civil rights for special interest groups. Criminals come in all shapes and sizes, colors and religion, male & female. Allowing a male ... saying he's a woman, dressing like a woman, acting like a woman, to have access to female facilities is not protection of children and females. It is the opposite, and allows criminals access to the the more venerable people who need protection, why there were original laws to separate male/female facilities to begin with. Their civil rights of protection are more important than a male or female criminal wanting special rights contrary to common sense laws. Common sense vs stupidly, and I think most have had enough of the stupidity, placing their loved ones in danger. Now have men claiming to be transwoman when convicted of crimes, to be placed in female prisons. Genius on their part, plain stupidity to allow it. Here's why
  5. More censorship of free speech, nothing more, nothing less Politicians can't take the truth being exposed about them.
  6. hmm ... P4P is illegal, so those involved offering and paying for, would be considered criminals
  7. Nothing bigoted about it, as I prefer men not to follow my daughter into the ladies room. I got along with all folks back in the USA, but there are boundaries when it comes to strange men following kids or women in my life, especially to the ladies room. Only bigoted thought is yours of me, since you know nothing about me.
  8. Maybe the public woke up, and realized it's not the alphabet folks that need protecting, but their own children do. Just a thought
  9. 3 ex wives & 2 live in GFs, no kids (of mine) ... and didn't leave any behind, simply went our separate ways. Still talk to the one ex (USA) via FB, and the splits of all were mutual & fairly friendly. OP probably wouldn't make it out of the toilet if asking a couple of my friends that question. I do wonder how it's possible to leave kids behind, unless they disowned you already. Adults living apart living separate lives maybe, but I'd have to visit at least once a year. One of the only reasons we return to Krung Thep a few times a year, as we did last week. Dinner with daughter & partner, and quick stop at the chiro for an adjustment.
  10. I had a nice jackfruit tree, good producer of fruit, till it decided to fall over. I did my very professional tree surgery on it, with my ... circular saw Then had to go ol' school on it
  11. I didn't even make past the trailer, and find that happening more often than not. I can't be bothered any more, wasting 1.5 hrs of my life enduring most of the crap they are putting out any more.
  12. Check that, same place (ร้านข้าวซอยไทยใหญ่(อั่วอุดร). Brain freeze, as Lemongrass was the place next door. Yea, decent stuff served up. Used to pop in a few times year.
  13. Only place I knew that offered it, was 'Lemongrass', and damn tasty. Closed up before we left, 2017, I think. As did most other places we frequented. Many offering some of the best food I've had in Thailand. Western & Thai, none by farang managed places though, with a few exceptions, though Thai cooks, usually.
  14. Always enjoyed knockin' around UT, during the daytime, and night time during the holidays. Stellar night markets, congested as hell, so arrive early. Scooter comes in handy in the evenings. A very walkable city. Decent baht bus system, once figuring it out.
  15. Founder ? Wouldn't that be GOD / ALLAH or what ever name used ? Mohammad just a prophet (one of 25 mentioned in the Quran, or 124k prophets, depending how literal you define 'prophet) spreading Allah's word, or so he says. Just a man saying something to ignorant people who will believe anything they are told, since knowing nothing else. Mohammed, just one believer of millions, who's lifestyle, told by others, to justify the demonization of Islam for their own purposes. Not seeing a whole lot of difference from those on the pulpit/alter that preach the Christian God's word and the lifestyle they led/lead, past & present. Almost reminds me of AN members when they mention the ago of consent, for their own justifications of the antics with children (<20 yrs old). Islam is just as ridiculous as every other religion, organization, theological belief -ism, or even political party. Timeless control... as done everyday, past & present in so many ways. Why ... because you can't fix stupid. MSM's boogeymen of the day; Islam/Mohammed, RU/Putin, CH/Xi, etc etc to justify their own crimes against humanity. At least they are easing up on 'white men', this week anyway. Why else would people need to be reminded February is Black History month, or Islam's Ramadan is this month onward ... divisionism, now there's religion everyone seems to be behind. Who can we hate next week or month ? Hook Line & Sinker ... weak minds fall for it all the time. "These are not the droids you're looking for"
  16. One of our 'Kashiwa' water kettles just crap out. Think it cost all of 159 baht, and even all stainless steel. Kettle itself (heating element) crapped out, not the bottom power plug/stand, as other kettle working off it now. Not sure I'd endorse that brand, as don't think it's much more than 1 yr old, if that.
  17. Think you need to expand your understanding of other religions, and their past and present ... ... start with 'witch burning' ... ... add some human sacrificing ... forced marriages (ageless) ... Self-flagellation ... Impaling ... Baby tossing
  18. Not an issue for myself, been shooting blanks for 25+ years
  19. "Despite the injury, the tourist opted against seeking immediate medical aid, underscoring the caution needed in such encounters." If you get bit, or even scratched (skin broken) by a monkey, you DO NEED TO SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ASSISTANCE. If a test for Hepatitis is not recommended, you do need to insist on one. And another in a week later, , while taking PrEP (antivirals) immediately, until and all clear. Macaque monkeys carry (dormant to them) hepatitis.
  20. Owning one now, I find that survey hard to believe, and can't imagine 50% being unsatisfied with their choices, along with the same 50%, not doing the slightest research to realize what they were buying. I think if you surveyed ICEV owners, you'd find many where unsatisfied with their choices. Myself owning most USA brands, and a couple brands from JP, I can't really say I would be any again. What does that say, I regretted owning them, not really, as they served their purpose at the time. But now know better than to limit my choices, not that I ever did, but wouldn't buy any brand that I've owned prior to our MGs. Value and performance at the MG price point, simply isn't available with any USA or JP brand or model. At present, would repurchase another MG, or another CH brand, is looking in the future. ON TOPIC ... got nothing since OP is looking for a truck. Depending on need, may want to see when and what the BYD truck is all about & when actually available. Would even consider that myself, as wanting an RV conversion, which would be a pick up or van, neither available just now. Well T6, but not spec'd or priced to my liking.
  21. Don't be so lazy, just butter both sides of your homemade whole wheat bread, and toast up both sides, in your cast iron skillet. Think 'Texas Toast' ... ENJOY every buttery toasted bite
  22. This may interest you ... some having margins of success even in stage 4. Watch the whole vid, as good info throughout:
  23. Why I ignore western & Thai MSM. I grew up in a mixed (white/black) neighborhood, and every night watch the evening news, national & local, and if a black person was in the news, he was usually a criminal. So yes, pointed taken, but Thais that actually mingle with expats, can think for themselves, as I/we did back then and realize people are all the same, no matter what the news tries to imply. I receive what I project with the locals, and yet to have a negative experience. Rarely myself or a local, sharing our 'bad day' with each other, with much drama. Nothing like the news wants people to think. Division, doom & gloom sells, just don't buy into it.
  24. That's obviously location dependent, and doubt if that would apply to TH, where EV purchasers in TH, seem to have more choices of quality and affordable cars, and the intelligence to purchase what's good for them. Since OP is wanting a truck, not sure how EVs even pop up in the discussion. But hey, never pass up an opportunity to bash EVs with surveys from outside of TH. Can you get any more off topic.
  25. When they don't control the MSM ... who decides what a terrorist looks like. I would consider the Christian terrorist of the the US/NATO military war machine of invade & occupy, a far more of a threat to humanity than Muslim extremists. With a much larger death toll, from the their regime changes and causing civil wars in Muslim countries. One person's terrorist is another persons freedom fighter. Who controls MSM controls the narrative.
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